What is a Bible review game and why is it important?

A Bible review game is a game played after the Bible story that includes questions about the story, Bible doctrines learned in the lesson, memory verse, or even classroom rules!
The review game is next in importance to the Bible lesson.  It’s really that important!
Why?  I’m so glad you asked!
The review game is a time for the teacher to reinforce key points of the story and Bible doctrines. It is also a time to evaluate if you are effectively getting those points and doctrines across in a way easily understood by the kids.  (If none of the kids knows the answer, that is a good clue you might need to go back over a point.)
  If not, you can review important points, or even re-teach the doctrines they don’t understand the next week.  It is also a great way for the kids to memorize doctrines in a fun way.
Finally, it gives the children motivation to listen carefully and quietly during the lesson so that they can play the game.