Bible Lessons
It is of highest importance that children be taught sound Bible doctrine. For this reason, these lessons have been infused with the doctrines found in scripture.
These Bible Lessons are intended to be used as a guide and help in teaching. Please don't feel you must use it word for word. Instead, take the time to study the Scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in teaching your group of kids.
Don't read the Bible lesson off of the paper to the kids...TEACH the story to them! Know it well enough that you don't have to look down at the paper often. Tell the story as if you were there as it was happening. Imagine how the characters felt and thought as the events were unfolding.
Ask God to give you an excitement for His word. If you aren't excited about the Bible, the children won't be either.
14 Lessons from Creation to the Tower of Babel
The Life of Abraham
The life of Jacob
The Life of Jacob
The Life of Joseph
This series covers a few verses in Proverbs geared towards children.