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Isaac 1: Marriage

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 24: 62-67

“Where is our master Isaac going?” asked one of Isaac’s servants.

“He is probably going out in the field to pray and think about God.  He does that often.” Answered another servant.

Isaac knew his father’s God very well.  He would never forget the day he laid on the altar.  His father, Abraham, had been told by God to sacrifice Isaac, and just when his father raised the knife, God sent a substitute to die in his place.  Just as his father told him, God provided a lamb for the sacrifice.  He grew up hearing all about God from his parents, but I imagine that day, his faith in God grew a lot!  Not only did he hear about God, but that day, he EXPERIENCED God’s love and goodness.  The Bible doesn’t tell us when, but at some point, in Isaac’s life, he put His faith in God, that He would send someone to die for his sins.  That someone was Jesus Christ, who left his comfortable home in heaven and came to earth as a baby thousands of years after Isaac was dead.  Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again!  God provided a lamb for us…the Lamb of God!

Isaac must have often gone off alone to pray and think about God’s goodness.  He probably prayed for Abraham’s servant, who was off in a faraway place looking for a wife for him.  He was 40 years old and had never been married.  He and his father both were ready for him to be married!  I often wonder if he prayed that his future wife would put her faith in God, if she did not already trust in Him.

We learned last time that Abraham’s servant DID find a wife.  [Visual 5.2]  Actually, God directed him right to her, and answered his prayer to find her even before he finished praying!  What was her name?  (Rebekah)   

Rebekah was at that very moment on her way to meet her new fiancé.  I imagine that all along the long journey back Rebekah urged her camel to go faster so she could talk to Abraham’s servant.  [Visual 5.4]  “What is my fiancé like?”  “What kind of man is he?”  “Does he get angry easily?”  “Does he treat the servant’s well?”  “What does he like to eat?”  must have been some of the things she asked.  I’m positive she must have felt very nervous.  She had never met him before, and yet she was going to marry him!  It was not uncommon in those days to have arranged marriages.  In fact, that was very normal!  Even though it was normal, if the two people engaged to be married had never met, or only met once or twice, it was nerve wracking!  Rebekah knew if her new husband was an angry man; she would have a hard life.  She knew if he was unkind to the servants, chances are that he would be unkind to her!  Even though she was very nervous, I think she must have also been excited.  He seemed to be a rich man, from all of the jewels she and her family received as gifts.  Maybe she would have a comfortable life.  Maybe he would be handsome.  Maybe she would even feel butterflies in her stomach when she saw him!

As Isaac was thinking and praying in the field, Rebekah was on the way.  It was beginning to get late in the day.  In fact, it was just before the began to set.  Isaac looked up and saw a bunch of camels coming!  Was this them?  He began to count the camels.  10!  There were 10 camels, just as there had been when the servant left to begin his journey!  It must be them!  Isaac began to walk excitedly towards the caravan.  Rebekah looked up and saw a man walking towards them.   “Who is that man walking towards us?  Do you know him?”  She asked Abraham’s servant.  She knew they were getting close but didn’t know exactly when they would arrive.  The servant replied, “It’s my master, Isaac!”

Rebekah said to her maids “Quick!  Get the vail!  I must cover myself, as is the custom of the bride!”  Rebekah’s got down off of her camel, and then her maid helped her put on a long cloth that covered her head and the bottom part of her face.  [Visual 5.5]  It was the custom of that place and time for the fiancé to cover herself from her future husband until she was married.  Then she began walking towards Isaac.  It was also considered rude then for a woman to ride an animal in the presence of a stranger.  Rebekah took great care to show respect by following the customs. 

When they reached Isaac, Abraham’s servant told Isaac everything that happened.  I imagine Isaac began to thank God in his heart for showing the servant exactly who he would marry.  There was no doubt in his mind that God had chosen his wife for him.  Isaac took Rebekah into his mother’s old tent and they were married.  He took her to Sarah’s old tent to show everyone that now, Rebekah was the head of all of the women.  In just one day she met and married her husband, and then became the woman in charge of a large household with many servants.  She began to learn more and more about God from her husband, too.  Do you think she had a happy marriage?

You will have to come back next week to see!

Right now, let’s thank God that we can trust Him to guide us.  Let’s also thank Him that He keeps his promises, just as He provided a lamb to die for the sins of the world.