Kids of the Word

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Jacob 2: Meeting Family

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 29:1-14

“God promised He would be with me and bring me back safely to my old home one day.  But I’m getting nervous!  Everything looks so strange here.  And I’m SO far away from home.  I’ve been walking for over a month now! How am I even going to find my family in Haran?  What if they send me back?  Who will I marry then?”  I imagine Jacob had many of these thoughts during his long journey.  But he also remembered the promise God had made him. [Visual 2.3]  God would bless him, and give him many children, and then He would bless the whole world through his own family!  And God would keep him safe!  Those were very comforting thoughts.  He now trusted in God himself!  [Visual 2.4]  He didn’t just think of God as his father’s God.  When we feel worried, it’s good to remember that if we have put our faith in Jesus, we have the promise of God to be with us always.  We can trust that God is our help.  Jacob was able to think about this when he was worried on his long journey.

Finally, Jacob thought he was getting closer to Haran, but he wasn’t exactly sure.  He had never been in that country before.  One morning, as Jacob was walking, he came upon a well-covered by a big stone.  There were shepherds, and their three herds of sheep at the well.  The shepherds were just standing around waiting, and so were the sheep.  Jacob walked over to speak to them.  “Hello!  Where are you all from?” 

“We are from Haran.” They said.

“Oh!  Great!  Do you know a man named Laban?  He is the son of Nahor.” Jacob asked.

“Yes!  We know him!” they answered.

“Is he well?”  Jacob asked.

“Yes.  He is well.  And look!  There is Rachel, one of his daughters coming this way with their herd of sheep!”  [Visual 3.1] 

Jacob was astounded!  He didn’t have to spend time looking for Laban and his family.  God had brought his family straight to him!

He wanted to speak privately with Rachel, so he said to the shepherds “Isn’t it time for you to water your sheep?  You should take them and feed them after you give them water.” 

They answered Jacob “Oh, we can’t water the sheep until all the shepherds have arrived with their herds.  The men who move the stone from the well give everyone a fair amount of water for their sheep, that way no one gets more water than they should.” 

As Jacob was listening to their reply, he was watching Rachel as she came near the well.  She was beautiful!  “Wow!  This is the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my life!” thought Jacob.  He decided he didn’t want to wait any longer.  He needed to meet Rachel and tell her who he was.  First, thought, he went to the well.  It was covered by a heavy stone, but he didn’t let that stop him!  He moved the stone by himself and began to put water in the troughs for Rachel’s sheep.  Then he walked up to Rachel, kissed her, and said “I am your family!  I’m Rebekah’s son!”

Rachel was shocked!  She didn’t think she would ever meet her cousins!  But here was her aunt Rebekah’s son standing right in front of her!  She ran straight home and burst into the house.  “Father!  You will never guess who I just met!  Your sister’s son!  His name is Jacob.  He was at the well and he rolled the stone off of the well and watered our sheep!”

As soon as Laban heard this, he ran to the well.  “I can’t believe my sister’s son is here!  I can hear all about Rebekah and her family.  I hope they are well!  It’s been so long ago that she went away.  I have missed her!”  I imagine Laban thought things like this as he ran to the well.  When he got there, he saw Jacob standing with the sheep.  He ran up to Jacob, gave him a big hug and kiss, and said “Come to my house!  You can tell me everything about my family!”

They got to Laban’s house, and sat down for a long talk.  [Visual 3.2]    Jacob told Laban everything that had happened.  He also told him all about having to leave home because he tricked his father and his twin brother Esau was so angry, he wanted to kill him.  Laban listened to it all with interest.  Then he said “Jacob, you are truly my family.  You are bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh.  You are welcome here.”

Jacob was so relieved to hear this!  He could stay with his family!  He spent a month with Laban, getting to know him and his family.  He had two daughters named Leah and Rachel.  He was able to help the family with their chores, and he did so happily.  He was just thankful to God for bringing him safely to his family!  And he was happy to be near Rachel.  The more he got to see her, the more he liked her.  “Ah!  She is so beautiful.  I am so in love!” 

Come back next week to see what happens with Jacob and his Uncle’s family.

Now, let’s thank God for always being with us and keeping His promises.