Isaac 1: Marriage

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 24: 62-67

“Where is our master Isaac going?” asked one of Isaac’s servants.

“He is probably going out in the field to pray and think about God.  He does that often.” Answered another servant.

Isaac knew his father’s God very well.  He would never forget the day he laid on the altar.  His father, Abraham, had been told by God to sacrifice Isaac, and just when his father raised the knife, God sent a substitute to die in his place.  Just as his father told him, God provided a lamb for the sacrifice.  He grew up hearing all about God from his parents, but I imagine that day, his faith in God grew a lot!  Not only did he hear about God, but that day, he EXPERIENCED God’s love and goodness.  The Bible doesn’t tell us when, but at some point, in Isaac’s life, he put His faith in God, that He would send someone to die for his sins.  That someone was Jesus Christ, who left his comfortable home in heaven and came to earth as a baby thousands of years after Isaac was dead.  Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again!  God provided a lamb for us…the Lamb of God!

Isaac must have often gone off alone to pray and think about God’s goodness.  He probably prayed for Abraham’s servant, who was off in a faraway place looking for a wife for him.  He was 40 years old and had never been married.  He and his father both were ready for him to be married!  I often wonder if he prayed that his future wife would put her faith in God, if she did not already trust in Him.

We learned last time that Abraham’s servant DID find a wife.  [Visual 5.2]  Actually, God directed him right to her, and answered his prayer to find her even before he finished praying!  What was her name?  (Rebekah)   

Rebekah was at that very moment on her way to meet her new fiancé.  I imagine that all along the long journey back Rebekah urged her camel to go faster so she could talk to Abraham’s servant.  [Visual 5.4]  “What is my fiancé like?”  “What kind of man is he?”  “Does he get angry easily?”  “Does he treat the servant’s well?”  “What does he like to eat?”  must have been some of the things she asked.  I’m positive she must have felt very nervous.  She had never met him before, and yet she was going to marry him!  It was not uncommon in those days to have arranged marriages.  In fact, that was very normal!  Even though it was normal, if the two people engaged to be married had never met, or only met once or twice, it was nerve wracking!  Rebekah knew if her new husband was an angry man; she would have a hard life.  She knew if he was unkind to the servants, chances are that he would be unkind to her!  Even though she was very nervous, I think she must have also been excited.  He seemed to be a rich man, from all of the jewels she and her family received as gifts.  Maybe she would have a comfortable life.  Maybe he would be handsome.  Maybe she would even feel butterflies in her stomach when she saw him!

As Isaac was thinking and praying in the field, Rebekah was on the way.  It was beginning to get late in the day.  In fact, it was just before the began to set.  Isaac looked up and saw a bunch of camels coming!  Was this them?  He began to count the camels.  10!  There were 10 camels, just as there had been when the servant left to begin his journey!  It must be them!  Isaac began to walk excitedly towards the caravan.  Rebekah looked up and saw a man walking towards them.   “Who is that man walking towards us?  Do you know him?”  She asked Abraham’s servant.  She knew they were getting close but didn’t know exactly when they would arrive.  The servant replied, “It’s my master, Isaac!”

Rebekah said to her maids “Quick!  Get the vail!  I must cover myself, as is the custom of the bride!”  Rebekah’s got down off of her camel, and then her maid helped her put on a long cloth that covered her head and the bottom part of her face.  [Visual 5.5]  It was the custom of that place and time for the fiancé to cover herself from her future husband until she was married.  Then she began walking towards Isaac.  It was also considered rude then for a woman to ride an animal in the presence of a stranger.  Rebekah took great care to show respect by following the customs. 

When they reached Isaac, Abraham’s servant told Isaac everything that happened.  I imagine Isaac began to thank God in his heart for showing the servant exactly who he would marry.  There was no doubt in his mind that God had chosen his wife for him.  Isaac took Rebekah into his mother’s old tent and they were married.  He took her to Sarah’s old tent to show everyone that now, Rebekah was the head of all of the women.  In just one day she met and married her husband, and then became the woman in charge of a large household with many servants.  She began to learn more and more about God from her husband, too.  Do you think she had a happy marriage?

You will have to come back next week to see!

Right now, let’s thank God that we can trust Him to guide us.  Let’s also thank Him that He keeps his promises, just as He provided a lamb to die for the sins of the world.

Isaac 2: Babies!

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 24: 62-67

“Isaac, we have waited for years for a baby, and God has not given us a baby yet.  Do you think He will ever give us a baby?” asked Rebekah.  “God will give us a child.  He promised my father, Abraham, that He would make a great nation out of our family.  He said He would bless the whole world with our family.” replied Isaac. 

A few years passed, and again Rebekah went to Isaac, this time with tears in her eyes.  “When will God give us a baby.  I want to have a baby so badly.” She said.  “Be patient.  God will keep His promises.” Said Isaac.

Again, several years passed and Rebekah went to Isaac, this time crying big drops of tears.  “Isaac, we have been married for 19 years!  You are almost 60, and we STILL don’t have children.  I always dreamed of a house full of children, but God has not given me any.  I’m just so sad!” Isaac could see the pain in her eyes.  I imagine Isaac knew that God’s timing isn’t always our timing.  I’m sure he heard his parents talking about how they waited for 25 years for God to give them Isaac.  But Isaac knew Rebekah was heartbroken, so he prayed to God and asked God to give them a child soon. 

God answered!  Rebekah jumped for joy when she found out she was pregnant.  “Isaac!  We are having a baby! Finally!  After 19 years, we are having a baby!  I’m so excited!  I have already knit several baby blankets…I wonder if I should knit any more?  I can’t wait to have a little one running around the house.  We can take our child on long walks to see our herds of animals and the grains our servants grow.  Isn’t this exciting?!” 

I imagine Isaac was just as excited as Rebekah.  “I will teach our child so many things, just as my father taught me.  I can’t wait until our child is born and I can hold it in my arms.  Just as I said, God keeps His promises!”

Rebekah began to grow bigger as the months went by.  I think she probably had morning sickness, just as many pregnant women do.  She probably heard all about having a baby from her mother when she was growing up.  But her mother was far away now.  I often wonder if she asked her maids questions about how it was when they had their children.  She knew her stomach would grow so big that she would have trouble sitting and standing up.  She knew she would waddle like a duck when she walked.  She even knew she would feel the baby move and even kick her stomach now and then.  It happens to all pregnant women.  The first time she felt the baby move she was so excited.  “Isaac, come here!  The baby!  I feel it moving!  Here, put your hand on my stomach.  Can you feel it?”  Isaac and Rebekah must have laughed together.  “Wow!  This kid is going to be an active one!  I wonder if we will be able to keep up!” said Isaac.

As the weeks went on, and Rebekah felt the baby move and kick more and more, she began to feel concerned.  She was SO uncomfortable because the baby was kicking so much.  She felt it all over her stomach, sometimes on both sides of her stomach at the same time!  This didn’t sound like anything she had heard of from the women she had talked to.  I think she probably even went to her maids to ask if they felt the baby move ALL the time, kicking and hitting their stomachs.  No one seemed to have gone through what she was describing.  She wondered if there was anything wrong.  Maybe the baby was sick.  Rebekah decided to ask God about it.  She prayed and said something like this “God, I seem to be healthy, and everything else seems to be going normally, so why am I like this?  Why is the baby moving and kicking so much?  What is going on?”  God answered Rebekah and said “There isn’t just one baby.  There are two.  The two babies will become great nations many years from now.  But one of the nations will be stronger than the other.  The older son will serve the younger son, the older nation will serve the younger nation.”

God was telling Rebekah what would happen in the future.  God was going to use the younger son to keep His promise to bless the world with a Savior to die for sins.  This was very unusual in that place and time.  The older son was always the most important.  He would get the biggest part of the inheritance when the father died.  He would take care of the family. 

But God was saying that He was going to use the younger son instead of the older son.

Rebekah told Isaac all about what God had said.  They didn’t understand why God would choose the younger son over the older.  But God rarely does things like we think He should.  The Bible tells us that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts.  He doesn't think like us because He is much wiser than we are.  He knows EVERYTHING!  The Bibles also says God’s ways are not our ways.  He doesn’t do thinks like we would.  Because He knows how everything will turn out, and we don’t know anything about tomorrow, or even the rest of today!  But we can ALWAYS trust God.  He keeps His promises.  He has promised to forgive us and clean our sins through Jesus.  He has also promised to be with us and help us through ANYTHING!  If we have accepted Jesus, He will never leave us or forsake us.  Isn’t that great!  Even if we don’t understand what God is doing, we can trust Him.

Just as Isaac and Rebekah didn’t understand everything about the future of their sons.

The time came for Rebekah to give birth.  The first boy was born, and he had red skin, probably meaning a darker, brown skin color like clay.  He was also a very hairy baby!  He had hair already covering his arms, legs, chest, and back.  I imagine he had a head full of hair, too!  His name was Esau.  Something strange happened as Esau was being born.  His brother had grabbed onto his foot and wouldn’t let go!  That is how his brother was born!  His name was Jacob.  Jacob was holding onto the foot of his brother.  Usually when twins are born, the first baby is born, and the parents have to wait a bit, sometimes hours, for the second baby to be born.  But there wasn’t any time between the two babies.  I often wonder if Rebekah and Isaac thought about what God had said about the second son ruling over the first son.  It seems like it might be a difficult relationship between the brothers.  What do you think?  You have to come back next week to find out!

Let’s thank God for His goodness.

Isaac 3: Very Different Boys

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 24: 62-67

“Isaac, look at Jacob, our son.  Isn’t he so smart?  He’s already learned how to cook so many things, and he is just 10!”

Isaac didn’t say much in response to his wife.  He just nodded his head a bit.  He was a bit annoyed.  Rebekah was always going on and on about Jacob.

When Esau came in the tent Isaac said “Rebekah, look at our son!  He has brought home a deer from his hunt!  Now we can have one of my favorite meals!  Deer stew!  Isn’t Esau so talented?  He is always bringing home animals from the hunt.  We eat well here in my house!”

Rebekah mumbled something about food and then left the tent.  She was annoyed because Isaac was always going on and on about Esau.

Both Isaac and Rebekah had a favorite child.  Isaac loved Esau because he was a good hunter, and he loved being outside.  I imagine they spent most of their time together, with Isaac training Esau on how to take care of the outdoor things.  Rebekah loved Jacob because he was quiet, unlike his loud, wild brother who was always running around with too much energy.  Jacob was calm and enjoyed doing things inside, and he had even learned some cooking from his mother.  Jacob learned how to take care of the herds close to home, as well.  I imagine he enjoyed taking care of the animals and milking the goats in the morning. 

We all know parents aren’t supposed to have favorites, but Isaac and Rebekah began to be very selfish.  I imagine they didn’t try too hard to get to know the child that was different from their own personalities.  They just didn’t understand them, and maybe didn’t even know how to talk to them.  So, they spent a lot of their time with the child most like them. 

Even people that God has chosen for His special plan can fail Him sometimes.  We can see this all through the Bible.  But God keeps His promises, even when we don’t deserve those promises.

The boys grew up and heard all about those promises.  They heard about their grandfather Abraham, and their grandmother Sarah.  They heard about how Isaac almost died on the altar, but God stopped Abraham just in time, and told Abraham to look up and see the ram He had provided!  They learned about sacrifices, too.  Esau and Jacob listened to the stories for many years.  After a while, Esau grew tired of them.  He didn’t see why it was so important to pray.  He could do many things on his own.  He was the best hunter around!  He didn’t need God to help him put an arrow in a bow and pull it.  He enjoyed doing whatever he wanted.  He didn’t want God to mess up his fun.

Jacob listened, and thought about God.  His mother had told him many times how God said that her younger son would rule over the older son.  “Jacob, I believe you will have the inheritance of the oldest son, even though you were born second.  God promised to make you stronger and a ruler!”  Jacob began to wonder how this could be, as every boy who was born first was the stronger one, and the ruler of the family.  He often thought about how he could make himself the ruler of the family. 

After time, and the boys had grown into young men, Esau was out hunting, and Jacob was out in the fields with the herds of sheep.  Jacob had taken some beans and vegetables with him, to make his meals, as he was going to spend the day with the flocks.  The time came was nearing noon, , and Jacob had put the beans and vegetables in the pot to cook.  The smell of stew filled the air…and it smelled GOOD!  Jacob make himself a bowl when it was ready to eat and sat down to eat.  He saw someone far away, walking towards him.  It was his brother Esau!  I wonder if Esau could smell the food while he was out hunting.  He must have thought “I have been looking for animals all day, and I have nothing to show for it!  Boy am I hungry!  Wait!  What’s that I smell?  Stew!  I am so hungry!  I’ll go see what’s for lunch.”  Esau’s stomach grumbled as he made his way to his brother’s shepherd’s camp.  When he got there, he looked in the pot and saw a red stew.  And it looked good!  It had been hours since he had eaten.

“Please give me some of this stew, Jacob.  I’m so tired and hungry.  I’ve been hunting all day!”

Jacob thought for a minute and saw his chance!

“I’ll give you some stew, but only in exchange for your birthright.  I want the inheritance that is given to the older son.”

Esau angrily said “Look!  I’m dying here!  If I don’t eat soon, I’ll die anyway, so what does it matter if you have the inheritance.  I’ll be dead anyway if I don’t eat!”

Jacob said, “Swear to me that it is mine from today on.” 

Esau said “Fine.  I swear it’s yours.  Now give me stew!  Hurry!”

Jacob was happy with himself.  He had just accomplished God’s plan!  Or so he thought!

When God makes a promise, is it necessary for us to try to make the promise come true?

NO!  God never needs our help to keep His promises.  We can’t keep God’s promises.  Only HE can.  God is much more powerful than us.  He is much smarter than us.  It’s not our job to figure out a way to make God’s plans happen.  It is our job to TRUST God!  We can trust that God will make His perfect plan happen, even when it seems people around us are messing God’s plan up.  Remember Abraham and Sarah?  They tried to figure out how to make God’s plan happen, and Ishmael was born.  They had lots of problems because of that.  Now Jacob was trying to figure out how to make God’s plan happen.  Do you think it will go well?

You have to come back next week to find out!

Let’s pray and ask God to help us trust Him, even when it’s hard.

Isaac 4: Renewed Promise

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 26:1-5

“Master Isaac, the food is getting dangerously low.  This famine is bad!  It hasn’t rained in a long time, and there isn’t enough grass for the flocks to eat.  What can we do?!”  Isaac’s servants probably said something like this to their master.  Isaac already knew the situation was bad.  He had heard his father and mother talk about the drought not long after they arrived at the land God promised.  Abraham, Sarah, and Lot their nephew, along with all their servants and herds had gone to Egypt to escape the drought.  This would be a decision Abraham would surely regret!  He had not trusted in God, but in his own thoughts.  It got him into lots of trouble, first with the pharaoh, and then with Hagar, his wife’s Egyptian maid.

But Isaac must have forgotten about hearing his father talk about the bad things that happened.  I believe Isaac was planning to go to Egypt with his family, servants, and herds to find plenty of food.  Isaac had already moved his family to the land of the philistine king, Abimelech.  God spoke to Isaac before he could move again.  He said “Isaac, don’t go to Egypt.  Live where I tell you.  Live in this land, because this is the land I promised to your father, and I will give it to you and your descendants.  I will be with you here and bless you.  I will make your family like the stars in the sky.  In your family I will bless the whole world!  I will do this because Abraham obeyed me, and accepted my promise, and kept my laws.”

Wow!  I always thought that God just made the promise to Abraham, but here in the bible, I see that God also made this promise to Isaac, Abraham’s son!  God told Isaac that because Abraham obeyed, He would bless his family.

Do you remember the life of Abraham?  Did Abraham always do what was right?  No!  He sinned just like everyone else.  But he put his faith in God, and the promise God made to send a Savior to die for sins.  Because of this faith, God made Abraham righteous, or forgiven of the laws he had broken.  The same is true of us!  If we accept Jesus, we are forgiven of all of God’s laws we have broken.  I don’t know about you, but I have broken a LOT of God’s laws!

Does this forgiveness mean we never suffer consequences for our sins?  No!  But we will never be separated from God.  We have forgiveness with Him.

Isaac obeyed God and lived in that land.  If you read more of Genesis 26, you will see Isaac still sinned, and even made some of the same mistakes his father made in Egypt!  But Isaac put his faith in God, and had forgiveness, and God blessed us with His own Son, Jesus through the family of Isaac and Abraham!

Let’s thank God for His great goodness!

Isaac 5: Who Gets the Blessing?

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 27:1-40

“Esau, where is my son Esau?  I MUST see Esau right now!”  Isaac was lying in his bed, where he had been for many days.  He was very old now, over 100.  He was also very sick.  He couldn’t see much at all anymore, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he would live.  So, he called for his favorite son to come see him.

“I’m here, father.  What do you need?” said Esau as he entered his father’s tent.

“Son, I am so old and sick.  I want to give you the blessing of the oldest son.  Get your bow and arrow and go find some meat so you can make me some my favorite stew.  I will eat the celebration meal and then give you the blessing in the presence of God.”

It was very common for the father to throw a party when it was time to give the older son the blessing and the better inheritance.  But Isaac only invited Esau.  He didn’t even invite his wife or Jacob, his other son!  Why do you think he didn’t invite anyone else?  I think it is because Isaac remembered what God had told Rebekah before the boys were born.  God said the younger son would rule the older son!  Isaac didn’t like this.  His favorite was Esau, not Jacob.  So, he planned a secret celebration for Esau to get the blessing.

Esau obeyed his father and went out to hunt for meat.

As soon as he left Rebekah, his mother called for Jacob.  “Jacob!  Get over here,  quick!  You must do exactly as I say.  I was listening outside of your father’s tent and I heard him say he will give the blessing to your brother.  Go and bring me two of the best goats from the flock and I will make a stew just like Isaac loves.  Then you will take it to him, and he will eat it and give YOU the blessing.”

Jacob replied to his mother “But Esau is a hairy man.  I don’t have nearly as much hair as he has.  Father will be able to tell it’s me and not Esau as soon as he touches me!  Then he will give me a curse and not a blessing.”

“Son, you must obey me, and I will take the curse.”

Was what Rebekah was telling Jacob to do a good thing?  No!  It was sin.  Should we obey God’s commands, or man’s commands?  God’s!  Remember, God does not need our help in keeping His promises.  Rebekah knew God was going to bless Jacob over Esau, but she was trying to do it herself.  Jacob and Rebekah should have trusted God.  God could have kept Isaac from giving the blessing to Esau without Jacob having to lie to Isaac.

But Jacob did what his mother told him to do.  He took the two best goats he could find and took them to his mother.  She made a stew with the meat, and then she put the goat hair on her son’s hands and neck. She took some of Esau’s clothes and made Jacob change into them so he would even smell like his brother.  She gave the stew to Jacob to take into Isaac when it was cooked just right. 

Isaac could smell the delicious odor before Jacob even walked into his tent.

“Father!” said Jacob.

“Who are you, son?” said Isaac.  He was expecting Esau, but this didn’t sound like Esau.

“I’m Esau!  I have come back from the hunt and made you this stew!  You can sit up and eat now.”

Isaac asked, “How did you find meat so quickly?!”

“The Lord your God brought the animal to me, father.”

Still, Isaac wasn’t so sure.  “Come here, son, so I can feel you and see if you are really Esau or not.” 

Jacob must have held his breath as he walked over to his father’s bedside.  Would the goat hair fool his father?  He couldn’t see well at all, but he could feel and smell.  When Isaac reached out and touched Jacob, he said “the voice I hear is Jacob, but the hands are Esau.  Are your really my son Esau?”

“I am” said Jacob.

Isaac was satisfied with this and ate the stew.  When he was done eating, he said “Come here so I may kiss you, son.  As he kissed Jacob, probably on the cheek, he could smell the clothes of Esau.  Esau’s clothes smelled like the outdoors since he was always out hunting.

[Visual 1.6]  Isaac then said “You smell like the field that God has blessed, so may God give you the goodness of the fields.  May you have plenty of rain, animals, grain, and juice.  Let people serve you and nations bow down to you.  May you be master over your brother and let him bow to you.  Everyone who curses you will be cursed and everyone who blesses you will be blessed.”

Just like God had said so long before, Jacob was going to be master of his brother!  Jacob left the tent with the empty bowl, and a smile on his face.

Just as he rounded the corner and was out of sight, guess who came into Isaac’s tent?  ESAU!

Come back next week to see what happens next!

God knew all along that Jacob and Rebekah would lie and cheat to get the blessing.  Do you think that is how God wanted it to happen?  I don’t think so.  God doesn’t want us to sin, even if we know God has promised us something.  What do you think Jacob and Rebekah should have done?  They should have waited on God, and trusted that God would give the blessing to Jacob, even if it seemed an impossible thing to do.

Do you find it hard to wait on God sometimes, and trust Him? 

Psalm 37:5 says “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”

Let’s pray and ask for God’s help trusting Him. 

Isaac 6: Robbed!

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 27:30-46

“Is that Jacob rounding the corner?  I wonder where he is going in such a hurry.  Oh well.  I can ask him later.  Right now, I’m going to give dad this stew and get the blessing I deserve as the oldest son!” thought Esau.  He went inside to see his father lying in bed.  “Dad get up!  I have caught an animal and made your favorite stew!  Eat so that you can bless me!”

“Who…who are you?” said Isaac, sounding very confused.  

“It’s me, dad!  Esau!  Remember me, your firstborn son?!”  Esau must have thought his father was delirious with the sickness, and it made him forget him.  I’m sure he felt panic deep inside his heart!

Isaac, his father, began to shake.  “But who?  Who is the one who just brought me food?  I have already given him the blessing!  And it can’t be taken back…he will surely be blessed.”

When Esau heard that, he knew why Jacob had gone in such a hurry.  HE WAS FURIOUS!  Esau began to cry bitterly.  “Dad bless me also!  Bless me!”

Isaac said sadly “Your brother has tricked me and taken away your blessing.”

Esau said “Twice now he has robbed me!  He stole the inheritance of the firstborn, and now he has taken away the blessing of the firstborn!”

Was that entirely true?  Did Jacob steal the inheritance from Esau?  If you remember, Esau willingly agreed to trade his inheritance for a simple bowl of stew!  I’m positive he also knew about what God had said to his mother Rebekah, when God told her the younger son would rule, not the older son.  But I don’t think Esau cared much about God’s plans at that time in his life.  He only wanted to do things his way.  It’s true that Jacob and his mother did wrong in tricking Isaac, but Esau also did wrong in giving his inheritance away.  Esau couldn’t, or wouldn’t see his own sin, though.  He blamed it all on Jacob.

So, he asked his father to bless him, as he had blessed Jacob. 

Isaac had to tell the truth.  “I have blessed Jacob your brother, and I have given all his brothers as his servants.  He will be the master of the family.  I have blessed him with grain and juice.  What can I do for you, now?  He has the blessing.”

Esau was getting desperate!  He couldn’t believe this was happening!  He deserved all the best of his father’s food and riches!  He deserved to be the master!  He wanted to live a nice, comfortable life with only fun, good times.  He was only thinking about how HE could be happy.

God had other plans, though.  God wanted Esau to be happy, but God also knows that riches and plenty of food aren’t what bring us happiness.  They are nice blessing we can enjoy, if God allows these things in our lives, but they never bring real happiness.  The only true happiness we have is when we are filled with the love of God!  When we trust in Him, and His plans for our lives, we can be calm and happy.  When we try to have our own way, and our own plans, we are often anxious and frustrated!  There is great peace in believing that God has the best plans for our lives, if we will just give our plans to Him, He will make our lives into something so beautiful!  I wonder what wonderful plans God had for Esau.  Esau could have had great peace and happiness, even knowing that his brother would be the ruler over him.  But Esau wasn’t concerned with God’s plans, so he had NO peace at the moment! 

He begged his father once more “Dad, don’t you have just ONE blessing for me???  Please!  Bless me!  Bless me, too!”  and he cried once more.

Isaac quietly said “You will live off of the fatness of the earth, and the dew from the clouds.  You will live by your sword, and you will serve your brother.  When you become restless, you will shake the chains of service off of your neck.”

Isaac was realizing that he had done wrong in trying to bless his favorite son, instead of giving the blessing to Jacob in the first place.  He knew he could not take Jacob’s blessing back and give it to Esau.  He knew God’s plan, and there was no way around it, even though he tried to do it his way.  So instead of blessing Esau as he had originally planned, he blessed him in a different way.  He blessed him with plenty of food, but he knew Esau’s life wouldn’t be easy, like he wanted.  He and his descendants would have to fight for land, probably fighting the people around them who worshipped false gods.  And after a long time, his descendants wouldn’t have to serve Jacob’s descendants anymore. 

I’m positive Esau was not happy with this blessing.  It was far from what he had hoped.  He had hoped for all the best blessings his father could imagine!  But instead, Jacob got the best blessing.  Esau was fuming as he went to his own tent.  He began to complain, probably to the servants.  My father is very sick, and probably won’t live much longer.  As soon as he is dead and buried, I will take my revenge on Jacob.  I’m going to KILL  him!”

Do you think Esau will really kill Jacob, his own twin brother?  Come back next week to find out!

Now let’s pray and ask God to help us find true happiness and peace in Him!  Let’s ask for help in trusting God’s plans and giving our plans to God.  God has the BEST plans, even if they look different than our own right now.

Isaac 7: Escape!

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 27:41-28:9

Esau was fuming as he went to his own tent.  “ My father is very sick, and probably won’t live much longer.  As soon as he is dead and buried, I will take my revenge on Jacob.  I’m going to KILL  him!”

One of the servants probably overheard Esau in his tent making his plans to kill his brother Esau.  Perhaps he was talking to one of his two wives when the servant overheard him.  Esau had married TWO women.  What’s more, Esau married them against his parent’s wishes because both women worshipped false gods.  They also knew he should only marry one woman.  But Esau didn’t care what they thought.  This is another example of how he was only interested in his own pleasure, and not God’s plans.

The servant must have run to Rebekah’s tent to warn her.  Rebekah called Jacob to her tent.  [Visual 1.5]  “Jacob, your brother is so mad that he plans to kill you!  You must go away from here.  Go to my family in Padan Aram.  You can live with my brother until Esau cools off and forgets he is angry with you.”

Then, Rebekah went to speak with her husband, Isaac.  “Isaac,  I am worried Jacob will marry one of the women in this land.  They don’t worship the one, True God.  I might die of sorrow if he marries one of the wicked women.”

[Visual 2.1]  Isaac knew it would be bad for Jacob to marry a woman who had a false God.  God had plans for their family, and it was important for Jacob’s wife to know who God was.  So Isaac called for Jacob.   “Jacob, my son, it’s important for you not to marry one of the women here.  Go to Padan Aran, to Laban, your uncle’s house.  Find a wife from one of those women.”  Then Isaac blessed Jacob one more time, this time willingly.  “May God bless you and give you many children.  May God give you the blessing of Abraham, and your children with you.  May you inherit all the land God promised Abraham, even though you are a stranger in it right now.”  Isaac finally obeyed God and His plans for Jacob!  Isaac finally acknowledged that Jacob was the one God would use to continue to keep His promise to bless the world.

Jacob packed up his things and headed for the land of his uncle Laban.

Back at home, Esau heard how Isaac had blessed Jacob again.  He heard how his parents warned Jacob not to marry a woman from the land they were living in.  Esau probably wanted a second blessing from his father, just as Jacob had received one.  He thought maybe he could do something to please his father, and get a better blessing, since he wasn’t so pleased with his first one.  Since Isaac told Jacob to marry a cousin, he thought he would marry a cousin and make his parents happy with him.  He went to the family of Ishmael, Isaac’s half-brother.  He married his cousin Mahalath and brought her home, hoping to see smiles on his parent’s faces. 

Now Esau had THREE wives!  Do you think Isaac and Rebekah were happy when Esau arrived back home and introduced his third wife to them?  I don’t think so.  Esau was trying in his own strength to please his parents.  When we do things in our own strength, we will always fail at some point.  Esau should have prayed to God, asking forgiveness for his sins, and asking for God’s help and wisdom in his life.  I’m sure that is what would have pleased his parents the most, because that is what would have pleased God the most.  It seems that everyone in the family had tried to do things in their own strength, instead of with God’s help and wisdom.  What do you think would have happened if Rebekah had trusted God instead of trying to trick her husband?  What do you think would have happened if Jacob had trusted God instead of listening to his mother’s plan to trick his father?  What do you think would have happened if Isaac had listened to God’s plan to bless the younger son in the first place?  What do you think would have happened if Esau had trusted God to take care of him, even if he didn’t get the biggest part of the inheritance?

I think this story would have a lot less sadness in it.  Isaac and Rebekah were sad because they had to send a son away.  Esau was sad because he wanted a bigger blessing for selfish reasons.  Isaac and Rebekah were also sad because Esau now had 3 wives.  I think the 3 wives were sad that they had to share a husband.  No woman wants that, deep in her heart!  Jacob was sad because he didn’t know when he would see his family again (especially his sick father), or if his brother would one day catch up to him and kill him.

The good thing in all of this sadness…

God STILL loved them and wanted a relationship with each one of them!  God was still willing to forgive them and help each one of them.  He didn’t say “That’s it!  I’m done with this family who keeps messing things up.  I’m done with these liars and tricksters.  I’m done with them, and I don’t have to keep my promise.  I’m God and I can do what I want!”

I’m so glad God didn’t say that.  He kept his promise to bless the world through this family, even though they were not perfect.  The stories in the bible show us that NO ONE is perfect, but God still wants a relationship with us.  If we accept his Son, Jesus who died for our sins and rose again, we can have a relationship with God.  Even when we mess up.  God is willing to forgive us.  We only need to ask Him for forgiveness and help.  He wants to help us.  Isn’t God good? Let’s pray and ask Him for help to accept His plans for our lives, and live in GOD’S strength, not our own.