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Isaac 5: Who Gets the Blessing?

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 27:1-40

“Esau, where is my son Esau?  I MUST see Esau right now!”  Isaac was lying in his bed, where he had been for many days.  He was very old now, over 100.  He was also very sick.  He couldn’t see much at all anymore, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he would live.  So, he called for his favorite son to come see him.

“I’m here, father.  What do you need?” said Esau as he entered his father’s tent.

“Son, I am so old and sick.  I want to give you the blessing of the oldest son.  Get your bow and arrow and go find some meat so you can make me some my favorite stew.  I will eat the celebration meal and then give you the blessing in the presence of God.”

It was very common for the father to throw a party when it was time to give the older son the blessing and the better inheritance.  But Isaac only invited Esau.  He didn’t even invite his wife or Jacob, his other son!  Why do you think he didn’t invite anyone else?  I think it is because Isaac remembered what God had told Rebekah before the boys were born.  God said the younger son would rule the older son!  Isaac didn’t like this.  His favorite was Esau, not Jacob.  So, he planned a secret celebration for Esau to get the blessing.

Esau obeyed his father and went out to hunt for meat.

As soon as he left Rebekah, his mother called for Jacob.  “Jacob!  Get over here,  quick!  You must do exactly as I say.  I was listening outside of your father’s tent and I heard him say he will give the blessing to your brother.  Go and bring me two of the best goats from the flock and I will make a stew just like Isaac loves.  Then you will take it to him, and he will eat it and give YOU the blessing.”

Jacob replied to his mother “But Esau is a hairy man.  I don’t have nearly as much hair as he has.  Father will be able to tell it’s me and not Esau as soon as he touches me!  Then he will give me a curse and not a blessing.”

“Son, you must obey me, and I will take the curse.”

Was what Rebekah was telling Jacob to do a good thing?  No!  It was sin.  Should we obey God’s commands, or man’s commands?  God’s!  Remember, God does not need our help in keeping His promises.  Rebekah knew God was going to bless Jacob over Esau, but she was trying to do it herself.  Jacob and Rebekah should have trusted God.  God could have kept Isaac from giving the blessing to Esau without Jacob having to lie to Isaac.

But Jacob did what his mother told him to do.  He took the two best goats he could find and took them to his mother.  She made a stew with the meat, and then she put the goat hair on her son’s hands and neck. She took some of Esau’s clothes and made Jacob change into them so he would even smell like his brother.  She gave the stew to Jacob to take into Isaac when it was cooked just right. 

Isaac could smell the delicious odor before Jacob even walked into his tent.

“Father!” said Jacob.

“Who are you, son?” said Isaac.  He was expecting Esau, but this didn’t sound like Esau.

“I’m Esau!  I have come back from the hunt and made you this stew!  You can sit up and eat now.”

Isaac asked, “How did you find meat so quickly?!”

“The Lord your God brought the animal to me, father.”

Still, Isaac wasn’t so sure.  “Come here, son, so I can feel you and see if you are really Esau or not.” 

Jacob must have held his breath as he walked over to his father’s bedside.  Would the goat hair fool his father?  He couldn’t see well at all, but he could feel and smell.  When Isaac reached out and touched Jacob, he said “the voice I hear is Jacob, but the hands are Esau.  Are your really my son Esau?”

“I am” said Jacob.

Isaac was satisfied with this and ate the stew.  When he was done eating, he said “Come here so I may kiss you, son.  As he kissed Jacob, probably on the cheek, he could smell the clothes of Esau.  Esau’s clothes smelled like the outdoors since he was always out hunting.

[Visual 1.6]  Isaac then said “You smell like the field that God has blessed, so may God give you the goodness of the fields.  May you have plenty of rain, animals, grain, and juice.  Let people serve you and nations bow down to you.  May you be master over your brother and let him bow to you.  Everyone who curses you will be cursed and everyone who blesses you will be blessed.”

Just like God had said so long before, Jacob was going to be master of his brother!  Jacob left the tent with the empty bowl, and a smile on his face.

Just as he rounded the corner and was out of sight, guess who came into Isaac’s tent?  ESAU!

Come back next week to see what happens next!

God knew all along that Jacob and Rebekah would lie and cheat to get the blessing.  Do you think that is how God wanted it to happen?  I don’t think so.  God doesn’t want us to sin, even if we know God has promised us something.  What do you think Jacob and Rebekah should have done?  They should have waited on God, and trusted that God would give the blessing to Jacob, even if it seemed an impossible thing to do.

Do you find it hard to wait on God sometimes, and trust Him? 

Psalm 37:5 says “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”

Let’s pray and ask for God’s help trusting Him.