Kids of the Word

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Joseph 12: The Strange Feast

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 43:15-34

The brothers arrived in Egypt once again.  Unlike the first time, they knew exactly where to go.  They nervously walked to the building where the governor was meeting with the foreigners who wanted to buy food.

“Would they be arrested and killed as soon as he saw them?  Would they be able to buy food, but lose their brother Benjamin?  Would the gifts their father told them to bring make the governor happy?”  These thoughts must have raced through their minds as they were waiting to see Zaphnath-Paaneah, the governor of all of Egypt.  The second in command.

They were finally ushered in to see Zaphnath-Paaneah.  Remember who Zaphnath-Paaneah really is?  Joseph!  But the brothers didn’t recognize him, because he looked like an Egyptian in his headdress and Egyptian tunic.  He even spoke Egyptian!  The brothers could NEVER have imagined that their brother was the second most powerful man in the world, so they would never have even thought that he looked or sounded familiar to them.

When Joseph saw them, he looked straight at Benjamin.  HIS BROTHER!  The only brother that had the same mother as he did.  Their mom, Rachel, died after giving birth to Benjamin, so the boys must have had a special connection growing up.  Joseph could hardly contain his joy!  He told his steward, the head servant, “Take these men to my home and kill an animal for lunch.  They will eat with me.”

The 9 brothers were taken to Joseph’s house, but since they didn’t speak Egyptian, they had no idea why they were there.  I imagine one of the said “We are in BIG trouble!  This guy has brought us here to make us his slaves!”  “Yes!” said another brother, “It’s because of the money!  He thinks we stole it, so now we and our donkeys will be his slaves!  We have to tell someone it isn’t our fault!  Look!  There’s the guy who brought us here.  He’s the head servant.  Let’s talk to him.” 

The brothers all went over to talk to the head servant.  “Sir, we came to Egypt the first time to buy food, but there was a mistake!  When we were going home, we opened our sacks and found the money we brought to pay for the food with!  ALL of our money!  We don’t know how our money got back in our sacks the first time! Honest!  Look!  We brought it all back, and MORE money so we can pay for everything.”

The steward answered “Don’t worry.  Your God, and the God of your father has given you the money.  I had your money!”  Then, he went to another room and came back with Simeon, their brother who had been arrested when they left Egypt the first time.

Then the steward gave the brothers’ water to wash their feet.  That would have been a great for them, as they had been traveling long, dusty roads, and their feet were very tired.  He then fed all of their donkeys, and got the lunch started.  The brothers found out they would be eating there!  At the governor’s house!  They must have been very confused.  First, they thought they would be arrested, and then the steward told them God had given them the money back in their sacks!  And now they would eat lunch with a very powerful man.  They must have passed the time before lunch whispering, trying to figure out what was going on.  I’m sure they looked around them at all of the expensive furniture and decorations.  They probably marveled at how big the house was.

Then Joseph arrived.  They hurriedly gathered the gifts they had brought from Canaan.   Balm, honey, spices, myrrh, pistachio nuts, and almonds.  They bowed down nervously and presented him with the gifts.  Joseph said “How are you all?  Are you well?  Any your father?  The old man you told me about.  Is he still alive?”

The brothers bowed down even lower and said “Yes.  Your servant, our father is alive and in good health.”

He looked at Benjamin again.  “Is this your younger brother?  The one you told me about.  God be gracious to you, young one!”  Benjamin wondered why the governor was blessing him, and not the others.

Joseph could not contain his emotions any longer after speaking to Benjamin.  He rushed out of the room and looked for a quiet place.  He went into his bedroom, and then he began to weep!  All of the emotions of 20 years came rushing to his mind.  He had missed his brother Benjamin and his father Jacob more than he could ever tell them.  He had long forgiven his older brothers of what they had done to him.  So, he even missed them!  He cried alone until he knew he would be able to control himself again.  I imagine he even prayed, thanking God for bringing his brothers to him, especially Benjamin.  Joseph understood that even though he had spent many years as a slave, and in prison as an innocent man, God had a plan for it all.  He understood that all of his suffering was worth it in the end, because something very good was going to happen.

When he was ready, he washed his face so no one would know he had been crying.  He was a powerful man and didn’t want to worry anyone with tears.  He came back to the room and said, “Time to eat lunch.”

The servants put Joseph at the most import place, and then they put places for themselves away from the Hebrews, because they thought it was not good to eat with the foreigners.  They put the 11 brothers together and told each one where to sit.  When everyone was sitting down, they looked around and noticed something strange.  They were sitting in birth order!  Oldest to youngest!  They looked at each other with wide eyes.  How had the Egyptians known their birth order?!  It was too strange to be a coincidence!  Then Joseph began to serve his guests.  He gave each man a plate full of delicious food.  When he got to the last seat, Benjamin’s seat, the brothers stared down the table at Benjamin’s plate.  It had FIVE TIMES as much food as the rest of them!  First, the governor blessed Benjamin alone, and now he got the most food!  What was going on?

Come back next week to find out!

Let’s pray and thank God for the good things that come from hard times.  He is always with us!