Kids of the Word

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Genesis 7: The First Family

This lesson is compatible with the "Creation, Adam, and Cain" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 3-4:3

“I sure do miss those bright purple and yellow flowers in the Garden of Eden!” Eve was remembering how big and beautiful the Garden of Eden was.  “I miss the smell of the orange-colored pears!  Those smelled the best!” said Adam.  There was a sadness in both of their voices.  Things used to be so perfect!  They never argued about anything, and they had a life of excitement just exploring the garden and watching all of the many, many animals. 

Now, things were different.  When I read the story in the Bible, I imagine that things went like this: Adam and Eve had probably just had their first fight earlier that morning.  Eve ended up crying, and Adam had stormed off after yelling.   Adam had never yelled before that.  He didn’t like how he felt afterwards.  He knew he had hurt Eve’s feelings.  And Eve had only cried once before…when she stood before God hearing about how she and Adam could never go to the garden and walk with God again.  Eve hated crying then, and she hated it even more now!  This time she didn’t just cry from sadness.  She cried because she was also very mad at Adam.  This new emotion made both of their stomachs feel like they were being squeezed and twisted tight.

A little later in the day, Adam experienced something new again.  “OUCH!” he cried out.  He had just pricked is finger on a big thorn.  “What is THIS THING?!  When did that grow around the roses?”  Adam wanted to pick some roses to give to Eve, so he could show her how sorry he was for yelling at her.  As he reached into the roses to pick the biggest one he felt a sharp stab in his thumb.  When he pulled his finger out he saw a bright red spot on the tip of his thumb.  “What is this?!  BLOOD!” Adam gasped.  He felt pain in his finger.  Another new feeling.  And he didn’t like it one bit!  Eve had been feeling pain, also.  She had a baby growing inside of her.  God had told her that because of sin, she was going to have babies in pain, and Adam was going to grow things only with hard work and dealing with weeds and thorns.  The worst of it all was their spiritual deaths.  Because they sinned, they were now separated from God. [2.8] They kept thinking about how God killed the animal to make them clothes.  God takes sin so very seriously.

Adam and Eve eventually got used to all the new emotions and troubles.  Eve gave birth to their first child.  The first child ever!  Eve named him Cain and said, “I have gotten a son from God!”  Then she delivered Abel.  Adam and Eve assuredly taught Cain and Abel all about God when they were very small children. The told them how God created everything.  Ever living creature, every plant, every type of vegetable and fruit.  At nighttime they looked up into the sky as a family.  Adam told them that God made each one of those planets and stars.  “God even knows the name of EACH one!” said Eve.  Cain and Abel listened to the stories their mom and dad told about walking with God, and how everything used to be so perfect.  They also told Cain and Abel how they broke God’s only law.  “Oh, how I wish I had listened to God, and not doubted Him!” said Eve.  She told the boys how the snake spoke to her and told her they wouldn’t really die if they ate the fruit.  “God just doesn’t want you to be as smart as He is!” that old serpent said.  “But boys, God was telling the truth.  We ate, and now your father and I are separated from God.  We definitely died that day.  We died spiritually.”  Adam continued: “And now we must sacrifice innocent animals to cover our sin, as God has taught us. But one day God has promised that He will send someone perfect to cover the sins of everyone!”  They didn’t know who it would be that could cover their sins, or even what year it would happen, but they trusted God.  He promised.  He would do it.

So, Cain and Abel grew a little taller and smarter each year. They were there as their parents made a blood sacrifice every now and then to cover their family’s sins.  They sure needed it!  Cain and Abel tried to obey their parents, but there were times they disobeyed.  The boys fought at home, as well.  “Mom!  Abel is looking at me!  Make him stop!”  “Dad!  Cain put his garden rake on MY side of the room!  Tell him to move it!”  Adam and Eve sinned as well, fighting and sometimes yelling at the kids in frustration.  And they all spent way more time thinking about themselves that they spent loving God.  So, they sure needed to make those blood sacrifices.

 Cain grew up taking care of gardens like his father.  He put lots of fruit and vegetables on the dinner table for his family.  Cain must have been very proud each harvest when he picked large pumpkins and delicious corn.  He had baskets full of fruit and vegetables from his very own garden.  He probably didn’t enjoy pulling weeds and trimming away thorns, though.  These were things that God said would happen because of the sin of Adam and Eve.

Abel grew up taking care of animals.  He was a shepherd.  Abel must have loved animals very much.  He was with the sheep and goats every day from before dawn until the evening.  Whenever a sheep wandered off from the rest of the herd Abel went to go find it.  He took care of any sheep that were sick or hurt.  This is something else that happened because of sin.  Now people and animals can get sick and die. 

Cain and Abel got better at their jobs each year.  They were finally young men.  They knew God had given instructions on what to do about sin and wanted to bring God a sacrifice.  They built themselves altars as they had seen Adam do.  They searched for nice, flat stones to stack on top of each other.  When they had finished, they brought their own sacrifices to God.  I think it was probably the first sacrifice either one of them had made on their own.  They excitedly prepared their things for the sacrifice and were filled with anticipation.  God would see the sacrifices, and surely, He would be happy with them!

You have to come back next week to see if God is happy with the sacrifices.

Let’s pray and thank God that we don’t have to make any more sacrifices for our sins.  Jesus was the perfect and last sacrifice for sin anyone ever needs!