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Joseph 15: Jacob Goes to Egypt

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 46

Jacob’s heart lept for joy when he finally understood that Joseph was really alive.  And he was governor over all of Egypt!  He was determined to go to Egypt and see Joseph before he died.

He stepped outside of his tent and looked at all of the carts Pharaoh had sent.  And food!  He didn’t waste any time.  “Sons pack up your families!  Let’s get going!  Jacob packed up his wives and they formed a long procession as they headed out for Egypt.  When they got to Beersheba, they stopped for a rest.  It was a special place for him.  His grandfather lived there for a while. His own father, Isaac had lived there, and it was where he grew up until he left to live with his uncle Laban.  Jacob offered a sacrifice to God there.  He worshiped God, and I’m sure he thanked him for keeping his son Joseph alive and blessing him in Egypt.  I imagine he was also wondering if it was right to go to Egypt.  Jacob knew God had promised the land of Canaan to Abraham, his grandfather.  Jacob also knew that Abraham had gotten into trouble in Egypt.  It was with these worries that he went to sleep that night.  But God spoke to Jacob.  He said “Jacob, Jacob!”

Jacob answered God “Here I am.”  God replied “I am God, the God of your father Isaac.  Don’t be afraid to go to Egypt.  I will make of you a great nation there.  I will go with you to Egypt, and I will bring you out again.”  God was reminding Jacob that He was not a powerful God just in Canaan.  He was powerful everywhere!  And He is with us!

What a comfort and peace Jacob must have felt in the morning when he got up!

The family continued on with their journey to Egypt.  They were a big family!  70 people!  They must have looked strange to the people they passed on their journey.  But they kept going day after day.  As they got near Egypt, Jacob said to Judah “Son, we are a big family.  It would be best if we all didn’t wander into the city, blocking the roads trying to find out where to go!  I want you to go ahead of us and find out from Joseph where Goshen is.  You can come back and take us there.”  When Judah arrived at Joseph’s house, he found out where to go, and showed the family.  Joseph was waiting anxiously to see his father.  When he knew they must have arrived in Goshen, he got his chariot ready and rode out to see them.  He got out of the chariot and spotted his father.  He must have wanted to run into his father’s arms!  But he wanted to show respect to his father, and he didn’t know if his father was strong, as he was quite old now.  He walked up to his father and said “Father, it’s me.  Joseph.  Your son.”  Then he hugged his father and wept for quite a while!  His father must have cried as well.  He said “Now I can die, since I have seen your face.  You are alive!” 

Joseph said to his family “I will go and tell Pharaoh you are here.  I will tell him you are shepherds by trade, and that you have brought your herds with you.  When Pharaoh calls for you to meet you, and he asks what your job is, tell him “Your servants’ jobs have been with cattle from your youths until now, both we and our fathers.”

  You will be able to live in Goshen as cattle herders, because the Egyptians don’t like sheep and goat shepherds.”  Joseph knew how the Egyptians hated sheep and goat farmers.  Even though his family where shepherds of all kinds of animals, he was sure to teach his brothers what to say to Pharaoh so as not to offend him.  Then, he brought 5 of his brothers with him to meet Pharaoh.  When Pharaoh asked what their jobs were, they were careful in answering him that they worked with cattle.  Pharaoh kept his promise to Joseph and gave them land in Goshen.  And then he gave them a new job!  He made them the official herdsmen over Pharaoh’s livestock! 

Joseph then brought his father Jacob in to meet Pharaoh.  Jacob blessed Pharaoh, as I’m sure he was grateful for making his son a governor.  I’m sure he wanted him to know the true God, as well.

Pharaoh asked Jacob “How old are you?”  Jacob replied “I am 130.  My days have been few, and difficult.  They are short compared to my grandfather and father.”  Jacob then blessed Pharaoh again and went back home to Goshen.  Joseph helped his family get settled into their new lives in Goshen.  He made sure they always had enough food to eat in that terrible famine.  He had to work very hard to make sure everyone in Egypt was fed. 

Jacob lived anther 17 years in Egypt before he died.  I think they must have been happy years, with his family all close by.  He knew he was going to die soon, as he was 147 years old.  He called Joseph to him and made him promise not to bury him in Egypt.  He wanted to be buried with his fathers in Canaan.  Joseph promised his father he would bury him with his fathers.  Later, he took his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim to see their grandfather.  Jacob blessed both of the sons of Joseph.  He then adopted them as his own, so they could have the blessing of Jacob’s sons.  He told them about God’s promises to make their family a great nation and bless the world.  He wanted them to have part of the inheritance of God’s promise in Canaan.  So, he adopted them to give them some of the land.  He wanted them to be a part of the promise of God, even though they were born in Egypt.  Then Jacob blessed all of his sons, reminding them of the promises of God.  And that God would send a Savior to die for their sins!  Then Jacob died.  The brothers took their father to be buried with his wife, Leah, and his father, mother, grandfather and grandmother.  Then they returned to Egypt.  But the brothers were nervous now.  They thought maybe Joseph had only been kind to them for their father’s sake.  Now that their father was dead, how was he going to treat them.  They decided to go to Joseph and asked him to forgive them for their treatment of him.  But Joseph reassured them.  “Don’t be afraid!  You meant evil against me long ago, but God meant it for good!  He used it to save many people from death.  Don’t be afraid.  I will take care of you and your families.”

What a beautiful picture of what Jesus did for us!  We all have sinned.  We do things that displease God.  Jesus didn’t deserve to be punished for sin, because He is perfect!  But Jesus was punished for sins so that we can be forgiven.  Jesus suffered for us, so we don’t have to suffer the punishment for sin!  When we put our faith in Jesus, and ask God to forgive us, he will forgive us!  We can rest in God’s peace.  He will take care of us.  Have you put your faith in Jesus?  You can today!