Kids of the Word

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Abraham 15: Jealousy

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 21:1-7

“I’m 14 years old now.  A man!  I deserve to be the focus of my father’s attention!”

Ishmael was complaining to his mother, Hagar.  Ever since Isaac was born to Abraham and Sarah, things were different around the house.  Before, Abraham had all the time in the world that Ishmael wanted.  They went out hunting and checking on the herds of animals.  Ishmael learned how to take care of a household from his dad.  I’m sure Abraham also taught Ishmael about God, and how to make the correct sacrifices to God.  I believe that while he was home with his father, he followed along in his father’s religion.  He probably only listened half-heartedly when Abraham talked about God.  I think he watched as Abraham made the sacrifices, but never felt deep interest in having his sins forgiven.  He was comfortable as the only son for 14 happy years. 

Now there was a baby boy taking away the attention of his father.  That annoying little baby who cried every 3 hours in the middle of the night.  Everyone who came to visit them gushed about that baby.  That’s all they could talk about!  Isaac, Isaac, Isaac.  Ishmael was so sick of hearing about him.  “The son of promise.”  He lost count of how many times he heard people talking about Isaac as the “son of promise.”  He thought he would scream if he heard it one more time.  “I’M THE OLDEST SON of Abraham!  I should be the son of promise!  I should get all of the inheritance!” he thought.  A year passed, and Isaac was still the annoying baby, only now he was crawling all over the place.  Ishmael was more annoyed than ever before.  Another year passed, and now the baby was a toddler of 2 years old.  He chattered non-stop!  He got on every last nerve of Ishmael.  I imagine Ishmael spent more and more time in the fields hunting with his bow and arrow.  At least another year passed, or probably two.  Now Isaac was no longer a baby.  Ishmael was no longer 14.  He was around 18 or 19 now.  But he still couldn’t stand his half-brother.  I imagine over the years he teased him and annoyed him.  Perhaps he hid his toys from him.  He probably knocked him over when no one was looking. 

Now, Abraham and Sarah had decided to throw a party for Isaac to celebrate that he was no longer a baby.  They made plans for days, talking about the food they would serve, the games they would play, and the people they would invite. 

On the day of the party, the guests arrived, and the excitement began.  Sometime during the party though, Sarah noticed that Isaac had wandered off.  She began to search for him and found him outside with Ishmael.  I imagine Ishmael’s friends were there as well. 

Ishmael didn’t see Sarah, and he began to talk to his friends.  “Oh, look at the dumb little thing!  He’s too ugly to be my brother.  He’s not very smart.  I hid his lamb the other day and he couldn’t find it, so he ran home crying to his mommy like a little baby!  They should have thrown this party to celebrate how dumb he is!”  Ishmael spoke in such a hateful way about his half-brother that it was clear to everyone that he hated the little child.

Sarah was infuriated!  She grabbed Isaac and found Abraham.  “I need to speak to you in private.” She said.  Once they had some privacy, Sarah said “I’ve had all I’m going to take from that young man, Ishmael.  He has spoken hatefully about our son for the last time.  I have ignored some of the teasing, and thought it was just passing jealousy.  But it’s clear now that Ishmael has hatred in his heart for our son.  Send Hagar and Ishmael away.  He will not have any of Isaac’s inheritance.  Isaac is your heir, not the son of an Egyptian slave!”

Abraham was devastated by this.  He loved Ishmael very much.  Even though Abraham and Sarah had done wrong by making a plan to have a baby on their own, through a slave, Abraham had loved Ishmael because he was still his son.  He tried to teach him about God and about life.  He couldn’t stand the thought of sending Ishmael away.  I’m sure he went to bed that night and tossed and turned thinking about how to handle the family troubles.  God spoke to Abraham once again, though!  “Abraham, this time, do what Sarah asks of you.  Send Hagar and Ishmael away, because Isaac is the son that I promised you.  I will also make a great nation of Ishmael because he is your son, but Isaac is the son that I will bless the world through.”

Abraham must have felt relieved.  This time, God was promising to take care of Ishmael, even though he wasn’t the son promised to him.  Abraham understood that God wanted to use Isaac, because only God could have provided Isaac as a son to Abraham and Sarah.  They were too old to have had a son on their own.  Ishmael was the son that Abraham and Sarah had tried to get on their own, without waiting on God.  God didn’t want anyone to say, “Abraham was able to bless the world on his own.”  God wanted everyone to know that it was HIM and Him only that can bless the world and send a Savior to die for sins.  That is why Isaac was the son of promise, and not Ishmael.   Ishmael was the son of works…Abraham tried to work it out himself.

So, Abraham knew he had to obey God.  In the morning, Abraham prepared some food and water, and said to Hagar “You must take Ishmael and go.  You are free now, no longer a slave.”  This meant that, because she was now a free woman and was leaving, her son no longer had right to be an heir.  Abraham was trusting that God would take care of them and send them away.  I imagine he reminded them that God was faithful and would keep His word to care for Ishmael. 

Hagar took her son, and they began to walk back to her home country.  Egypt.  Egypt was a very long ways away, and it was very hot and dry.  We don’t know how long they walked, but they walked a long way.  Their water was long gone by now.  They were both out of strength and were so thirsty they felt it from their head to their toes.  Hagar told Ishmael to sit under a shade tree, and she walked a little way away to sit down.  “I can’t watch my son die, so I will sit over here.” She thought.  She couldn’t help herself.  She began to cry.  She knew they were going to die soon and couldn’t stand the thought of her son dying.  He was so young and healthy.  He had his whole life ahead of him.  So, she cried and cried.  Ishmael began to cry as well.  He hated to see his mother suffering. 

But God heard and knew the pain they both felt in their hearts and in their bodies.  God said to Hagar “What’s wrong, Hagar?  Don’t be afraid.  God hears your sons cries.  Get up and take your son’s hand.  I will make a great nation out of him.”  Then God helped Hagar by “opening her eyes” or helping her see something she didn’t see before.  It was a well!  She had passed right by it!  They filled their water bottle up and drank as much as they could stand.  They survived that day, and they survived many more with God’s help.  God watched over them, just as he promised.  God made a very big family out of Ishmael.  He had sons and daughters, and grandsons and granddaughters.  Some of his descendants are still living!  Many people in the Arab nations are from the family of Ishmael.  Sadly, most do not worship the one, True God of Abraham.  They do not believe Jesus is God’s Son who died for our sins and rose again. 

God kept His promise, even though He knew Ishmael and his family would not trust in Him.  We must pray that God will send people to tell his descendants about Jesus so they can have their sins forgiven!

Let’s pray and thank God for keeping His promise, even when He knows we will fail Him.