Jacob 1: Encounter with God

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 28: 10-22

“I’ve been walking for 3 days now.  All alone.  This bag is getting heavy, and my feet are getting tired.  Wait!  What was that?!”  Jacob paused when he heard a noise nearby, just as he had done almost every time, he heard something for three days now.  He looked over his shoulder, holding his breath.  He was just positive that this brother was going to rush out from behind some bushes to kill him.  He was tired of always having to look behind him.  He kept seeing the face of his parents as he was sent away.  Tears were streaming down both of their faces.  He had cried, too.  All of his life was spent at home with his family.  Now he was all alone, and far from them all.  He didn’t know if he would like his uncle or his family, or if they would like him.  It was such a long trip to make…over 500 miles ON FOOT!  If they told him he couldn’t stay, then what?  Where would he go?  Who would he marry?  He couldn’t marry anyone in Canaan, where he was leaving. 

It was getting dark by now, and he needed to find a good place to lie down for the night.  He found a place that looked good enough and found a rock to lay his head on.  [Visual 2.2]  He sure missed his comfortable tent, and bed with soft furs and pillows.  I imagine he sighed as he lay there, wishing he hadn’t made such a mess of things.  He was probably wondering if he could even talk to God or make sacrifices anymore.  In those days, the people of Canaan believed that when you left your home, your god stayed there.  You were on your own!  Your god wouldn’t hear you or help you.  I think I would never want to leave home if that were true!  I think Jacob must have been wondering if God had stayed behind with his family, and now he was even MORE alone. 

He drifted off to sleep with heavy thoughts on his mind, and I imagine a sad heart.

Jacob began to dream.  He saw a strange sight.  It was a staircase that reached all the way to the heaven!  [Visual 2.3]  There were angels going up the steps, and angels going down the steps.  Above all of those steps stood God!  God began to speak to Jacob.  “I am the God of Abraham, your grandfather, and the God of Isaac, your father.  I will give to you and your descendants the land where you are lying right now.  Your family will be like the dust of the earth in number, too many to count.  In you, and your family will all the families of the earth be blessed.”  God was giving the same promise to Jacob that He gave to Abraham and then Isaac!  But God did not stop there.  He said “I am with you and will go with you wherever you go.  I will keep you safe and bring you back to this land.  I will not leave you until I have done what I said I would do.”

Wow!  God was promising to go with Jacob wherever he went!  God does not stay in one home, unable to be with anyone else.  God can be anywhere and everywhere all at once!  That’s who God is.  Now, Jacob didn’t have to worry.  He could talk to God, and God would hear him!  Even better, God would be WITH him!

Jacob woke up and said “Wow!  Surely God is here in this place…and I never even knew it!”  Then, Jacob began to feel afraid.  Even though God loves us, we are so sinful that we feel afraid of how GREAT God is.  We deserve hell, and even worse than hell!  God is perfect and can’t stand sin.  The Bible says, “God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in reverence of all them that are about him.” Psalm 89:7. 

We should have a respect, and a fear of God because of his greatness, holiness, perfectness, awesomeness, and so many other things.

It also says “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”  It’s a good thing to have respect for God, and a fear of Him.

But God, being so far above us, also made a way for us to have a relationship with Him!  He sent Jesus to pay for our sins.  If we put our faith in Jesus, God will accept us because of Jesus.  He will hear us when we pray.  He will be with us always! 

Jacob feared God that day and said “How awesome is this place.  It is the house of God!”  Jacob realized that God didn’t just live in his father’s house.  God wasn’t stuck back there.  So, Jacob took the stone he had been using as a pillow and decided to make a remembrance with it.  He set the stone up, probably on a taller stone nearby [Visual 2.4], then he got some oil from his food bag and poured the oil on the stone.  A custom of the Jews later in history was when you poured out a liquid over something like Jacob was doing, you were showing that you were pouring your life out to God, for Him to use as He will. 

Jacob then renamed the place Bethel, or “House of God”. 

He decided to make his own promise to God that morning.  “Since God will be with me, and keep me safe, and give me bread and clothing, and bring me back to this land and my father’s house, then He will be my God.  This stone is a remembrance and is called Bethel.  I will give a tenth of everything God gives me back to you, God.”

That morning, Jacob decided God wasn’t just the God of his father and grandfather.  He put his trust in God and believed the promise God made to bless the whole world with the savior someday.  Jacob had grown up hearing about God.  He probably tried his best to please the God of his father.  But hearing about God wasn’t enough.   Trying to please God is never enough.  We CAN’T please God because we all sin.  But Jesus pleased God.  He lived life without sinning once, so he could take all of our sins on himself when he died on the cross.

The only way to please God is to put our faith in Jesus.  Jacob pleased God that day by putting his faith in Jesus.

Have you put your faith in Jesus?  It’s not enough that your parents did.  It’s not enough to try to be good.  But Jesus is enough.  Put your trust in Him today.

Let’s pray and thank God that Jesus died for our sins and rose again.  Let’s thank Him that he showed Jacob that God can go anywhere and be with us always.  Let’s ask God to help us have a correct fear of Him.

Jacob 2: Meeting Family

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 29:1-14

“God promised He would be with me and bring me back safely to my old home one day.  But I’m getting nervous!  Everything looks so strange here.  And I’m SO far away from home.  I’ve been walking for over a month now! How am I even going to find my family in Haran?  What if they send me back?  Who will I marry then?”  I imagine Jacob had many of these thoughts during his long journey.  But he also remembered the promise God had made him. [Visual 2.3]  God would bless him, and give him many children, and then He would bless the whole world through his own family!  And God would keep him safe!  Those were very comforting thoughts.  He now trusted in God himself!  [Visual 2.4]  He didn’t just think of God as his father’s God.  When we feel worried, it’s good to remember that if we have put our faith in Jesus, we have the promise of God to be with us always.  We can trust that God is our help.  Jacob was able to think about this when he was worried on his long journey.

Finally, Jacob thought he was getting closer to Haran, but he wasn’t exactly sure.  He had never been in that country before.  One morning, as Jacob was walking, he came upon a well-covered by a big stone.  There were shepherds, and their three herds of sheep at the well.  The shepherds were just standing around waiting, and so were the sheep.  Jacob walked over to speak to them.  “Hello!  Where are you all from?” 

“We are from Haran.” They said.

“Oh!  Great!  Do you know a man named Laban?  He is the son of Nahor.” Jacob asked.

“Yes!  We know him!” they answered.

“Is he well?”  Jacob asked.

“Yes.  He is well.  And look!  There is Rachel, one of his daughters coming this way with their herd of sheep!”  [Visual 3.1] 

Jacob was astounded!  He didn’t have to spend time looking for Laban and his family.  God had brought his family straight to him!

He wanted to speak privately with Rachel, so he said to the shepherds “Isn’t it time for you to water your sheep?  You should take them and feed them after you give them water.” 

They answered Jacob “Oh, we can’t water the sheep until all the shepherds have arrived with their herds.  The men who move the stone from the well give everyone a fair amount of water for their sheep, that way no one gets more water than they should.” 

As Jacob was listening to their reply, he was watching Rachel as she came near the well.  She was beautiful!  “Wow!  This is the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life!” thought Jacob.  He decided he didn’t want to wait any longer.  He needed to meet Rachel and tell her who he was.  First, thought, he went to the well.  It was covered by a heavy stone, but he didn’t let that stop him!  He moved the stone by himself and began to put water in the troughs for Rachel’s sheep.  Then he walked up to Rachel, kissed her, and said “I am your family!  I’m Rebekah’s son!”

Rachel was shocked!  She didn’t think she would ever meet her cousins!  But here was her aunt Rebekah’s son standing right in front of her!  She ran straight home and burst into the house.  “Father!  You will never guess who I just met!  Your sister’s son!  His name is Jacob.  He was at the well and he rolled the stone off of the well and watered our sheep!”

As soon as Laban heard this, he ran to the well.  “I can’t believe my sister’s son is here!  I can hear all about Rebekah and her family.  I hope they are well!  It’s been so long ago that she went away.  I have missed her!”  I imagine Laban thought things like this as he ran to the well.  When he got there, he saw Jacob standing with the sheep.  He ran up to Jacob, gave him a big hug and kiss, and said “Come to my house!  You can tell me everything about my family!”

They got to Laban’s house, and sat down for a long talk.  [Visual 3.2]    Jacob told Laban everything that had happened.  He also told him all about having to leave home because he tricked his father and his twin brother Esau was so angry, he wanted to kill him.  Laban listened to it all with interest.  Then he said “Jacob, you are truly my family.  You are bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh.  You are welcome here.”

Jacob was so relieved to hear this!  He could stay with his family!  He spent a month with Laban, getting to know him and his family.  He had two daughters named Leah and Rachel.  He was able to help the family with their chores, and he did so happily.  He was just thankful to God for bringing him safely to his family!  And he was happy to be near Rachel.  The more he got to see her, the more he liked her.  “Ah!  She is so beautiful.  I am so in love!” 

Come back next week to see what happens with Jacob and his Uncle’s family.

Now, let’s thank God for always being with us and keeping His promises.

Jacob 3: Tricked!

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 29:15-28

“(SIGH) Wow!  Rachel is so beautiful.  I could sit and look at her pretty face all day long.”

Jacob was working in the fields, watching over some of his uncle Laban’s herds of animals.  All he could think about was Rachel, Laban’s daughter.  She truly was a very beautiful young lady.  Everyone who met her thought so.  And Jacob was in love.  He had been at his uncle’s house for about a month.  He voluntarily did chores and work around the house, even though he was a guest.  And each night at dinner, I imagine he got to know his family a little better.  Rachel was beautiful, but Leah, her older sister wasn’t as pretty.  She was just a plain young lady.  I don’t think she was ugly, but there was just nothing special about how she looked.  Her eyes didn’t sparkle like Rachel’s pretty eyes.  And Jacob just couldn’t stop thinking about Rachel’s pretty eyes.

One day, Laban called for Jacob to come speak with him.   He had noticed that Jacob was a hard worker.  He had probably seen how his herds seemed to look healthier since Jacob arrived.  God was blessing Jacob.  He wanted some of that blessing!  When Jacob entered the tent, he said  “Jacob, you are my family.  It’s not right that you should work so hard for me and not get paid.  What do you want in exchange for your work?”  [Visual 3.2]

“This is the chance I have been waiting for!” he thought.  “I will work for you for 7 years if you give me your younger daughter Rachel as my wife.”

“Well, Jacob, I guess it’s better to let you marry her than some other man.  It’s a deal!  You can stay here and work for 7 years, and then you can marry Rachel.”  Laban could hardly believe his luck!  At that time and place men had to give money to the family of their future wives before they could marry them.  It was called a “bride price”.  Jacob had just agreed to pay almost TWICE what most other men paid for their “bride prices”.  And Jacob was a hard worker, too!  Laban knew this was going to be a good thing for him.

For seven years Jacob worked for Laban.  He worked hard, but he didn’t mind.  The years passed quickly for him.  He was in love!  He got to know Rachel more and more, and she just seemed to get even prettier as the years passed.  I imagine Jacob began to count down the days before he and Rachel would be married. 

Finally, the day arrived!  He was going to marry Rachel!  “I will have such a beautiful wife!  Everyone will be jealous of me when they see how her eyes sparkle when she laughs.  They will be jealous that she is so pretty.”

Jacob was forgetting something, though.  He had never asked God who he should marry.  Jacob was only looking at the outside.  But the Bible says that while we look at a person’s looks, God looks at a person’s heart.  Rachel looked very good on the outside.  But what did her heart look like? 

We know Jacob thought a lot about her beauty.  So, he let his heart take over his thinking.  “I am in love with her!  She is the woman God wants me to marry, because God wants me to be happy!  And she is so pretty, I will always be happy.”  Maybe Jacob thought something like this.  So many people think this very thing.  They listen to their heart, and not God’s leading.

The Bible says that our hearts are easily fooled.  We should listen to God and His word, and He will guide us in who we should marry, what job we have, what we study in college, etc.  But so many people follow their heart, thinking that that is the way to be happy.

Jacob just knew he was about to be the happiest man ever.  They were having the marriage celebration, most likely with a nice big dinner after a long day’s work.  Rachel had her veil over her face all night, as was the custom.  Now it was late, and dark. Jacob married Rachel, and they were ready to move into their very own tent and make a happy home!  That’s what Jacob thought, anyway.  Rachel kept her vail on, even in the tent.  In the morning, it was time to remove the wedding veil. 

Jacob couldn’t believe his eyes!  His heart sank…It was Leah!  He had married Leah, not Rachel!

The day before, Laban had told Leah to get dressed in the wedding clothes.  “Leah, you have to marry Jacob before Rachel can.  The oldest must get married first.”  I wonder if Leah objected to her father’s wishes.  “Do as I say, and don’t question me!  I’m your father!” said Laban.  Leah was stuck in a very hard place.  She knew Jacob loved Rachel, but daughters didn’t have a choice in those days.  She obeyed her father.  Jacob thought it was Rachel all evening and night.  It didn’t help that it was dark by the time they began to celebrate the marriage.  Jacob had been fooled by Leah in disguise.  Hmm…this kind of sounds familiar!  Can you think of someone else who was fooled by a disguise?  Isaac was fooled by Jacob himself!  The Bible is right.  We reap what we sow.  And Jacob was angry!  He rushed into Laban’s tent that morning. 

“What have you done?! You tricked me!  How could you do this to me, uncle?” he asked.

Laban said “I had to give you Leah to marry.  It’s our custom that the older daughter has to marry first.  Spend your wedding week with Leah, and you can marry Rachel.  If you promise to work 7 more years for her.”  Laban was definitely taking advantage of his nephew!  He knew how much he loved Rachel.  He knew he would agree to anything.  So, he made him promise to work 7 more years!  And Jacob agreed to this.

He spent a week with Leah, as was the custom.  As soon as it was over, he left their tent and married Rachel, her sister.  He and Rachel moved into another tent of their own.  Jacob spent almost all of his time there with her.  Leah was heartbroken.  Her husband didn’t love her, and she knew it.  She had to share him with her own sister. 

The saddest part is, I believe that Leah was the one God really wanted Jacob to marry.  God knew Laban would deceive Jacob on his wedding day.  God saw Leah’s heart was better than her looks.  God saw Rachel’s heart wasn’t what it should be.  God knew that Rachel would cause Jacob many problems in the future.  We will see some of these problems in the next few lessons.  But God was going to use LEAH to keep His promise to bless the world.  God was going to use the women Jacob didn’t love…yet.  Because he was too busy listening to his heart that could only see the outside of Rachel and Leah.  But God is good and keeps His promise.  Even when Jacob messed up and married TWO women when he should have stayed married to Leah, and told Laban he couldn’t marry Rachel, even though it was because of a trick.  He should have given his heart to God, and God could have changed it to love Leah, as I believe He did many years later.

Come back next week to find out all the trouble caused by being married to two sisters!

Right now, let’s pray and ask God to help us listen to His word, and not our hearts.  Let’s ask God to help us not believe the lies of the world that tell us when we follow our hearts, we will be happy.  Only when we follow God can we have true happiness. 

Jacob 4: Too Many Wives

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 29:28-35; 30:1-24

Jacob was married to two sisters.  He had been tricked by his new father-in-law, who was also his Uncle!  He wanted very much to marry Rachel, but Laban had tricked him into marrying Leah first.  Jacob was very upset, but spent the week owed to the bride with her, then married Rachel straight away with the promise that he would work for Laban for 7 more years.

Jacob would end up working 14 years for Rachel, who he loved very much.  He followed his heart in marrying her, even though he was already married to Leah.  As we see in the Bible, the heart is not a very good guide.  It’s much better to follow God than our hearts.  Jacob was going to have many years of trouble because he listened to his heart instead of God.

Jacob moved into a new tent with Rachel as soon as he married her.  He spent his time there every day.  He just loved the butterflies he got looking into Rachel’s beautiful eyes.

Leah was all alone in her tent.  I imagine she cried often when talking to Zilpah, her maid.  “I don’t understand why he doesn’t love me.  I cook his favorite foods every day, hoping he will come home to me.  But each evening when he comes in from the fields he goes straight to Rachel’s tent.  He won’t even look at me.”  I’m sure Leah did some praying, also.  “God, please let my husband love me.”

What a sad thing for a wife to have to pray.  This is another reason God wants marriage to be between only one man and one woman.  A husband is supposed to love his wife as much as he loves himself.  Can a man love two women that much?  No.  He will love one and neglect the other.  Jacob didn’t completely neglect Leah, though.  He would visit Leah every once in a while, just so that he would be seen as a good husband. 

The Bible tells us that God was paying attention to Leah.  He knew she had a broken heart, and He cared about her.  So, he allowed her to get pregnant with a boy.  She was so excited!  In that place and time, a woman who had children was viewed as more important than a woman without children.  Now, she was going to be more important than Rachel!  Rachel didn’t have any children, even though she was the favorite wife of Jacob.  Leah planned and prepared for the special treasure God had given her.  When she gave birth, she was ecstatic to see it was a boy.  It was very important in those days to have a boy.  A boy would make sure the family name and inheritance continued on.  So, Leah named her son Reuben.  The name Reuben means “Look, a son!”  Leah said, “God has seen my sorrow, and now my husband will love me.”  She was hoping that since she was the wife with a child, she would earn her husband’s love.

But even though Jacob loved Reuben, and was so proud to have a son, he continued to spend almost all of his time with Rachel.  I imagine the disappointment was great when Leah realized the baby had not made a difference in her marriage.  Her heart was still broken. 

But God was still listening to her prayers and seeing her heart.  God was still caring.  So, He gave her another baby.  Leah was amazed when she found out she was pregnant again.  Two children!  Jacob will definitely spend more time with me after the baby is born.  I will have TWO children, and Rachel has NONE!

When Leah gave birth to baby number two, she was overjoyed that it was ANOTHER boy!  “Two boys!!!  I will call his name Simeon, which means “God is listening.”  God has heard that I am unloved and has given me another son.” 

Imagine her disappointment when she saw that Rachel was still the favorite wife, even after she had TWO boys, and Rachel didn’t have even one child.

“Zilpah, I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong?  Am I so terrible to be around?  Why doesn’t my husband love me?”  Leah cried to her maid, and to God in prayer.  And God still cared.

He gave her another baby.  And this time Leah KNEW with all her heart Jacob would love her and stay with her.  Three children were a great thing!  So, Leah planned and got everything ready for baby number 3.  She gave birth to one more son. “I will name him Levi, which means “He will join together.” This time my husband will love me and be joined to me because I have given birth to 3 sons.” 

Do you think Jacob changed because of the new baby?  No.  Even though it was very important for a man to have sons, Jacob still loved Rachel more.  He loved his sons, but he still wanted to spend his time with Rachel.  And Leah suffered the heartbreak.  So, God decided to bless Leah once more.  She was pregnant with baby number 4.  When she gave birth, it was one more son.  “4 SONS!  I will call him Judah, which means “Praise” Now I will praise the Lord.  He has given me 4 beautiful blessings.  God truly loves me.” 

Instead of hoping her husband would love her more, Leah was realizing that God truly loved her.  The love of God is far more important and satisfying than the love of anyone else.  People will always disappoint us.  Many people will hurt our feelings.  Some people will make us feel outright unloved and unlovable.  But we can be sure of one thing.  GOD LOVES US!  There is no greater love than the love of God.  The Bible says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”  God gave His only Son to die a horrible death on the cross for all our wicked actions, words, and thoughts.  And Jesus died willingly, because He loves us.  He loves us more than anyone else ever could.  We can find our happiness in God, remembering that HE loves us.  When you are tempted to feel like no one loves you, and you are just unlovable, remember what Jesus did for you.  That is proof that you are lovable and loved.

God cares about us and our hurts, just like He cared about Leah’s broken heart.

And if we have accepted Jesus as the Son of God who died for our sins and rose again, the Bible says in Romans 8:38-39 that not one thing can separate us from God’s love.  “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Not even sin can separate us from God’s love.  We will still have consequences for sin, but we will always have God’s love, in spite of our sins.

Let’s pray and thank God for His love and care for Leah, and for us.  If you have never accepted the love of God through Jesus, you can do it today.  Talk to me after class and I will help you.

Jacob 5: Jealous

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 30:1-24

“Jacob, if you don’t give me children, I will DIE!” Rachel said to her husband one day.  Rachel was jealous of Leah.  When Leah had Ruben, her first son, Rachel was jealous.  In that culture, it was common for men to have more than one wife, although that isn’t what God says is okay.  The wife who has children is more important than the wife without children.  In fact, after a certain amount of years, a man could legally divorce his wife if she hadn’t had children yet!

And a wife with a son was even better, as the sons were the ones to carry on taking care of the family.

So, Rachel couldn’t stand it when Leah had a son first.  Then Leah had Simeon, and Levi.  Her jealousy and unhappiness grew.  When Leah’s fourth son Judah was born, Rachel just couldn’t take it anymore.  “Give me children, or I will die, Jacob!”  she sobbed into her hands.

Jacob became very angry with his wife.  “What?  Am I God?  Can I heal your body so you can have children?” 

“Here, take my maid Bilhah.  Marry her and she will give you children.  Those children will be my children.” Said Rachel.

Does this sound like anyone you know?  Sarah!  Jacob’s grandmother did the same thing with Hagar, her maid.  Both Hagar and Bilhah were slaves.  So, if the ladies they served gave them to their husbands to marry, they didn’t have the same position as a wife that wasn’t a slave.  And the ladies they served could claim their children as their own.  So, Rachel was going to claim the sons Bilhah had as her own. 

Just like Abraham listened to Sarah when he shouldn’t have, Jacob listened to Rachel.  He married Bilhah, and Bilhah had a son.  When Bilhah gave birth, Rachel said “God has judged my case and he has heard my voice and given me a son, so I will call his name Dan, which means “God is my Judge”.  Then Bilhah got pregnant again and had another son.  Rachel said, “I have wrestled with my sister, and I have won!”  so, she called him “Naphtali, which means “my bitter fight”.  Isn’t it sad that two sisters who grew up together, and probably had a pretty good relationship, were now fighting over who could have children?  Leah wanted her husband’s love, and Rachel wanted children, and the place of importance that came with having children. 

It must have been very unpleasant for Jacob to have his wives complaining and fighting all the time! 

Although Leah had praised God when she had her fourth son, Judah, she must have forgotten about God’s goodness by now.  She was getting jealous of Rachel!  Leah said to Jacob “I have stopped having children, so I am giving you my maid, Zilpah to marry.  Her sons will be my children too.”

Jacob married Zilpah…giving him FOUR wives!  Four times the trouble! 

Zilpah got pregnant and had a son.  Leah said “A troop is coming!  I have so many children now!”  she named him Gad, which means “Luck, or Happiness”.  Then Zilpah had another son, and Leah called him “Asher” which means “blessed”.  Leah said, “All the women will look at me and call me blessed.”

Then Leah had two more sons of her very own.  She called the next son “Issachar”, and the one after that she called “Zebulun”.  When Zebulun was born, she said “God has given me good gifts.  Now my husband will live with me because I have given him 6 sons.”  Leah then had one more child.  This time it was a girl!  She called her Dinah.

Finally, God gave Rachel a son of her own.  She called him “Joseph” and said “God has taken away my shame of not having children.  And God will give me another son!”

How many sons has Jacob had so far?  11!  And one girl.  God had truly blessed Jacob.  Did Jacob fail God?  Yes!  Several times, just like his father Isaac, and his grandfather Abraham!  But God blessed Jacob anyway, because He had a plan for his family.  God was going to send Jesus to die for our sins thorough Jacob’s family.  In fact, God was going to use one of LEAH’S sons!  Jacob’s first wife, who was the wife God planned for him all along.  God used Judah to be in the line of Jesus’s family.  In fact, one of Jesus’ names is “the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!”

I’m so glad God keeps his promises, even when we fail him.  Just as he promised Jacob that the savior would come through his family.

Let’s review the Jacob’s son’s names in order:  (and Dinah his daughter)

1.     Ruben

2.     Simeon

3.     Levi

4.     Judah

5.     Dan

6.     Naphtali

7.     Gad

8.     Asher

9.     Issachar

10.  Zebulun

11.  Joseph

Jacob had agreed to stay and work for Laban for 7 years.  Seven years had come and gone by then!  Jacob had 12 children now!  He knew it was time to leave Laban and go back home.  Jacob went to Laban after Joseph was born and said “Send me away to my own home country.  Let me leave with my wives and children, who I served you over 14 years for.  You know I have done good work for you.

Will Laban let Jacob go?  You have to come back next week to find out!

Let’s pray and thank God for sending the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to die for our sins!

Jacob 6: Time to go Home

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 30:25-43; 31:1-22

After Jacob married Leah and Rachel, he had agreed to stay and work for Laban for 7 years.  Seven years had come and gone by then!  Jacob had 12 children now!  Let’s look at the list of children:

1.     Ruben

2.     Simeon

3.     Levi

4.     Judah

5.     Dan

6.     Naphtali

7.     Gad

8.     Asher

9.     Issachar

10.  Zebulun

11.  Dinah (Daughter)

12.  Joseph

He knew it was time to leave Laban and go back home.  Jacob went to Laban after Joseph was born and said “Send me away to my own home country.  Let me leave with my wives and children, who I served you over 14 years for.  You know I have done good work for you.”

Laban began to get worried.  He said “Wait!  Stay here.  I have seen how God blesses me for your sake.  You told me about God’s promise to you, and He has kept it.  Tell me what you want me to pay you, and I will pay it!”

Laban hated the thought of his son-in-law leaving.  Not because he loved his daughters and grandchildren and wanted them to stay close!  He wanted the blessings that he could benefit from because God made a promise to Jacob!  He was only thinking of how much richer he could get from those blessing from God. 

Jacob thought for a minute.  “I have kept your cattle for years, and when I started, you didn’t have many cattle.  Now, you have more than I can count because God has blessed you for my sake.  I need cattle to provide for my family when I leave.” 

Laban said, “What do you want me to give you?”

Jacob said “Don’t give me anything, but I will keep your cattle again, but I will take only the weakest animals that have ugly spots on them, and the brown sheep, because those animals are least valuable.  Any babies they have will be mine, also.  If you come and find any cows, sheep, or goats that aren’t spotted, or sheep that aren’t brown in my fields, you can accuse me of stealing from you.” 

Laban agreed to this, but he set out that very day to keep Jacob from ever leaving.  Laban went right away and removed all the spotted cows and goats, and the brown sheep from all his flocks.  He then gave all of those to his own sons!  He said “Son’s you must take these flocks and go on a 3 day’s journey.  When you are 3 days away, you can set up camp and take care of all these animals yourselves.  Jacob won’t get a single one, and he will have to work for me for years and years!  We will get very rich!”

Laban was again tricking Jacob by hiding all the animals he said he would give to Jacob.  Laban thought he was making it impossible for Jacob to leave.  But Jacob trusted God.

Jacob began keeping all of Laban’s cattle again.  He would have to wait for the new babies to be born to see if he would have any spotted, or brown animals.  Jacob tried a few tricks that were really superstitions, to make the animals have spotted babies.  But we know that it was God who made the animals have spotted babies, not any tricks.  The first year, when the calves and kid goats were born, he took all the spotted one, and the brown sheep, and took them to his own fields to keep.  Every year for six years he separated the new babies with spots.  At the end of six years, his flock must have been bigger than Laban’s!  And Laban and his sons were NOT happy.

Things had definitely changed between Jacob and Laban.  Laban was always in a bad mood around Jacob now.  Jacob knew it was time to go.  He got his wives Rachel and Leah together.

“We need to talk.  Your father is no longer happy to have me here.  God has blessed me and been with me every step of the way as I have worked for your father.  He deceived me many times, and in these past 6 years he has changed our agreement 10 times about the flocks I could keep.  Sometimes spotted, sometimes with stripes, sometimes with only a certain strange mark, and on and on…  But God has given me the animals each time.  Now, God has spoken to me again and said “I am the God of Bethel, where you made a promise that I would be your God because I would watch over you and bless you.  Now, leave this place and return home.”

What do you think, Rachel?  Leah?”

So, both women agreed.  “Our father has sold us to you and used up our wedding gifts instead of giving them to us.  Now God has taken the riches from our father and given them to our family.  As for our father, we are like strangers to him.  Let us leave.”

So, Jacob got to work right away.  He told his sons and his many servants to load up the camels and get the flocks of animals that were his.  They were leaving right away.  It must have been chaos seeing the tents coming down and wooden boxes and big bags being lifted onto camel’s backs.  I’m sure the donkeys carried a lot, as well. 

Laban didn’t notice anything strange because he went to his own fields to shear his sheep.

That would take days to get all of the sheep shorn. 

So, Jacob and his family, along with his many servants left without telling anyone of Laban’s family or household.  3 days after they left, someone from Laban’s house noticed.  THEY WERE ALL GONE!  How do you think Laban reacted when he found out?

Come back next week to find out!

Sometimes, things can seem hopeless, like when Laban hid all the animals, he agreed to give Jacob.  But God is able to provide, just as he provided for Jacob.  Sometimes, we want God to work instantly.  Especially because we are used to fast internet, fast movies, fast cars, and fast food.  But God used 6 more years to provide for Jacob.  I’m sure God was teaching Jacob the HE ALONE is our provider and protector.  When you get frustrated, and things seem impossible, remember that you can trust God.  And remember that God has perfect timing, even if it isn’t instant.

Jacob 7: The Chase

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 31:22-55

Jacob and his family, along with his many servants packed up and left without telling anyone.  They didn’t even tell Laban, the father of Leah and Rachel, and the grandfather of Jacobs 12 children!  3 days after they left, someone from Laban’s house noticed.  THEY WERE ALL GONE!  “Laban!  Laban!” cried the servant who had discovered Jacob and his family were all missing.  “Laban!  They are all gone!”

“Who is all gone?” asked Laban. 

“Jacob!  Your daughters!  Your grandchildren!” said the servant.  “Everyone is gone!”

“Well, ask Jacob’s servants where they went…” commanded Laban.

“Sir, you don’t understand.  EVERYONE is gone!  Servants, shepherds, maids, cooks…EVERYONE!”

I imagine Laban was furious when he heard that.  “WHAT?!  They just left?  They didn’t say a word to me!  Jacob took by daughters and grandchildren away from me like a kidnapper would take them!  Servant, go gather all my family.  We’ll see how far Jacob gets now!  I’m going after them!”

Laban gathered his men relatives and some servants, I’m sure, and started off on his chase.

He traveled for seven days following the evidence of herds of camels, sheep, donkeys, and other animals.  He finally caught up with them, but he was troubled.  On his journey, he had a dream one night.  It was God.  The God that Jacob talked about.  The one who promised to bless Jacob and protect him.  God said “Laban, be careful how you speak to Jacob.  Don’t speak good or bad to him.  Don’t bless him or curse him.”

So, when Laban got to Jacob, I imagine he had to forget the angry speech he had been planning to give him!  Instead, Laban said “Jacob, why did you steal away secretly?  You took my daughters away like captives.  Why didn’t you tell me you were leaving, so I could send you away with a party?  I could have kissed my daughters and grandchildren goodbye.  Also, my house idols are gone!  I have the right to harm you for taking my family away and stealing my gods.  But because your God spoke to me in a dream, warning me not to harm you, I will not.”

I am sure Jacob was so relieved to hear that God had told Laban not to harm him.  God was faithful, as always, protecting Jacob.  He said “I didn’t tell you I was leaving because I thought you would take your daughters back by force!  But I didn’t take your idols.  You can look anywhere you want, and if you find them, you can punish them with death.  With your family as witnesses, if you find anything of yours in my possession, you can take it.”

Jacob spoke very confidently.  He truly believed that no one had taken the idols.  But what he didn’t know was that his wife, Rachel, had stolen her father’s idols as everyone was packing up to leave.  In those days, the house idols were given to the oldest son as part of his inheritance.  Maybe Rachel was angry that her father had stolen her marriage inheritance, and she was stealing something important to him.  Maybe Rachel wanted to keep worshipping her father’s false gods.  Maybe she took the house idols because she was aftraid of a new life, and wanted something to remember her old life.  We don’t know exactly why she stole the idols, but whatever reason she had, was she right to do it?  No!  Rachel sinned in taking something that wasn’t hers.  She also sinned in keeping idols, something God doesn’t want anyone to have.

Rachel heard that her father was looking for the idols now, and she rushed back to her tent.  She hid the idols in the saddle she used when riding her camel during travel.  The saddle was taken off of the animal and put into the tent whenever they stopped traveling for the day.   Then Rachel sat on the camel saddle in the middle of the room. She must have been waiting there for some time with her heart beating very loudly when her father finally came in her tent.  “Rachel, I’m looking for the idols.  I’m going to look everywhere in your tent, just as I did in Jacob’s, Leah’s, and the maid’s tents.” 

“Ok father.  That’s fine.  But don’t be angry at me for not getting off of my seat.  I am in my time of uncleanness, so you don’t want to come near me.” 

After hearing this, Laban didn’t want to stay too long in Rachel’s tent, because he thought she was sick and that he would get sick, too.  He left without finding the idols.

After Laban searched everywhere and found nothing, Jacob finally spoke to him.

“Father-in-law, what have I done wrong that you chased after me so?  Your family that came with you have been witnesses that I have nothing of yours.  I have served you for 20 years, and I haven’t taken anything from you.  Unless God had spoken to you, you would have hurt me, and taken everything I have.  God has seen my troubles and helped me!”

Laban and Jacob decided it was time to go their own ways, but to do it without hard feelings towards one another.  They decided to make an agreement.  “Let’s all gather some stones and make a pillar as a reminder or this agreement.  We will agree to not pass this pillar to do the other person harm.  God will watch and be our witness that I will not harm your daughters.” 

Then, all the men in the family set a stone on the pillar, and Laban and Jacob made the promise to each other that they wouldn’t hurt one another.  Jacob then made an offering to God in the sight of all of the family.

The next morning, Laban kissed his daughter and grandchildren goodbye and blessed them.  He went home wondering if he would ever see them again.

Next week, we will see what happens to Jacob when he goes back home to his brother, his old enemy.

Now, let’s thank God for always keeping His promise.  He will always watch over us and help us in times of trouble.

Jacob 8: Nervous

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 32: 1-30

Jacob was relieved he didn’t have to worry about Laban, his father-in-law, chasing him down anymore.  Laban had found Jacob when he left with everything he owned and all of his family.  God had been good to Jacob, though.  He told Laban to be careful what he said to Jacob.  He warned Laban not to hurt him.  Laban and Jacob then made a promise to each other not to hurt each other.  So, Jacob breathed a sigh of relief the day he and Laban parted ways for the last time.  But the peace he felt didn’t last long.  He began to think about the other person he fought with so long ago.  His own twin brother Esau.  He remembered tricking his father for the blessing of the oldest son, Esau.  He remembered hearing the cry of his brother in his father’s tent when he learned he wouldn’t have the blessing of the oldest son.  He remembered all of the times they struggled and didn’t get along.  There were too many to count!  After all, they even fought each other in their mother’s tummy before they were even born!  So, all Jacob could do that day was think about what would happen when Esau saw him again.  That’s all he could think about the next day, too.  I imagine he missed seeing a lot of the scenery on his trip back home because he was thinking about all the ways Esau might hurt him, or even kill him!  So, Jacob decided to come up with a plan.  First, he called a few servants and said “go ahead of us and go straight to my brother Esau.  Tell him I said “I have lived with Laban for all of these years, and I now have cattle, donkeys, sheep, and many servants.  I am coming home and am telling you of my return to see if I am welcome.”  Then he sent the servants on their way.  He must have been biting his fingernails as he and his large group traveled closer to home.  It took them longer to travel as a big group, so the servants had plenty of time to make it to Esau before the group arrived.  In fact, the servants made it to Esau, and then traveled back to Jacob!  When they saw their master, Jacob, they said “We told Esau everything you said, and now he is coming to meet you.  And he has 400 men with him.”

When Jacob heard that, he went into a panic!  “FOUR HUNDERD?!” He thought.  “Esau is bringing an army to kill me and all of my family!!!”

Jacob made another plan.  He said to his servants “We are going to split up into two groups.  Half the animals and servants in one group, and the other half in another group.  That way, if Esau comes and attacks the group in front, the group behind can run away and escape.”  (Wouldn’t you hope to be in the second group?!) 

Then Jacob prayed.  I think he should have prayed first, but I am glad he at finally did pray to God.  He said “God of my grandfather Abraham, and of my father Isaac, you said you would be with me and bring me back to my home.  I am not worthy of all of the mercy you have shown me.  I left home with just my walking stick, and now I am returning with two large groups.  Please save me from my brother, because I am afraid, he will attack me and my wives and children.  You said before that you would make my family as large as the number of sands in the sea, that can’t even be numbered.”  It is great that Jacob recognized how good God is!  None of us deserve anything good from God, because none of us are good.  But God is SO GOOD to us, because He provided a Savior to pay for our sins and save us!  And apart from this goodness, He gives us so many blessings besides!  He is GOOD!

That evening he gathered 200 female goats and 20 male goats, 200 female sheep and 20 male sheep, 30 female camels with their babies, 40 female cows and 10 bulls, 20 female donkeys and 10 baby donkeys, and sent them on ahead of the groups as gifts for his brother.  He said to the herdsmen “Go before us in groups, leaving space between each group of animals.  When you see my brother and he asks you who the animals belong to say “They are your servant Jacob’s.  He sent them as a present to you, my lord.  And he is coming along behind us.”  This way, he thought he would soften his brother up towards him.  “Maybe Esau will accept me and not be angry anymore after he receives my gifts.”

Have you noticed anything wrong, yet?

Jacob prayed for God to protect him, but he was trying to do God’s work again!  Instead of trusting God, he was trying to solve his own problems.  I think it is natural for us to want to solve the problems in our lives, because we like to be in control of things…but God wants us to trust HIM.

It was getting darker by now, and Jacob and his family still had to cross a large, dangerous river.  In some places, it had very steep walls of earth on each side, like a small canyon.  He sent his family over and stayed on the other side to make sure they all made it safe.  But now he was all alone on the wrong side, and it was too dark to cross!  So, Jacob decided to stay there until the morning, while his family was camped out on the other side of the river.

It was definitely dark now.

All of a sudden, a man showed up and grabbed Jacob and began to fight him!  Jacob began to wrestle with him as best he could.  He was all alone, with no servants to help him.  His sons were also on the other side of the river, and some of them were strong young men who could have helped their old father.  But there was no help anywhere around.  Even if he screamed for help, it would be too dangerous for anyone to try to cross the river.

It was dark, and I imagine Jacob didn’t have much light to see with, other than a campfire.  “Who are you?!” he shouted.

Who do you think it was?

Come back next week to find out!

Let’s pray and ask God to help us to trust Him.  God is worthy of our trust, in good times and in bad times.  He can help us in any difficult situation.  Instead of trying to fix things ourselves, let’s trust God!

Jacob 9: The Wrestling Match

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 32: 21-32; 33:1-17

All of a sudden, a man showed up and started to fight/wrestle with Jacob!  He was all alone, with no servants to help him.  His sons were also on the other side of the river, and some of them were strong young men who could have helped their now old father.  In fact, Jacob was around 97 years old by now!  People then lived longer than we do today, and their bodies didn’t grow old as fast as ours, but Jacob was no young man anymore.  Fighting another man might have been a bit difficult.  But he wrestled the man as best he could.  He wrestled and wrestled.  For HOURS he wrestled!  In fact, the two wrestled until daybreak!  When the man saw that Jacob just wouldn’t give up, he touched Jacob’s hip, and his hip moved out of joint.

We don’t know what they said to each other, but at some point, Jacob realized something.  “I am wrestling with GOD!” 

The person Jacob was wrestling with was God in the form of a man.  Do we know someone who was God in the form of a man?  What is his name?  Jesus!  When is another time Jesus showed up before his took the form of a baby in Bethlehem?  He spoke with Abraham outside of his tent!  Now, here he was wrestling with Jacob.

Do you think Jesus struggled to wrestle with an old man?  No!  He could have crushed him with his pinky.  He is God!  But God wanted Jacob to do something.

Jacob had been fighting God all of his life.  He tried to do things his own way.  I think by wrestling with Jacob, God was trying to teach Jacob to give his life over to God.  He had to give up fighting God and surrender his life to Him. 

I am just like Jacob.  So many times, I fight God because I want to do something other than what God wants.  Or I think I can do things my own way.  It’s only when I surrender to God that I am truly happy. 

Jesus saw that Jacob was still holding on, so He said, “Let me go, the morning is coming now.”

Jacob knew it was God by then, so he said, “I won’t let you go until you bless me.”

Jesus said, “What is your name?” 

“My name is Jacob” he said.  The name Jacob meant something like “to trick” or “to take another one’s place”. 

Jesus said “Your name is no longer Jacob.  Your name is Israel, because you have struggled with God, and with men, and you have the victory.”

Jesus gave him the name Israel, which might mean “God fights” or “let God rule”.  Jesus was giving Jacob, now Israel, a new beginning, and reminding him that God fights for us, but we must surrender to Him.

Jacob then asked, “What is your name?”  He didn’t know Jesus had a name, yet.  And Jesus wasn’t going to tell his name yet.  No one knew what His name would be until the angel told the virgin Mary what to name him.  So, Jesus didn’t say his name.  Instead, he blessed Jacob, and left. 

Jacob couldn’t believe it!  He had seen God and lived to tell about it.  He said, “this place is now called Peniel, because I have seen God face to face.”

Jacob then crossed the river over to his family.  They noticed something different about him.  He was limping!  Do you know why he was limping?  (allow answers). 

Jacob and his family traveled on towards Esau.  Finally, he saw Esau and his 400 men coming into view in the distance.  Quickly, he divided his family up.  “Bilhah, Zilpah, take your children and stand in front.  Leah, get your children and stand behind them.  Rachel, take Joseph and stand behind everyone else.”  Jacob was putting them in order of importance to him, so his favorites could get away if Esau’s men attacked them.  How do you think it made the children feel?  Probably not so good.

Then, Jacob went in front of everyone and bowed down to his brother seven times.  Esau ran to meet him.  I wonder how fast Jacob’s heart was beating as he saw his brother running towards him.  But Esau grabbed his neck and kissed Jacob.  They both began to cry.  It had been so long since the twins had seen each other.  And even longer since they had a good relationship.  Here was a new beginning.  Esau noticed all of the women and children behind them. 

“Who are all these people with you?” he asked.  “These are the children God has been so good to give me.” Said Jacob.  Then, he motioned for them to come over.  Bilhah and Zilpah came first and bowed down with all of their children.  Then Leah and her children bowed down to greet Esau.  Last, Rachel and Jacob came to bow down to meet Esau.

After Esau met everyone, he turned to Jacob and said, “What do you mean by all the gifts you sent me?”

Jacob said, “They are for you, and I hope we can forget the past and have a friendly relationship.”  Esau said “I have enough.  Keep them for yourself!”

“Oh no.  Please take them.  God has blessed me so much.  I have more than enough.  I want you to have them.  I am so happy you are happy to see me.”

So, Esau agreed to keep the gifts of animals.  Then he said “Let’s go back home.  I will lead the way.”

Jacob said “I have young children, and animals with babies.  I don’t want to go too fast, or the animals might die.  Please go before me.  I will come at a slower pace.  I will see you in Seir.”

Esau agreed, and offered some of his savants to stay and help them.  “What for?  We have enough.”  So, Esau went to Seir, but Jacob built a house in Succoth, which wasn’t in the same direction!  We don’t know if Jacob ever went to Seir to see his brother or not.  Even though Jacob had a new beginning, he still had a tendency to go back to his old ways. 

When we accept Jesus, we have a new beginning.  But we are still tempted to return to old ways.  Only God can help us surrender to Him.  And we have the Holy Spirit to help us!

Let’s pray and ask God to help us surrender our wills to Him.  He will help us!