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Jacob 6: Time to go Home

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 30:25-43; 31:1-22

After Jacob married Leah and Rachel, he had agreed to stay and work for Laban for 7 years.  Seven years had come and gone by then!  Jacob had 12 children now!  Let’s look at the list of children:

1.     Ruben

2.     Simeon

3.     Levi

4.     Judah

5.     Dan

6.     Naphtali

7.     Gad

8.     Asher

9.     Issachar

10.  Zebulun

11.  Dinah (Daughter)

12.  Joseph

He knew it was time to leave Laban and go back home.  Jacob went to Laban after Joseph was born and said “Send me away to my own home country.  Let me leave with my wives and children, who I served you over 14 years for.  You know I have done good work for you.”

Laban began to get worried.  He said “Wait!  Stay here.  I have seen how God blesses me for your sake.  You told me about God’s promise to you, and He has kept it.  Tell me what you want me to pay you, and I will pay it!”

Laban hated the thought of his son-in-law leaving.  Not because he loved his daughters and grandchildren and wanted them to stay close!  He wanted the blessings that he could benefit from because God made a promise to Jacob!  He was only thinking of how much richer he could get from those blessing from God. 

Jacob thought for a minute.  “I have kept your cattle for years, and when I started, you didn’t have many cattle.  Now, you have more than I can count because God has blessed you for my sake.  I need cattle to provide for my family when I leave.” 

Laban said, “What do you want me to give you?”

Jacob said “Don’t give me anything, but I will keep your cattle again, but I will take only the weakest animals that have ugly spots on them, and the brown sheep, because those animals are least valuable.  Any babies they have will be mine, also.  If you come and find any cows, sheep, or goats that aren’t spotted, or sheep that aren’t brown in my fields, you can accuse me of stealing from you.” 

Laban agreed to this, but he set out that very day to keep Jacob from ever leaving.  Laban went right away and removed all the spotted cows and goats, and the brown sheep from all his flocks.  He then gave all of those to his own sons!  He said “Son’s you must take these flocks and go on a 3 day’s journey.  When you are 3 days away, you can set up camp and take care of all these animals yourselves.  Jacob won’t get a single one, and he will have to work for me for years and years!  We will get very rich!”

Laban was again tricking Jacob by hiding all the animals he said he would give to Jacob.  Laban thought he was making it impossible for Jacob to leave.  But Jacob trusted God.

Jacob began keeping all of Laban’s cattle again.  He would have to wait for the new babies to be born to see if he would have any spotted, or brown animals.  Jacob tried a few tricks that were really superstitions, to make the animals have spotted babies.  But we know that it was God who made the animals have spotted babies, not any tricks.  The first year, when the calves and kid goats were born, he took all the spotted one, and the brown sheep, and took them to his own fields to keep.  Every year for six years he separated the new babies with spots.  At the end of six years, his flock must have been bigger than Laban’s!  And Laban and his sons were NOT happy.

Things had definitely changed between Jacob and Laban.  Laban was always in a bad mood around Jacob now.  Jacob knew it was time to go.  He got his wives Rachel and Leah together.

“We need to talk.  Your father is no longer happy to have me here.  God has blessed me and been with me every step of the way as I have worked for your father.  He deceived me many times, and in these past 6 years he has changed our agreement 10 times about the flocks I could keep.  Sometimes spotted, sometimes with stripes, sometimes with only a certain strange mark, and on and on…  But God has given me the animals each time.  Now, God has spoken to me again and said “I am the God of Bethel, where you made a promise that I would be your God because I would watch over you and bless you.  Now, leave this place and return home.”

What do you think, Rachel?  Leah?”

So, both women agreed.  “Our father has sold us to you and used up our wedding gifts instead of giving them to us.  Now God has taken the riches from our father and given them to our family.  As for our father, we are like strangers to him.  Let us leave.”

So, Jacob got to work right away.  He told his sons and his many servants to load up the camels and get the flocks of animals that were his.  They were leaving right away.  It must have been chaos seeing the tents coming down and wooden boxes and big bags being lifted onto camel’s backs.  I’m sure the donkeys carried a lot, as well. 

Laban didn’t notice anything strange because he went to his own fields to shear his sheep.

That would take days to get all of the sheep shorn. 

So, Jacob and his family, along with his many servants left without telling anyone of Laban’s family or household.  3 days after they left, someone from Laban’s house noticed.  THEY WERE ALL GONE!  How do you think Laban reacted when he found out?

Come back next week to find out!

Sometimes, things can seem hopeless, like when Laban hid all the animals, he agreed to give Jacob.  But God is able to provide, just as he provided for Jacob.  Sometimes, we want God to work instantly.  Especially because we are used to fast internet, fast movies, fast cars, and fast food.  But God used 6 more years to provide for Jacob.  I’m sure God was teaching Jacob the HE ALONE is our provider and protector.  When you get frustrated, and things seem impossible, remember that you can trust God.  And remember that God has perfect timing, even if it isn’t instant.