Kids of the Word

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Joseph 1: The Favorite Son

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 37: 1-11

“Joseph!  Come with me.  You and I will spend the day together.”

Jacob had 11 sons, and he wanted to spend time with Joseph, his youngest son.

“Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, and Zebulun…you all will work in the fields today, watching over the sheep.  Make sure you take them to the well to get water!  Joseph will stay here with me.  No go!”  Jacob commanded.

If you remember, when Jacob was a boy, his father Isaac liked to spend time with one of the twins over the other.  Who was Isaac’s favorite son?  (Esau)  I’m a SURE that it hurt Jacob’s feelings that his father showed his preference for Esau.  But now, Jacob was doing the same thing!  He had a favorite son.  That son was Joseph.

Maybe Joseph was his favorite because he was the first-born child of his favorite wife, Rachel.  Rachel got pregnant one more time, and gave birth to a son, Benjamin.  Benjamin was the last son of Jacob.  Rachel then died after she gave birth.  Joseph and Benjamin were without a mother, and maybe that’s why Jacob favored them.   

Joseph didn’t have to work as hard as his brothers.  He got special treatment, too.  I wonder if he got the biggest piece of meat at the dinner table.  Maybe Joseph got the last slice of cake, too!  Jacob definitely spoiled his favorite son.

How do you think that made Jacob’s other 10 sons feel?  (allow responses)

When Joseph was 17 years old, he was with his half-brothers, the sons of Bilhah his mother’s maid, and Zilpah, Leah’s maid.  Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher were with Joseph in the fields taking care of the herds of Jacob. 

When they got back home from feeding the flocks, Joseph went straight to his dad.

“Dad!  You won’t believe what Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher did today!  They did something very bad.  I, of course, didn’t participate.” Said Joseph.

“What did they do, son?  Tell me everything.” Replied Jacob.

Joseph then made up a story about his brothers doing something bad!  He lied to his father!  We know that the 10 older sons of Jacob did bad things on other occasions, but it seems this time Joseph made up a story about them to make himself look better in his father’s eyes. 

And Jacob believed the lies.  He decided to make an example out of his “perfect” son (who was not so perfect!).  Jacob gave Joseph a present.  He didn’t give anyone else a present like this.  It was a very special present.  It was a robe with beautiful colors and decorations. [Visual 1.1] Jacob was showing his other children that Joseph was the important son.  He treated Joseph like he was Jacob’s very first-born son, even though Reuben was the first born.

Joseph was becoming a spoiled brat because of all the favor his father was showing him.

And his older brothers hated him for it!  Whenever their father was out of earshot, they told Joseph what a brat he was.  They called him bad names.  They just couldn’t stand to be nice to him.

Joseph had a dream one night.  It was a strange dream.  [Visual 1.2]  He decided to tell his brothers about it.  “Hey!  I had a dream about you guys.  We were gathering the wheat from the field into bundles.  We were all working away when all of a sudden, my bundle of wheat stood up!  Then your bundles of wheat stood around mine and bowed down to it!”

His brothers were steaming with anger.  “What?  Are you saying you will rule over us and we will bow down to you?”  They hated him even more that day, because Joseph was bragging about a dream where his brothers were less important than him.

Then, Joseph had another dream one night.  This time he told it to his brothers and his father.

“I had another dream!  This time, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down to me!”

This time, his father finally scolded him.  “Son, what is this dream?  Will your mother and I, and all your brothers come bow down before you?  Don’t be proud!”

[Visual 1.3]  His brothers were even more jealous of him.  They hated the fact that Joseph thought he was so special as to have dreams.  But Jacob thought about the dream a lot.

In fact, it was God who sent the dreams to Joseph.  Remember, they didn’t have the whole bible in those days.  In fact, they didn’t even have the whole chapter of Genesis, yet!  They were living during the time of the stories of Genesis.  God sometimes used dreams to tell people what He was planning.  And for some reason, God wanted a spoiled, proud teenager to know His plans for his life.  God would one day use him in a mighty way.  But long before that happened, God would have to change Joseph’s heart.  Joseph didn’t yet depend on God and seek Him.  Maybe Joseph didn’t even think he needed the God of his father, grandfather, and great grandfather.  He would later learn he needed God, though.

After Joseph bragged about his dreams to his brothers, they began to think about how they could punish him.  I’m sure there were many whispered conversations among the 10 older brothers.  I imagine some of them like this: “Dan, I just want to punch that little brat in the face so hard, he can’t chew his food for a month!” said Levi.  “Naphtali let’s spit in his food when no one is looking!” said Zebulun.  “The next time that kid looks at me with that smug look on his face, I’m going to wipe the floor with his face as if it were a mop!” said Reuben.

They all were just waiting for their chance to hurt him, they hated him so much.

And one day, their chance finally came!

Come back next week to find out how they could have revenge on their little brother.

Right now, let’s pray and ask God to help us depend on Him.  Ask God to help you remember that you need Him.  We all need Jesus to pay for our sins.  We all need God to help us every day in school, at home, and in the car.   The Bible says God is our help and strength.  Do you depend on Him, or are you full of pride and think you don’t need Him?  Pray for God to help you depend on Him.

If you have never trusted Jesus to pay for your sins, you can talk to me after class.  I will help you.