Joseph 1: The Favorite Son

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 37: 1-11

“Joseph!  Come with me.  You and I will spend the day together.”

Jacob had 11 sons, and he wanted to spend time with Joseph, his youngest son.

“Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, and Zebulun…you all will work in the fields today, watching over the sheep.  Make sure you take them to the well to get water!  Joseph will stay here with me.  No go!”  Jacob commanded.

If you remember, when Jacob was a boy, his father Isaac liked to spend time with one of the twins over the other.  Who was Isaac’s favorite son?  (Esau)  I’m a SURE that it hurt Jacob’s feelings that his father showed his preference for Esau.  But now, Jacob was doing the same thing!  He had a favorite son.  That son was Joseph.

Maybe Joseph was his favorite because he was the first-born child of his favorite wife, Rachel.  Rachel got pregnant one more time, and gave birth to a son, Benjamin.  Benjamin was the last son of Jacob.  Rachel then died after she gave birth.  Joseph and Benjamin were without a mother, and maybe that’s why Jacob favored them.   

Joseph didn’t have to work as hard as his brothers.  He got special treatment, too.  I wonder if he got the biggest piece of meat at the dinner table.  Maybe Joseph got the last slice of cake, too!  Jacob definitely spoiled his favorite son.

How do you think that made Jacob’s other 10 sons feel?  (allow responses)

When Joseph was 17 years old, he was with his half-brothers, the sons of Bilhah his mother’s maid, and Zilpah, Leah’s maid.  Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher were with Joseph in the fields taking care of the herds of Jacob. 

When they got back home from feeding the flocks, Joseph went straight to his dad.

“Dad!  You won’t believe what Dan, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher did today!  They did something very bad.  I, of course, didn’t participate.” Said Joseph.

“What did they do, son?  Tell me everything.” Replied Jacob.

Joseph then made up a story about his brothers doing something bad!  He lied to his father!  We know that the 10 older sons of Jacob did bad things on other occasions, but it seems this time Joseph made up a story about them to make himself look better in his father’s eyes. 

And Jacob believed the lies.  He decided to make an example out of his “perfect” son (who was not so perfect!).  Jacob gave Joseph a present.  He didn’t give anyone else a present like this.  It was a very special present.  It was a robe with beautiful colors and decorations. [Visual 1.1] Jacob was showing his other children that Joseph was the important son.  He treated Joseph like he was Jacob’s very first-born son, even though Reuben was the first born.

Joseph was becoming a spoiled brat because of all the favor his father was showing him.

And his older brothers hated him for it!  Whenever their father was out of earshot, they told Joseph what a brat he was.  They called him bad names.  They just couldn’t stand to be nice to him.

Joseph had a dream one night.  It was a strange dream.  [Visual 1.2]  He decided to tell his brothers about it.  “Hey!  I had a dream about you guys.  We were gathering the wheat from the field into bundles.  We were all working away when all of a sudden, my bundle of wheat stood up!  Then your bundles of wheat stood around mine and bowed down to it!”

His brothers were steaming with anger.  “What?  Are you saying you will rule over us and we will bow down to you?”  They hated him even more that day, because Joseph was bragging about a dream where his brothers were less important than him.

Then, Joseph had another dream one night.  This time he told it to his brothers and his father.

“I had another dream!  This time, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down to me!”

This time, his father finally scolded him.  “Son, what is this dream?  Will your mother and I, and all your brothers come bow down before you?  Don’t be proud!”

[Visual 1.3]  His brothers were even more jealous of him.  They hated the fact that Joseph thought he was so special as to have dreams.  But Jacob thought about the dream a lot.

In fact, it was God who sent the dreams to Joseph.  Remember, they didn’t have the whole bible in those days.  In fact, they didn’t even have the whole chapter of Genesis, yet!  They were living during the time of the stories of Genesis.  God sometimes used dreams to tell people what He was planning.  And for some reason, God wanted a spoiled, proud teenager to know His plans for his life.  God would one day use him in a mighty way.  But long before that happened, God would have to change Joseph’s heart.  Joseph didn’t yet depend on God and seek Him.  Maybe Joseph didn’t even think he needed the God of his father, grandfather, and great grandfather.  He would later learn he needed God, though.

After Joseph bragged about his dreams to his brothers, they began to think about how they could punish him.  I’m sure there were many whispered conversations among the 10 older brothers.  I imagine some of them like this: “Dan, I just want to punch that little brat in the face so hard, he can’t chew his food for a month!” said Levi.  “Naphtali let’s spit in his food when no one is looking!” said Zebulun.  “The next time that kid looks at me with that smug look on his face, I’m going to wipe the floor with his face as if it were a mop!” said Reuben.

They all were just waiting for their chance to hurt him, they hated him so much.

And one day, their chance finally came!

Come back next week to find out how they could have revenge on their little brother.

Right now, let’s pray and ask God to help us depend on Him.  Ask God to help you remember that you need Him.  We all need Jesus to pay for our sins.  We all need God to help us every day in school, at home, and in the car.   The Bible says God is our help and strength.  Do you depend on Him, or are you full of pride and think you don’t need Him?  Pray for God to help you depend on Him.

If you have never trusted Jesus to pay for your sins, you can talk to me after class.  I will help you.

Joseph 2: The Supervisor

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 37: 12-24

“Joseph!  Come here!” said Jacob.

“What is it, Father?” asked Joseph.

“Your brothers are all in the fields near Shechem feeding the flocks.  Go and make sure everything is all right.  Tell me if they are keeping out of trouble.” Jacob commanded.

“I’ll go right away, Father.” And so, Joseph prepared himself for a long walk.  Shechem was about 50 miles away!  He had better take something to eat and drink with him.  If he walked quickly, it might take him 16 hours to get there. 

Joseph set out on his walk, probably feeling very proud of himself. [Visual 1.1]  First, his father had given him a special coat with beautiful colors and decorations.  Now his father was trusting him to be the supervisor to his 10 older brothers!  He was a very important person, indeed.  He had lots of time to think on his walk, and I’m sure he thought about the two dreams he had.  [Visual 1.2] “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have everyone bow down to ME?!  Even my father and stepmother Bilhah.  (Bilhah probably took care of Joseph and Benjamin after their mother Rachel died.)  I will surely be the most important person ever!”  I imagine some of his thoughts sounded like this.

Joseph finally arrived at the fields of Shechem, where his brothers had gone to feed and water the herds of their father.  He looked for them but didn’t see anybody.  There were no large flocks around, either.  He looked, and looked, but couldn’t find his brothers. 

“Hey!  Young man, what are you looking for?  Did you lose something out here?”

There was a man who probably lived in Shechem who was walking by when he saw the teenager.  It was obvious he was looking for something or someone.

Joseph replied “I’m looking for my brothers, the sons of Israel, also known as Jacob.  They have a large flock with them.  Have you seen them?”

“Oh!  Yes!  There were out in these fields the other day, but I heard one of them say that they should go to the fields of Dothan.  They were headed that way last time I saw them.” Said the man.

Joseph must have been annoyed.  He had walked all day, and now he had to walk another 15 miles!  That would take about another 5 hours!  I’m sure he began thinking things like “I’m going to give those guys a piece of my mind!  They were supposed to be in Shechem, but instead they decided to move to other fields.  They didn’t ask me, or my father if they could move.  I’m going to chew them out good when I see them!”

I am sure Joseph had to stop and rest for the night, and then set out again the next morning.  As he came over the top of a hill, he saw a very large flock, with several men looking after them.  He couldn’t see their faces yet, but he knew it was his 10 older brothers.  He waved to let them know he was coming to them.  [Visual 2.1]

“Look!  It looks like our little brother.  The “lord of the dreams”.” Sneered Simeon.

“Ugh.  What is HE doing here?  We were having such a nice morning until he came along…” said Levi.

“I can’t STAND that little brat!” said Issachar.

“Let’s kill him!” shouted Judah.  “No one is around.  We can do what we want, and no one will know!”

“YEAH!” cried Zebulun.  “Let’s do it!” said Dan.  “I’M IN!” shouted Naphtali.

“We can kill him and dump his body in this empty well.  That will teach that little “lord of the dreams”.  We can say a wild animal killed him and ate him!” Naphtali finished.

Judah chimed in “Ha!  Let’s see what happens to his precious dreams after he is dead!”

They all agreed, except one brother.  Reuben said “Nooo…let’s not kill him.  That wouldn’t do us any good.  Look, we will take him and put him in the well for now, while we figure out what to do with him.”  Reuben was the oldest and felt responsible for protecting all of his brothers.  Even Joseph.  Reuben’s secret plan was to go back and get Joseph out of the well and take him back home to his father.  He finally convinced them not to kill Joseph, just in time for Joseph to arrive at the flocks.  As Joseph began to greet his brothers, they surrounded him.  “Get him, boys!” said Judah.  They grabbed Joseph and tore his beautiful coat off of him.  “Hey!  Let that go!  It’s the coat father gave me!” cried Joseph.  “What’s going on?  Let me go!”

“Shut up, kid!” said Levi.  “You’re going in this well to think about your precious dreams.  Let’s see them help you now!  If you think I’m bowing down to you, you’ve been greatly mistaken!”  [Visual 2.2]

Joseph cried out in pain as he hit the floor of the dry well pit.  He pleaded for his brothers to let him out.  “I’m sorry!  I’ll do whatever you want!  Just get me out of here!”  The light was quickly leaving the small well pit, as his brothers covered it with the large covering.  Soon it was dark and quiet.  Joseph screamed and cried.  He began to sob in freight.  What was going to happen to him?  How was he going to get out of this?  He knew his brothers didn’t like him, but did they hate him enough to kill him?!

I can only imagine that Joseph began to pray to God when he realized his brothers were ignoring his pleas.  Would God help him? 

Come back next week to find out!

When we go through scary situations, the first person we should cry out to is God.  Not Dad, Mom, or teachers.  Not brothers or sisters.  Not even best friends.  God is the One who can help us.  He can give us peace.  Let’s pray and ask God to help us remember to always talk to HIM first in our troubles.

Joseph 3: The Price of a Slave

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 37: 12-36

“Hey!  Let go of me!  Wait until father hears about this!  You guys are going to be in such big trouble!”  Those were the cries of Joseph when they were dragging him to the empty well.

“I’m sorry!  I’ll do anything you want!  PLEASE!  I promise not to tell father!” 

I imagine those were the cries of Joseph as he was at the bottom of the well.  It was dark inside because the brothers had replaced the large lid that kept animals from falling inside and getting stuck.

“I’m hungry.  It’s past lunchtime.  Let’s sit down and eat.” Said Judah.  So that’s just what the 10 older brothers of Joseph did.  They heard him crying and pleading, but that didn’t stop them from enjoying their meal.  Maybe Reuben, the oldest, felt a little guilty, because he went away from his brothers to do something else.  Maybe he decided to go think about how he was going to get Joseph out of that well and back home safely. 

I’m sure the rest of the brothers were making fun of Joseph at their picnic lunch.  “Aww…the lord of the dreams is crying.” Said one brother.  “Oh no…what’s going to happen to dad’s favorite son, now?” sneered another.  “The little baby is crying…ooooh, how sad” mocked another.  All the while, Joseph must have felt more lonely and scared with each passing minute.  It seemed he had been in there for days, but it had only been an hour!  Nothing Joseph said would convince his brothers to let him out.  And he was beginning to fear what they would do to him.  They hated him, that was for sure.  But enough to kill their own brother?  He wasn’t so sure.  I think Joseph cried out to God for help at the bottom of that well.  Maybe he began to remember all the stories he had heard about God from his father.  How God promised Jacob He would be with him and protect him.  How God blessed Jacob with many sheep, even though Laban, his father-in-law tricked him and lied to him many times.  How God had blessed Jacob and given him a new name…Israel.  I think Joseph wondered if God would help him as he had helped his father.

Meanwhile, as the brothers were finishing up their meal, they saw a group of people coming their way.  It was the Ishmaelites!  These would be the grandsons and great grandsons of Ishmael, Abrahams son with the slave Hagar.  They were distant cousins of the sons of Jacob!  

“I have an idea!” said Judah.  “What good is Joseph to us if we kill him?  But here come the Ishmaelites.  It looks like they are going to Egypt to sell their spices and oils.  We can sell Joseph to them, and they will take him down to Egypt!  That way his blood won’t be on our hands, AND we can get some money out of this!”

“Great idea!  I love it!” said the brothers.  They agreed.  Joseph would be sold.  They made the deal with their cousins and got paid 20 shekels of silver.  That was how much a slave cost in that area!

Josephs brothers had just sold him as a slave!  They sent a rope down into the well so Joseph could get out and handed him over to the Ishmaelites.  As the large group of people, camels, and goods to be sold headed out to Egypt, Joseph must have looked back at his brothers in sadness.  Would he ever see them again?  Would he ever see his father or little brother?  What about Bilhah, his stepmother who took care of him after Rachel died? 

The 9 brothers definitely weren’t worrying about if they would ever see their bratty little brother again.  Slaves never came back.  They couldn’t!  So, they went back to their herds of animals happy to be rid of such a pest as Joseph.

When Reuben saw his brothers were back to work, he knew it was safe to go to the well.

He got there and moved the lid to let down a rope.  “Joseph, quick!  Grab the rope and I’ll pull you up!”

Nothing happened.  “Joseph!  Hurry!  We don’t have time for this!”  Again.  Nothing.  Reuben looked down into the dark pit.  “Joseph?  Are you there?”

HE WAS GONE!  Reuben began to panic.  He was the oldest!  If something happened to Joseph, surely, he would get the blame!

Reuben rushed back to the flocks.  “Guys!  We have an emergency!  Joseph isn’t in the well!  He’s gone!”

“We know he’s gone, Reuben.  We sold him.  Look at all this money we got!” said Judah.

“20 shekels of silver!” said Levi excitedly.

“WHAT?!” shouted Reuben.  “Our little brother is gone.  Now what’s going to happen to me?!  Father will never forgive me!”

Someone had an idea.  “I know how we can get out of this with NO ONE getting the blame!  Let’s kill one of the baby goats and cover Joseph’s tunic in the blood.  We can make it look like and animal tore it up as it ate Joseph!”

They all agreed.  They would all be in on the lie.  If an animal killed Joseph, none of them would get the blame, or the punishment!  They thought they had the perfect solution.

The bible says that we reap what we sow, though.  The 10 brothers didn’t know it yet, but one day they would suffer for their actions that day. 

They headed home with the flocks and with the blood covered tunic of Joseph.  I imagine the brothers argued the whole way home.  “You tell father, Reuben.  You are the oldest.”

“No way, Judah!  This wasn’t my idea.  It was your idea to sell Joseph.  YOU tell dad.”

“Not going to happen!  Let someone else tell dad.”

When they got home, instead of going to their dad to tell him the lie about Joseph, they decided to send a servant to tell him.

“Master, your sons have found this tunic and want to know whether or not it is your son Joseph’s tunic.”

Jacob cried out “It is JOSEPH’S tunic!  A wild animal has killed him?!  What will I do?  My son is torn to pieces!  He’s gone!”

Jacob tore his clothes and put on a rough, uncomfortable robe, and sat down and cried for his son.  In those days, tearing your clothes was a sign of great sorrow.  Putting on an uncomfortable robe was another sign of great sadness.

“My son.  My son.  He’s gone.” Cried Jacob.

All of his children tried to comfort him, but no one could.

“I will die from the sorrow I feel for my dead son.  I will go and join him.” He said.

The 10 brothers thought getting rid of Joseph would make their lives better.  But it didn’t.  It just made things worse.  Their own father sat and cried all day, for many days.  Things were never the same after that.

Sin is never the answer to make things better.  And the brothers sinned in selling their brother, and they sinned again in lying to cover it up.

Sometimes, we are tempted to sin, thinking it will help us get out of a bad situation.

But sin is never the answer.  God is the answer.  God can help us in any trouble we have. 

And sometimes, God send trouble our way because He wants to teach us to depend on Him!  God had big plans for Joseph, but first, he needed to teach Joseph to walk with God. 

Come back next week to find out how God would use trouble to teach Joseph.

Now, let’s pray and ask God to help us depend on Him instead of trying to get ourselves out of trouble.

Joseph 4: God is With the Slave

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 39:1-23

“Come on little boy!  Keep up the pace!  We need to get to Egypt soon, so we can sell you.  You’re nothing but a slave, now.  Poor little great grandson of Abraham.  What’s he going to do now?  Our grandfather Ishmael should have been given the inheritance of Abraham, but he was robbed by your family.  You’ll see how your God will bless you now!”  I imagine the Ishmaelites who bought Joseph for 20 pieces of silver were mocking him all the way to Egypt. 

Joseph was 17, and had grown up used to the best food, the tents, and treatment of his father.  Even at the expense of his 10 older brothers.  He had only known good times at home, up until now.  But things had changed once his jealous brothers dumped him into an empty well.  Then they sold him as a slave.  No more nice tent.  No more delicious food.  He probably got the gross scraps left over from Ishmaelites dinner.  He was more than likely tied up and forced to carry things along the way to Egypt.  I imagine Joseph had to work hard just to keep from crying in front of his slave masters.  His life was completely different now.  He used to boss people around, now he was being bossed around.  He probably suffered beatings as a slave.  His father wasn’t there to help him.  His older brother Reuben, who sometimes felt responsibility to protect him wasn’t there either.  He was all alone with no one on his side.  Is that true?  (Allow responses)

He wasn’t actually all alone.  He must have remembered the stories his father told about God.  He probably remembered seeing the sacrifices his father made to God.  A lamb was killed, and the blood was spread on the altar as payment for their sins.  He remembered hearing that the lamb was just a picture of someone who would come to be the sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.  He was part of the family God promised to use to bless the whole world! 

His family that sold him.  His family that had done horrible things, not just to him…to others.  I wonder if Joseph ever doubted God could use a family like his to bless the world.  It wasn’t a very nice family most of the time.  But then, He heard his father say that God always keeps His promises. 

The Bible doesn’t say exactly when Joseph began to trust in God, but it is clear that he trusted in God once he was sold again. 

When the Ishmaelites arrived in Egypt with Joseph, they probably took him to the market to sell him.  They wanted to make money off of him and could get more that they paid for him back home.  In the market, Joseph must have looked around in amazement and fear.  He didn’t understand much of what they were saying, as they spoke a different language.  He saw big buildings made of mud bricks all around him.  There was a large river nearby called the Nile river.  As he was standing there, many people walked by and stared at him.  Some even asked the Ishmaelites questions about him.

Finally, one man named Potiphar walked up to Joseph and began to speak to the Ishmaelites.  “How old is he? Is he strong?  His hands look soft, like he isn’t used to hard work.” Said Potiphar.

“Oh no, he is very strong.  He will make a great slave!” they replied. 

Potiphar handed them some silver, and Joseph knew there was no going back home.  He was stuck here in Egypt.  When he arrived at Potiphar’s house, he knew he was a VERY powerful man.  The house was HUGE!  His fields of grain were very large.  And there were already many servants and slaves inside.  I imagine he asked some of the other slaves who their master was.

“Don’t you know?!” they replied.  “This is Potiphar.  He is captain of Pharaoh’s guard!  He keeps the prison where the criminals who are lucky enough to get a trial go.  Most criminals are killed straight away, though.  Our master is very important, and very rich!”

Joseph was amazed.  Why had God brought him to be a house slave to a prison master?

He didn’t understand.  But he knew one thing.  There was no one for him to depend on except God.  And if he was going to believe that God kept His promises, Joseph had to trust that God was going to bless the whole world through his family still.  God could do anything, even use him and his messed-up family who were thousands of miles away.  So, Joseph decided to trust God, even when he was doing hard, uncomfortable work as a slave.  Even when he wasn’t being treated well, he decided to trust God.  God began to help Joseph.  And people were starting to notice how God was helping Joseph.  No one heard him complain about the hard work.  No one heard him complain about being hungry and tired.  In fact, people heard him talk about how God was helping him!  They noticed that Joseph didn’t pray to the idols of the Egyptian gods, like everyone else.  In fact, Joseph never prayed to ANY statue!  Instead, he lifted up his head and talked to someone named Jehovah!  Jehovah is on of God’s names that means “the Lord”.  People noticed that this Jehovah began to bless Joseph.

Come back next week to find out how Jehovah blesses him!

Right now, let’s pray and ask God to help us trust God.  Even when we don’t understand why bad things might be happening, we can trust God to keep His promises.  And God will bless us when we trust Him!

If you have never trusted in God and Jesus who died for your sins, talk to me after class.

Joseph 5: The Slave is Tempted

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 39:1-23

“Joseph, go out to the fields and work in the crops of wheat.  If you don’t work quickly, you will be beaten!  If the wheat dies, you will also be beaten!”

I imagine Potiphar gave Joseph a job in the fields, as he was new to his house.  He would have a difficult job, first, as he was a young slave, and stronger than the older slaves.  He would also be the least important slave as the newcomer.  No one would care much if he got hurt or sick.  They wouldn’t worry if he got a bad sunburn, or if he was dehydrated being in the hot Egyptian sun all day.  No one knew him, anyway.  He wasn’t from around there.  He grew up in a different country and culture.  The other slaves probably thought he was strange and didn’t want to be friendly to him at first.  I am POSITIVE that Joseph had a lot to complain about in his new home.  But he didn’t complain.  He didn’t go around with his head hanging down.  He didn’t sigh with annoyance every time Potiphar or his servants told him what to do.  He worked hard.  And he trusted God.  He kept reminding himself of how God promised to use his family to bless the whole world.  He kept thinking about the one God promised to send to pay for all the sins of the world.  What would he be like?  When would he come?  Would he ever get to meet him?

While he thought about these good things, he worked.  And the bible tells us that God blessed his work!  The other slaves began to notice that Joseph was different.  He seemed to be successful in every work he was given!  First, the wheat grew the best it had ever grown in Potiphar’s fields!  Then, the head servant probably gave Joseph a new job.  “Joseph, you are in charge of the cleaning crew.  Make sure the laundry is all done by the end of the day, or you will be beaten!”  There was a LOT of laundry!  The Egyptians practiced very good hygiene, and they washed themselves often.  They also put on clean clothes after they bathed.  Not only did Potiphar and his wife live in that big house, but the cooks, maids, house servants, field slaves, and the keepers of the animals lived there.  Also, there was a prison for the political prisoners of the Pharaoh!  That was a LOT of laundry to do!  I imagine Joseph prayed for God’s help every day since arriving.  And now, even more as each new task was given him.  God helped Joseph and the other laundry workers finish the laundry!  The head servant was amazed! 

“Master, oh wise Potiphar, there is a new slave who is doing a very good job.  Maybe he would be a good one to put in charge of a more important task in your vast household.” He told his master.

“Show me this slave and tell me about what he has done in my house.” Said Potiphar.

When he found out about Joseph’s hard work, he decided to give him another job, and he would personally pay attention to how well Joseph was working.

“Joseph, the master wants you to be in charge of the horses, camels, and donkeys.  Make sure the slaves are caring for them and giving them enough to eat.  If something happens to the animals, you will be held responsible!” said the head servant.

Joseph prayed for God to help him again.  And God helped him!  Under Joseph’s care the animals were the healthiest they had ever been.  The camels could carry more, and donkeys could pull more carts, and the horses could run faster.  Even more, Joseph had a way of working with the other slaves and servants.  They used to fight amongst themselves all the time, arguing like brothers and sisters argue.  But Joseph could calm them down faster than anyone else!  He had such a nice way of speaking to everyone.  They all respected him and obeyed him.

Potiphar was impressed!  He moved Joseph to another area.  Joseph improved the new area, getting people to work harder and faster, and calming the fighting and arguing.

Potiphar noticed that Joseph worshiped a different God than the many Egyptian gods.  He probably heard Joseph praying to God now and then, as well.  He began to notice that  God was actually blessing his whole house because of Joseph.  Potiphar had an idea!  “If Joseph does such a good job in one area at a time, what will happen if I put him in charge of my whole house?!” he thought. 

“Joseph!  I have seen your hard work.  I know you serve your God well, and God blesses you.  Now, you will be in charge of my house.  I will trust you with everything.  No one will be more important in this house, except me.  You will be in charge of the fields, the animals, the kitchen, the housekeeping, and the money.  I don’t want to have to worry about anything, so you will run everything.  Do what you want, just make sure I have good food to eat at mealtimes.”

Wow!  Joseph began as a spoiled child, then he became a lowly slave, the lowest in the house.  Now he was the second most important person in the large household!  He was the slave master now!  Potiphar trusted him so much, the bible says he didn’t even know how much food was in the barn, how much money was in the safe, or how many animals he had!  All he knew was that at the end of a long day working for Pharaoh, he could come home and have a nice meal, a hot bath, and a comfortable bed. 

Joseph was happy with no problems any more…

That is what you would think!  But he had a BIG problem!

Joseph was a very handsome young man now.  Remember his mother Rachel?  She was a very beautiful woman.  Joseph inherited his mother’s good looks!  And someone in Potiphar’s house noticed.  It was Potiphar’s wife!  She would have been a beautiful woman, as well.  A man like Potiphar was rich and powerful.  He could have married any woman he wanted, so I am sure he chose the most beautiful woman he could find.  She was home all day while her husband was working for Pharaoh.  And she had noticed the young slave long ago. 

“Who is that slave?  Tell me about him.” She asked her maid.  “Oh, that is Joseph.  He from Canaan.  He is a very hard worker.  He keeps getting promotions in the house for his hard work.” The maid replied.

Potiphar’s wife was smitten with Joseph.  One day, when no one was nearby to hear, she stepped up to Joseph and whispered in his ear “Joseph, come with me to my room.  I want you to lie in bed with me.”

Joseph was shocked!  “Oh, no!  I can’t do that.  You are Potiphar’s wife.  He trusts me with everything he has.  I can’t betray him.  And even worse, I cannot sin against God in this way.  It is wrong, and I won’t do it.” 

She walked away very disappointed.  But the next day, she tried again. 

Joseph’s reply was the same.  She was determined, though.  Every day she found Joseph alone and told him to lie in bed with her.  Every day Joseph said it was a sin against God, and he couldn’t do it. 

Don’t think this was easy for Joseph.  Potiphar’s wife was very beautiful.  She wore beautiful clothes.  She put on the best perfumes and smelled very sweet.  She whispered in his ear how handsome and wonderful he was.  It was a temptation for Joseph.  I imagine there was a part of him that wanted to lie in bed with her.  But he prayed for help, and reminded himself that it was sin, and he didn’t want to disobey God in this.  He reminded himself that God loved him and was going to send someone to die for his sins someday.  God helped him resist the temptation every day.

Potiphar’s wife was more and more frustrated she wasn’t’ getting her way.  She was used to getting whatever she wanted.  She was rich and beautiful!  She more than likely had already convinced other slave men to lie in her bed.  But this Joseph was stubborn!

She made a plan and thought “Joseph will do what I say, or he will be sorry!”

The next day she waited until all the men were working outside.  She quickly put on her prettiest dress, sprayed her nicest perfume, and put on her prettiest shade of lipstick.  She found Joseph alone in the house and grabbed his shirt.  “Joseph, lie in bed with me!” 

Joseph knew he was in trouble!  She looked nicer than he had ever seen her.  She smelled so sweet.  But he didn’t want to sin.  So, Joseph ran away from her as fast as he could!  He ran straight outside the house.  He didn’t even want to be anywhere near her!

She was furious!  How dare he run away from her!  She looked down and noticed that she was still holding on to his shirt!  She yelled as loud as she could “HEEEEEELP!  HELP ME!”

The men who were working outside came running in.  “What happened ma’am?”

Potiphar’s wife began to cry fake tears.  “Look!  My husband has brought in a horrible Hebrew slave to ruin our lives!  Joseph came into the room and grabbed me.  He tried to lie in bed with me, but when I began to scream for help, he ran away.  Look!  I have his shirt right here to prove it!”

The men were confused!  It sure didn’t sound like Joseph.  And since he was in charge, there was nothing they could do. 

Potiphar’s wife held onto the shirt until her husband came home, so she could tell the story to him.  I am sure by that time she was able to think of more to add to her story of lies.

Potiphar was furious!  “Bring me Joseph!  RIGHT NOW!” he yelled.

Will God help Joseph out of this mess?  Come back next week to find out!

Let’s ask God to help us when we are tempted.  God can help us say “NO” to sin, just as He helped Joseph.

Joseph 6: Joseph in Prison

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 39:20-23; 40:1-23

“Bring me Joseph.  NOW!!!” Potiphar was furious.  He just got home after a long, hot day, and his wife came rushing to him in tears.  “Joseph tried to do something horrible!”  [Visual 3.3]  She, of course, was lying!  “Look at the Hebrew slave’s tunic.  He left it with me after he tried to hurt me!  How could you do this to our household?  How could you buy a Hebrew slave who would come here and hurt us?  This is all your fault, Potiphar!”

Potiphar was so angry he could hardly speak.  He had trusted Joseph with EVERYHTING in his house.  And Joseph tried to steal his wife away!  He just couldn’t believe how Joseph had tricked him.

Potiphar had fallen for the lies of his wife!  He should have known that Joseph was a good man who loved God and other people.  He should have remembered all of the hard work that he had seen from Joseph.  But in his anger, I imagine Potiphar said “Joseph, I never want to see your face again!  You are going to prison for the REST of your life!”  He then grabbed Joseph by the arm and roughly led him to the prison.  “Throw this man into the darkest prison cell!” he told the prison keeper, the man in charge of everything going on at the prison.  The prison keeper must have wondered what horrible crime Joseph had committed to make Potiphar so angry.  He escorted Joseph to a prison cell and locked the door behind him. 

I imagine a few days passed before the prison keeper noticed that Joseph seemed like a nice man.  He was always praying and singing to his God.  He never used curse words like all the other prisoners, and even the guards did.  He didn’t steal the other prisoner’s food.  I imagine he gave some of his own food to the sick and weak prisoners.  There was something different about Joseph, and everyone had noticed. 

One day, the prison keeper called for Joseph to come to his office.  “Joseph, I think you are a good man.  So, I’m going to give you a job.  Don’t let me down!  I want you to help take care of the sick prisoners.  You can leave your cell to get water and food for them.  You can go for the bandages and medicine in the prison supply room, too.  You can’t leave the prison, so don’t try to escape or you will be caught and killed!”  I think the prison keeper half expected Joseph to try to escape the prison.  But Joseph never did.  He took such good care of the sick prisoners that soon, there were less and less sick men.  Days passed and they were getting better!  They usually just died from neglect.  And he noticed that everyone seemed to be in a little better mood, too.  He decided he could trust Joseph.  So, he called for Joseph to come to his office again.  “Joseph, you are going to help take the food to all of the prisoners during mealtimes.  Here are the keys to the prison cell doors.  You can unlock the doors to take the food inside.  Don’t forget to lock the doors when you leave.  But you can’t have the keys to the main prison door.  If you try to escape, I will still kill you.  And if any of the other prisoners escape, you will be responsible…and you know what THAT means!”  Joseph was learning how to work hard in the prison, just as he had learned to work hard at Potiphar’s house.  That hard work was how God was teaching him many things.  Remember how Joseph was at his home, back when he was the favorite son?  Did he have to work hard there?  No way!  Everything was given to him.  He was spoiled and prideful!  But he had to learn how to serve others.  He needed to learn not to be prideful.  Pride is a sin!  We all are prideful now and then.  We all think we are better than someone else.  But God loves us all and want us to treat others well.  Joseph was learning this.  And he was learning to depend on God each day.  I’m sure he prayed that none of the prisoners would try to escape.  He would be killed if they did!  He had to trust that God would keep that from happening.  He probably still prayed he would be able to see his family again someday.  I’m sure he thought about them often.  I’m positive he thought about the dreams God had sent him and wondered how on earth anyone would ever bow down to him.  He was a slave.  He had become important in Potiphar’s house after a while.  But now he was a lowly prisoner.  People didn’t bow down to prisoners!  Joseph had to trust that God was with him and would help him.  And Joseph did just that!

And God blessed him!  The bible says in Genesis 39: 21 “But the Lord was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.”  Even though Joseph wasn’t perfect, God gave him mercy!  God gives us mercy, as well.  Joseph didn’t know the name of the savior God had promised.  We know his name, now.  It’s JESUS!  But Jesus was still in heaven in Joseph’s time.  He hadn’t come down to earth to be born in a manger yet.  That would happen many, many years after Joseph.  But Joseph put his faith in God, that God would send someone to die for his sins.  Joseph had the mercy of God.  Just as we can have the mercy of God when we put our faith in Jesus, that He died on the cross and rose again for our sins!  That is such a SPECIAL, WONDERFUL gift.  And God promises to be with us when we put our faith in Him.  God was with Joseph in that prison.  He helped him every single day.  I don’t think the prison was a very nice place to be.  It was probably dark, and smelly.  Not everyone was  friendly there.  Not all of the guards were friendly either.  I’m sure they beat the prisoners regularly.  But God helped Joseph in those hard times in his life.  Isn’t God good?!

Joseph got more and more responsibility from the prison keeper, as he saw what a good job Joseph was doing.  Finally, the prison keeper said “Joseph, you are in charge of all of the prisoners.  You will take care of everything they do.  I won’t even need to be here to supervise you, because I know you will do a good job.  I can finally relax a little bit!  Maybe I’ll even take a vacation!”

Joseph had risen to the top of the prison, just as he had risen to the top of Potiphar’s house!  [Visual 3.2]  Who did that?  Joseph, or God?  God!  God had blessed Joseph, again.  Next week, we will learn about two VERY important prisoners that Joseph would meet. 

Right now, let’s pray and that God for His promise to always be with us and help us if we put our faith in Jesus.

Joseph 7: Joseph the Interpreter

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 39:20-23; 40:1-23

“Joseph, you are in charge of all of the prisoners.  You will take care of everything they do.  I won’t even need to be here to supervise you, because I know you will do a good job.  I can finally relax a little bit!  Maybe I’ll even take a vacation!”  God gave Joseph favor with the prison keeper, and now he was in charge of all of the prisoners!  He was a prisoner himself, but the prison keeper trusted him so much that he put him in charge.

[Visual 3.4]   Joseph checked on all of the prisoners each day.  I imagine he tried to encourage them and tell them about the True God who promised to bless the whole world with a Savior.

Some of the prisoners were real criminals, and some were just people that had offended the pharaoh, or king of Egypt.  If you worked in the palace, it was important not to make the pharaoh angry!  If you did, you would surely spend time in prison.  Even if you didn’t do anything wrong, but the pharaoh was in a bad mood and decided to take it out on you, you could spend time in prison.   

As Joseph had been innocent when he was sent to prison, I’m sure he had compassion on those who were sent to prison unjustly.  He understood exactly how it felt.  He could encourage them like no one else could!  He could tell them all about God, and how God was always with him, even in a prison.

[Visual 3.4]   One day, Joseph was going around checking on all of the prisoners, like he did every morning.  He got to one of the prison cells with two prisoners.  One man was Pharaoh’s’ head butler, and the other man was Pharaoh’s head baker.  The job of the head butler included being the Pharaoh’s taste-tester.  He took the king his cup whenever he wanted to drink, and he had to taste the drink in Pharaoh’s sight.  If he didn’t get sick, the Pharaoh knew the drink wasn’t poisoned.  In those days, it was like a security guard for the food!  People tried to poison the kings because they wanted their power.  The chief baker was in charge of the cooking of all of Pharaoh’s food.  He also had to make sure none of the food was poisoned.  They had both made Pharaoh mad, and he sent them to prison.  I think the king got sick from a meal and accused both the butler and the baker of trying to poison him!

Joseph noticed that they both looked unusually sad that day.  “What’s going on, guys?  Why do you look so sad today?” Joseph asked.

The head butler said “We’re sad because we both had very strange dreams, and we don’t know what they mean.  There is no one here in prison to help us understand them, either.”

Joseph said “Don’t dreams and their meanings belong to God?  Please tell me about your dreams.”  Joseph knew that in those days, since they didn’t have the whole bible written down yet, God used dreams to tell people things.  Not every dream was God speaking, because sometimes we all just dream normal things.  But these dreams were special. 

The head butler started with his dream.  [Visual 3.5]  “I was dreaming, and I saw a grape vine with three branches.  The vine was healthy, and there was a lot of fruit on it!  I was holding Pharaoh’s cup in my hand, and I took some of the delicious grapes and I squeezed them into Pharaoh’s cup.  I then handed Pharaoh the cup with the juice.”

“This is what your dream means:” began Joseph “The 3 vine branches are 3 days.  In 3 days, Pharaoh will give you your job back.  You will take the cup to Pharaoh once again, just like you were doing before being sent to prison.  Please remember me when you are back at your job.  Tell Pharaoh about me.  I am a Hebrew who was stolen from his home country.  I have done nothing wrong to be put in this prison.”  Joseph knew the butler would be able to speak to Pharaoh and could explain that a good man was sent to prison unfairly.  Pharaoh could have him released!  I think Joseph was praying that he would soon be out of prison and on his way back home to be reunited with his father Jacob, and his brother Benjamin, and his 10 other brothers and sister.  He wanted to see them so badly!  It had been years!  As soon as he was released from prison he would go as FAST as he could to get back home.

The baker listed as Joseph told what the butler’s dream meant.  He began to get very excited!  Maybe his dream meant he would be released in 3 days too!  He told Joseph about his dream.  [Visual 3.5]  “In my dream, there were 3 white baskets on my head.  The top basket had all kinds of baked goods for Pharaoh.  The birds came and ate them out of the basket.”

“Here is what your dream means:” said Joseph. “The 3 baskets are 3 days.  In 3 days, Pharaoh will cut your head off and hang you on a tree.  The birds will come and eat your body.”

The baker didn’t like to hear this at all!  I think he was hoping Joseph was wrong about his dream.  But Joseph was NOT wrong!  3 days later, the news came to the prisoners by a messenger.  “In honor of the King’s birthday, he has decided that the head butler gets to go home!  He’s got his old job back!” said the messenger sent to the prison.  “The head baker will be put to death for his crimes.  His head will be cut off.  Now, a feast is prepared for all of Pharaoh’s servants to celebrate the King!”

God had helped Joseph understand those dreams, and they came to pass!  [Visual 3.6]  And now, someone near Pharaoh would hear all about him, and he would soon be out of prison!  Joseph continued his work in the prison, but he waited excitedly to hear when he would be released.  He knew it was too much to expect it to be that day.  Everyone would be busy celebrating the King’s birthday.  There was a big party and a lot of work to do.  So, he waited until the next morning. 

No word came, and Joseph thought maybe the King was asking around about what happened to him.  The next day, no one came to release him.  I’m sure he was a little disappointed.  But he kept doing his job and praying that God would help him.  Days passed, and no word came to the prison for his release.  I think Joseph’s heart began to hurt some.  He was hoping to see his family again.  But God had other plans.  God was still teaching Joseph to wait on His timing.  It’s not an easy thing to do for anyone!  But God was still with Joseph in the prison, as He had been with Joseph in the dark well when his brothers threw him down inside and planned to sell him.  Joseph kept working and waiting.  He kept his faith in God.  He knew God had promised to bless the world through his family, and he knew God always keeps His promises.  So even if Joseph spent the rest of his life in that prison, He knew God would keep His promise to send a Savior to die for his sins.

What do you think?  Will Joseph ever see his family again?  Will he ever get out of that prison?

Come back next week to find out!

Joseph 8: Pharaoh Has Disturbing Dreams

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 40: 23; 41:1-37

Joseph was waiting in the prison expecting to see a messenger from the king come in at any time.  He had asked Pharaoh’s head butler to mention him to the king when he got back to work.  The butler was so grateful that Joseph had interpreted his dream that he promised Joseph he would try his best.  But Joseph passed the days waiting and working his job as usual in the prison.  I don’t think he moped around, crying how unfair life had been to him.  Instead, I think he kept praising God for being with him in prison and blessing him.  It sounds very strange to say that God blessed someone in prison.  Prison is meant to be a punishment, so how can God bless someone in prison?!  Joseph is our example of this very thing!  God was with Joseph, to comfort and help him when he felt sad.  When he missed his family, he could pray and ask God to help him.  God also gave him grace with the prison keeper, and the guards, too.  They became kind to him, because they saw he was a good worker, and he wasn’t unkind to them.  Maybe you know someone who is in prison today.  Can God bless them in prison?  Yes!  He can!  And you can pray and ask God to help them.  If you love someone who is in prison, can God help you, too?  Of course!  Just talk to God and tell Him how you feel.  Ask God to help you and be with you, too.  He will help you.

After a few days, it became obvious that the butler had forgotten all about Joseph.  He was busy, back at work, and Joseph was soon out of his mind.  God was still preparing Joseph for something very special, and He wanted Joseph to keep trusting in Him, and depending on Him.

Two whole years passed after the butler promised to help Joseph get out of prison. 

One night, the Pharaoh was sleeping, and he had a very strange dream.  He woke up very troubled.  “That was the strangest dream I have EVER had!” he thought.  He tried to go back to sleep, but he couldn’t.  He just kept thinking about that dream.  The more he thought about it, the more troubled he became.  “Why was my dream so strange?  What does it mean?” he said to himself.  Finally, as Pharaoh lay in bed, he fell back to sleep.  He had another strange dream!  He woke up and felt so worried.  “What is going on?!  I had the two strangest dreams of my life in one night.  I have no idea what those dreams mean.  Am I losing my mind?”  I imagine he said to himself.  Now, Pharaoh didn’t believe in the One, True God.  He worshipped many false gods.  So, he thought one of the false gods was trying to tell him something.  So, Pharaoh called his servants together that morning.  “I want ALL of the magicians and wise men in Egypt to come to the palace.  Go bring them here.” He commanded.

The magicians and wise men were often the priests of the false gods.  They were also sometimes people who practiced magic, which the Bible tells us is not good.  Do you think priests of false gods, and magicians would know anything about a special dream? 

Well, they arrived at the palace one by one.  Pharaoh told them his two dreams, but not one of them could figure out what it meant.  It was such a strange, disturbing dream!  Pharaoh was getting desperate! 

It was then that the head butler was working and listening to the servants talk about all of the guests in the palace.  He asked what they were doing there.  When he heard that they were trying to interpret Pharaoh’s dream, he exclaimed “OH!  JOSEPH!  I FORGOT ALL ABOUT HIM!”

The butler rushed to speak to the king.  “Excuse me great king!  I have something important to tell you.” He said, “I remember something I should have done long ago.  Two years ago, you were angry with me and the head baker, so you put us in prison.  Both the baker and I had a dream on night.  Neither of us understood our dreams, but there was a young Hebrew man there.  He was the servant of the prison keeper.  We told him our dreams, and he was able to tell us what they meant.  And he told us what would happen.  He said the baker would be killed, and I would return to work for you.  It happened just like he said it would!  His name is Joseph.  Maybe he can help you with your dream, oh King.”

Pharaoh would try anything at this point, so he sent a servant to the prison to bring back Joseph.  When the servant arrived at the prison, Joseph was working away as usual.

“Are you Joseph?” the servant asked.  “Yes.  I am.” Joseph replied.  “How can I help you?”

The servant told Joseph to hurry and get ready.  He was going to the palace!  When he got to the palace, he had to get ready to see the king.  Joseph had to shave his head, as was common for Egyptian men in those days, and change his clothes.  I’m sure his clothes weren’t in very good shape by then.  Certainly not good enough to stand before Pharaoh.  I imagine he also had to take a bath!  Soon, Joseph was ready to see the king.

When he got to the throne room, Pharaoh said “I have had a dream, and no one can interpret it for me.  I have heard that you can interpret dreams.”

Joseph answered Pharaoh “I don’t have that power, but God will give you and answer.”

Joseph made sure Pharaoh knew that he didn’t have the answers to the king’s dream, but God gave the king the dream, and God would give the answer to the dream. 

Pharaoh then began to tell Joseph all about his dream.  “I was standing on the riverbank, looking at the river. All of a sudden, seven cows came up out of the river.  They were nice, fat cows that looked very healthy.  They went to the meadow and began eating the grass.  As they were eating, seven more cows came up from the river.  They were the UGLIEST cows I have ever seen.  They were skinny and looked sick.  They went over to the healthy, fat cows and ATE THEM all up!  After they ate them, you would never know they had just eaten a whole cow, because the still looked ugly and skinny.  Then I woke up.  I then had another dream.  In the second dream I saw a single stalk of corn.  It had seven beautiful pieces of corn on it.  They were big and juicy.  All of a sudden, seven more pieces of corn came up on the same stalk.  They were ugly and thin, ruined by the east wind.  They swallowed up the good corn.  I told this dream to all of my magicians and wise men, but not one of them could explain it.”  Pharaoh finished speaking and waited to hear what Joseph would say.

Pharaoh, God has given you these two dreams to show you what will happen soon.  The two dreams have the same meaning.  The 7 good cows and the 7 good corn both represent 7 years.  The 7 ugly, bad cows and the 7 bad corn both represent another 7 years. For 7 years there will be a lot of grain growing in the land.  There will more than enough to eat.  But then there will be 7 years of famine.  The grain will not grow well, and there won’t be enough food for everyone.  Many people will suffer hunger.  God gave you two dreams because He wanted to show you what He is going to do.

It would be good if you, oh Pharaoh, would choose a very wise man to be in charge of the food and grains in Egypt.  Also, choose officers to go through all of Egypt to collect 1/5 of the crops each year for 7 years.  They can store the collected food with your authority and keep some stored in each city.  When the 7 bad years come, the stored food can be given out to those who need it, so no one will die.”

Pharaoh thought about it for a moment.  “This is a very good idea.  The young Hebrew man’s God had given him dreams to tell him what was going to happen, and then let Joseph interpret the dreams.  This Joseph must be very close to his God!  And this God seemed very powerful!”

It’s amazing to me that God showed a man who didn’t believe in Him what He was going to do.  But God had a special plan, and God would show His great power to those who didn’t believe in Him.  He was showing that He is the One, True God!

Do you think Pharaoh will follow Joseph’s advice and choose a wise man to be in charge of the food for the 7 good and 7 bad years?

Come back next week to find out!

Let’s thank God for being with Joseph all the long years he was in prison.  Let’s thank God for being with us, as well.

Joseph 9: The Slave Rules

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 40: 23; 41:1-37

Pharaoh, you should choose a very wise man to be in charge of the food and grains in Egypt.  He can store the collected food and keep some saved up in each city.  When the 7 bad years come, the stored food can be given out to those who need it, so no one will die.”

Pharaoh thought about it for a moment.  “This is a very good idea.”  He asked his servants what they thought about Joseph’s idea.  They all thought it was a great idea!  Pharaoh looked at his servants and asked “Where else can we find a man as wise as this Joseph?  He has the Spirit of God in him!  Joseph, since God has shown you all of this, I think you are the wisest man around, and you will be in charge of this.”  Wow!  Joseph was 30 years old now, and he had changed so much since he was a boy.  He used to be spoiled, prideful, and selfish.  He even lied to get his brothers in trouble with his dad!

But through the years he had allowed God to change his heart.  God taught him to be honest, kind, hardworking, and humble. He taught Joseph how to be in charge of others, also.  And the world around Joseph could see his love for God!  This is a great example of how God can use ANYONE!  If we are willing to let God change our hearts, He can make us more and more like our Savior, Jesus!

Pharaoh continued speaking to Joseph “You will have power over my house, and everyone in the kingdom will be under your rule.  I will be the only one in Egypt with more power than you.  Today I have set you over all of the land of Egypt.  “I am the king, but without your consent, no one in Egypt can even lift his foot to take one step.”

Pharaoh then took his most important ring off of his finger and put it on Joseph’s finger.  This was his signet ring.  A signet ring had a special symbol on it, and it showed that you had power.  Sometimes it was used to stamp or seal important papers, too.  Then, Pharaoh gave him nice clothes to wear, and put a gold chain around his neck.  He took him out to the chariots and put him in the second most special chariot.  The chariot rode around town and the servants of Pharaoh told everyone “Bow on your knee!”  Everyone bowed on their knee when Joseph passed by in the chariot. 

Just a few hours before, Joseph was a slave and a prisoner!  Now, he was the second most import person in the whole kingdom of Egypt!  He had nothing but the clothes on his back, and they were old and dirty.  Now, he had fancy clothes and expensive jewelry.  He had a ring that let him do anything he wanted in the whole kingdom!  Wow!  What a change in Joseph’s life.  And it happened lighting fast! 

If God hadn’t been preparing Joseph, and if Joseph hadn’t been trusting in God, all of that power would have gone to Joseph’s head.  He would have been prideful and selfish again, just like when he was a boy!  At the time of Joseph’s hardships, he didn’t understand what God was doing.  But God had a plan the whole time.  He was preparing him to be in charge of a WHOLE kingdom of about 2 million people!

Sometimes, things will happen in our lives that we just don’t understand.  We can’t see why God would allow something bad to happen to us.  You will be tempted to think God doesn’t love you, or God isn’t in control.  But when you begin to think that, just remember the life of Joseph.  We don’t always understand God’s plan, but God is always with us.  Ask God to help you trust Him in the hard times, as well as the good.

Joseph began his work in the kingdom.  Pharaoh changed Joseph’s name to “Zaphnath-Paaneah” The king also gave Joseph a wife, Asenath.  Asenath grew up learning about the false god Ra since her father was the priest of Ra.  She learned about other false gods in Egypt as well.  Now, she had a chance to learn about the True God, Jehovah!  I’m sure Joseph told Asenath all about how God created the world, and how He promised his great grandfather Abraham that He would bless the whole world through his family.  He must have told Asenath how one day, a Savior would come to die for the sins of the whole world.  I sure hope Asenath put her trust in Jesus.  The Bible doesn’t tell us if she does or not, but she certainly had the opportunity to watch Joseph live out his faith in God.  And God blessed them with two sons!  The first son was named Manasseh, which means “God has made me forget all my struggle and my father’s house.”  The second son was named Ephraim, which means “God has caused me to be successful in the land of my trouble.”  Joseph was showing his wife, and the world around him, that he owed everything to God.

Joseph worked hard every year for seven years.  He went through all the cities and towns in Egypt.  He gathered 1/5 of the crops from every farmer and stored them safely in each nearby city.  I’m sure he hired people to guard the food and keep the mice and insects from eating it.

At first, he kept count of how much grain each city had stored up.  But after a few years, he couldn’t count anymore, it was SO MUCH!  The crops grew so well during those seven years.  The rain fell just at the right time each year, and there was no flooding to destroy the crops. 

But then, when the seven years ended, so did the rain.  The crops dried up and withered away.  Not much grew on the farms.  There was no food for the people, let alone the animals!  And it wasn’t just in Egypt!  There was a horrible famine in the countries all around.  After the first bad year, people really ran out of all their food.  If the stores had any food, it would be too expensive for most people to buy. 

The people of Egypt began to suffer hunger.  They complained and asked Pharaoh to help them.  Pharaoh told them “Go to Joseph!  Do whatever he tells you to do.”

Joseph began to open up the doors of the storehouses.  He sold the food to the Egyptians, and he didn’t set the price too high for anyone.  The people of Egypt were safe from the famine!

Pretty soon, word got out to the other countries.  “Egypt has food!  They stored up so much food, that they have plenty for everyone!  We can go to Egypt to buy food!” 

People began to take the long journey to Egypt.  They bought sacks of food such as corn, wheat, lentils, rice, and cereal to take back home to their starving families.

Word got out in the land of Canaan, too.  Jacob probably heard a neighbor talk about going on a trip to buy food.  “Buy food?” he asked. “Where will you buy food?  There is no food for miles!  And if there IS any, it’s far too expensive!”  “I’m going to Egypt!  Word is that they have more than enough food there.  I think they saved some up from a couple of years ago.” Said the neighbor.

“Sons, I have heard that there is grain in Egypt.  God down to Egypt and buy us some, so we don’t starve to death here.  But don’t take Benjamin, my youngest son.  I don’t want anything to happen to him, like it did to Joseph, his brother.”

So, the 10 remaining sons of Jacob started off on their long trip to Egypt.  They took donkeys to ride on the way there, and they would load them up with the sacks of grain on the way back.

They finally arrived in Egypt and began asking around where they could buy food.  “You have to go to the capitol city, and buy it from Zaphnath-Paaneah, the governor of the kingdom.  So, they went to the capitol city, and stood in line to buy food.  When it was their turn, the walked into the room where Zaphnath-Paaneah was waiting.  The 10 brothers bowed down on their faces to him, just as they had seen others doing.  When they got up, Zaphnath-Paaneah, who was Joseph, saw their faces and immediately recognized them.  HIS BROTHERS!  He hadn’t seen them in around 20 years, but he knew exactly who they were.  They were older, more tired, and probably a lot sadder, but it was them.  The men who ripped off his special coat of many colors and threw him in the pit.  The same men who made fun of him as he cried and pleaded for help.  The same men who sold their own brother as a slave!

Now, Joseph had all the power, and they had none.  In fact, they had to bow down before him, just as he dreamed would happen so many years before.

How would he react?  Was Joseph going to throw them in prison for revenge?

Come back next week to find out!

Let’s pray and thank God that His plans are perfect, even when we don’t understand them.  Let’s thank Him that He will help us in bad times and good times.

Joseph 10: The Brothers Suffer

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 42:1-28

Joseph the second highest ruler of Egypt, was in charge of all of the food during the famine that covered the whole country.  The famine was so bad that it even affected all of the countries around the area.  One day, Joseph was meeting with the people from foreign countries who needed food.  They all waited patiently by families, until it was time to go in and see Zaphnath-Paaneah (the Egyptian name of Joseph).  In walked a family of 10 men.  The servants who brought them in said “Bow before the high ruler, Zaphnath-Paaneah!  Show your respect to our revered governor!”

As the brothers bowed, and then stood up to speak to him, Joseph turned around and saw their faces.  He recognized them instantly!  HIS BROTHERS!  He hadn’t seen them in around 20 years, but he knew exactly who they were.  They were older, more tired, and probably a lot sadder, but it was them.  The men who ripped off his special coat of many colors and threw him in the pit.  The same men who made fun of him as he cried and pleaded for help.  The same men who sold their own brother as a slave!

Now, Joseph had all the power, and they had none.  In fact, they had to bow down before him, just as he dreamed would happen so many years before.

I think Joseph was curious to see if the brothers had changed at all.  They used to be hateful and jealous towards them.  He wondered if they had ever asked God to forgive them of their sins.  One thing is for sure.  Joseph wanted very much to see his father Jacob and his full brother Benjamin again!  And I’m sure he wanted to run up to his whole family and hug them and tell them how much he loved and missed them.  Joseph wanted a good relationship with his brothers.  But he knew that before that could happen, his brothers needed to feel sorry for their sin against him.  Otherwise, they would go back to their old ways of being jealous, and hating him, because he was now the second highest ruler in all the land! 

So, Joseph decided to be patient.  He knew his brothers needed to understand their sins before they could change.  Just as we cannot change our hearts until we understand we are sinners and we need Jesus, the One who died for our sins.  That is why Jesus came to earth!  To call us to repent (turn away) from our sins and turn to Him!  In Matthew 9:13 Jesus says, “for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” 

Joseph spoke to them in the Egyptian language, which they didn’t understand.  Someone had to interpret for them.  He said accusingly “Where are you from?”

The brothers were nervous.  They knew if one thing went wrong, they could all be arrested, since this wasn’t their country.  “We are from the land of Canaan, and we came to buy food.”

“No!  You are spies!  You came here to scout out the land and see how you can attack us!”

The 10 brothers must have begun to feel sick with fear!  The Egyptians thought they were spies?  They would surely die in prison! 

“No, master!” they said.  “We are your humble servants, and we came to buy food.  We are all the sons of one man.  We are not lying, and we are not spies!”

Joseph said again “No!  I know you are spies.  You have come to see our weaknesses, so you can attack us!”

By this time, the 10 of them must have been shaking from fear!  “We are just 12 brothers.  The sons of one man in Canaan.  Our youngest brother is with our father right now.  But one brother is no more.”  In that moment, I’m sure each one of them remembered the day they tossed their brother into that pit and listened as he pleaded for help. 

Joseph said to them “You ARE spies!  And if not, you have to pass a test.  You will not leave this place unless your youngest brothers comes here.  One of you can go back home to bring him here.  The rest of you will stay in prison until he gets here.  And to begin with, you will ALL be put in prison for 3 days!  Then we will see if you are lying or not.  Guards!  Arrest these men!”

With dismay, the 10 brothers were led away and put into custody in Egypt.  They had 3 long days to think about everything.  I imagine they must have been feeling very sad and worried.  They remembered seeing their dad after he though Joseph was dead.  And now he was about to lose ALL of his sons except Benjamin!  They couldn’t stand the thought of how this would hurt him!

On the third day, Joseph called for the 10 men to come before him again.  He said “I fear God, so if you do this, you will all live.  If you really are honest, let one of you stay behind in prison.  The rest can go home and take food for your families.  But bring the youngest brother back to me.  Then I will know you are not spies, and you will all live.”

The brothers began to discuss this among themselves, thinking that the Egyptian ruler didn’t understand them.  They said “We are truly guilty!  We listened as Joseph cried out for mercy in the pit, but we ignored him.  And now we are paying the price for our sins.”

Reuben said “Didn’t I tell you not to sin against our brother?  But you wouldn’t listen.  So now, his blood is on our hands, and we must pay.  God is punishing us for our great sin.”

For Joseph, all of the emotions of the past came flooding back at once.  He had understood every word, even though they didn’t realize he spoke their language.  Joseph rushed out of the room before anyone saw him crying.  As the second highest ruler, he couldn’t let others see him crying.  He found a private space and cried.  His brothers finally realized their sin, and they understood what a horrible thing they had done to him.  This was the beginning of understanding for his brothers that would help them have true family love for one another.  There was hope is Joseph’s heart!

After he composed himself, Joseph went back in to finish speaking to his brothers.  “One of you will stay here.  Guards, bind that man.” He pointed straight to Simeon.  The guards tied his hands in front of his brothers, and then led him back to prison.

Joseph then spoke to  his servants in Egyptian “fill their sacks with grain, put the money they brought to buy food back into their sacks, and give them enough food for their journey home.  The brothers didn’t understand what Joseph told his servants, but they saw their full sacks outside, so they loaded up their donkeys and headed back.  That day, after a few miles travel, they stopped to rest, and one of the brothers got out some grain to feed his donkey.  “Oh NO!” he shouted.  “Look!  My money to buy the food is still here!  They are going to think I stole the food!”  The other 9 brothers looked in their bags, hoping there was no money inside.  Their hearts dropped…ALL of their money was still in their bags!  “They are going to come after us and arrest us!  We are in BIG trouble!”  Do you think they will be accused of stealing food and arrested?  Come back next week to find out!

Joseph 11: Jacob is Socked

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 42:25-38; 43:1-15

The 9 brothers were on their way home from Egypt.  They had to leave Simeon behind in prison so they could return with Benjamin to Egypt.  They would all be free if they did that.  A few miles down the road they stopped to rest, and one of the brothers got out some grain to feed his donkey.  “Oh NO!” he shouted.  “Look!  My money to buy the food is still here!  They are going to think I stole the food!”  The other 9 brothers looked in their bags, hoping there was no money inside.  Their hearts dropped…ALL of their money was still in their bags!  “They are going to come after us and arrest us!  We are in BIG trouble!”  They were all terrified that the Egyptians would come after them and accuse them of stealing food and money from Zaphnath-Paaneah.  If that happened, they knew that they would be put to death in Egypt.  “What has God done to us?” they said.  They were probably thinking that this would be their punishment for selling their brother as a slave.

The entire way home, they kept looking over their shoulder, back toward Egypt.  Were the soldiers coming for them?  I imagine at every sound they heard at night, they jumped up, looking into the darkness, and waiting for the Egyptians to come up and arrest them.  But none of that happened.  They finally reached home, and took the food to their father, Jacob, and their families.  When they got to their father’s house, they told him all about what had happened.

“Father, when we got to Egypt, we spoke to the governor of all of Egypt, Zaphnath-Paaneah.  He spoke roughly to us and accused us of being spies!  We told him we were not spies, we were honest men, and all brothers.  He didn’t believe us!  We spent 3 days in prison, but he let us go, with one condition.  One of us had to stay, and he would let us all go if we brought him our last brother.  That way he would know we were telling the truth.  Then we could come and go to Egypt to buy and sell as often as we want!”

Then the brothers emptied their sacks of food, and the money.

Jacob was shocked!  “What have you boys done?!  You still have the money you left with!  And you told him there was another brother?  Joseph is dead, Simeon is gone, arrested in Egypt, and now you want to take Benjamin.  Everything is against me!”

Reuben answered his father “I will be responsible for Benjamin.  Take my two sons and kill them if I don’t bring Benjamin back safe to you.”  Reuben knew his father wouldn’t kill his two grandsons, but this was a strong way for him to say that he would keep Benjamin safe, even if he had to sacrifice himself.

But Jacob wouldn’t hear of it.  “You will NOT take Benjamin.  His brother is dead, and he is the only son left of my wife Rachel.  If anything were to happen to you on the journey, I would die of sorrow. 

So, there was nothing the brothers could do but wait.

We don’t know exactly how long Jacob refused to let them go, but eventually, they had another family meeting.

Jacob looked very sad and worried.  “This famine is terrible.  Nothing has grown in our fields, and we are almost out of food again.  You have to go back to Egypt to buy more.”

This time, Judah spoke up.  “Zaphnath-Paaneah warned us not to come back unless we brought our last brother.  He won’t even see us if we show up alone.  If you send Benjamin with us, we can buy food.  But if not, we won’t go to Egypt.”

Jacob said “Why did you do this to me?  Why did you have to tell the man you had another brother?”

The brothers replied “We had to!  He specifically asked us if our father was still alive, and if we had another brother!  How could we have known that he would tell us to bring our other brother to Egypt?”

Remember, none of the 11 brothers, or their father Jacob knew who Zaphnath-Paaneah really was.  But Zaphnath-Paaneah knew exactly who they were…because his Hebrew name was JOSEPH!

Judah tried one more time.  “Send the boy down with me, so we and our little children won’t die of hunger.  I personally will protect him.  If anything happens to him, I will bear the blame forever.”

Jacob sadly said “If it must be so, then do it.  And take some of the best fruits that we have left in the land and give the man a present.  Some balm and honey, spices and myrrh, pistachio nuts and almonds.  And take double the money you took the first time.  Maybe it was a mistake that you brought back the money the first time.  Take Benjamin and go.  And may God Almighty give you mercy before Zaphnath-Paaneah, that he will let Simeon and Benjamin go.  If I lose my sons, so be it.”

Jacob knew only God could control this situation.  And he knew they needed God’s help in this hopeless situation. 

Many times, we are in situations that seem hopeless.  We have no control.  But remember that God is in control and has a plan for the lives of His children…the ones who put their faith in Jesus.  We can rest in knowing God is in control.

So, the brothers got everything ready, and took extra donkeys loaded with gifts for the Egyptian governor.  They took the long journey back to Egypt, and when they arrived, they nervously walked to the building where the governor was meeting with the foreigners who wanted to buy food.

Would they be arrested and killed as soon as he saw them?

Would they buy food, but lose their brother Benjamin?

What was going to happen?

Come back next week to find out!

Joseph 12: The Strange Feast

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 43:15-34

The brothers arrived in Egypt once again.  Unlike the first time, they knew exactly where to go.  They nervously walked to the building where the governor was meeting with the foreigners who wanted to buy food.

“Would they be arrested and killed as soon as he saw them?  Would they be able to buy food, but lose their brother Benjamin?  Would the gifts their father told them to bring make the governor happy?”  These thoughts must have raced through their minds as they were waiting to see Zaphnath-Paaneah, the governor of all of Egypt.  The second in command.

They were finally ushered in to see Zaphnath-Paaneah.  Remember who Zaphnath-Paaneah really is?  Joseph!  But the brothers didn’t recognize him, because he looked like an Egyptian in his headdress and Egyptian tunic.  He even spoke Egyptian!  The brothers could NEVER have imagined that their brother was the second most powerful man in the world, so they would never have even thought that he looked or sounded familiar to them.

When Joseph saw them, he looked straight at Benjamin.  HIS BROTHER!  The only brother that had the same mother as he did.  Their mom, Rachel, died after giving birth to Benjamin, so the boys must have had a special connection growing up.  Joseph could hardly contain his joy!  He told his steward, the head servant, “Take these men to my home and kill an animal for lunch.  They will eat with me.”

The 9 brothers were taken to Joseph’s house, but since they didn’t speak Egyptian, they had no idea why they were there.  I imagine one of the said “We are in BIG trouble!  This guy has brought us here to make us his slaves!”  “Yes!” said another brother, “It’s because of the money!  He thinks we stole it, so now we and our donkeys will be his slaves!  We have to tell someone it isn’t our fault!  Look!  There’s the guy who brought us here.  He’s the head servant.  Let’s talk to him.” 

The brothers all went over to talk to the head servant.  “Sir, we came to Egypt the first time to buy food, but there was a mistake!  When we were going home, we opened our sacks and found the money we brought to pay for the food with!  ALL of our money!  We don’t know how our money got back in our sacks the first time! Honest!  Look!  We brought it all back, and MORE money so we can pay for everything.”

The steward answered “Don’t worry.  Your God, and the God of your father has given you the money.  I had your money!”  Then, he went to another room and came back with Simeon, their brother who had been arrested when they left Egypt the first time.

Then the steward gave the brothers’ water to wash their feet.  That would have been a great for them, as they had been traveling long, dusty roads, and their feet were very tired.  He then fed all of their donkeys, and got the lunch started.  The brothers found out they would be eating there!  At the governor’s house!  They must have been very confused.  First, they thought they would be arrested, and then the steward told them God had given them the money back in their sacks!  And now they would eat lunch with a very powerful man.  They must have passed the time before lunch whispering, trying to figure out what was going on.  I’m sure they looked around them at all of the expensive furniture and decorations.  They probably marveled at how big the house was.

Then Joseph arrived.  They hurriedly gathered the gifts they had brought from Canaan.   Balm, honey, spices, myrrh, pistachio nuts, and almonds.  They bowed down nervously and presented him with the gifts.  Joseph said “How are you all?  Are you well?  Any your father?  The old man you told me about.  Is he still alive?”

The brothers bowed down even lower and said “Yes.  Your servant, our father is alive and in good health.”

He looked at Benjamin again.  “Is this your younger brother?  The one you told me about.  God be gracious to you, young one!”  Benjamin wondered why the governor was blessing him, and not the others.

Joseph could not contain his emotions any longer after speaking to Benjamin.  He rushed out of the room and looked for a quiet place.  He went into his bedroom, and then he began to weep!  All of the emotions of 20 years came rushing to his mind.  He had missed his brother Benjamin and his father Jacob more than he could ever tell them.  He had long forgiven his older brothers of what they had done to him.  So, he even missed them!  He cried alone until he knew he would be able to control himself again.  I imagine he even prayed, thanking God for bringing his brothers to him, especially Benjamin.  Joseph understood that even though he had spent many years as a slave, and in prison as an innocent man, God had a plan for it all.  He understood that all of his suffering was worth it in the end, because something very good was going to happen.

When he was ready, he washed his face so no one would know he had been crying.  He was a powerful man and didn’t want to worry anyone with tears.  He came back to the room and said, “Time to eat lunch.”

The servants put Joseph at the most import place, and then they put places for themselves away from the Hebrews, because they thought it was not good to eat with the foreigners.  They put the 11 brothers together and told each one where to sit.  When everyone was sitting down, they looked around and noticed something strange.  They were sitting in birth order!  Oldest to youngest!  They looked at each other with wide eyes.  How had the Egyptians known their birth order?!  It was too strange to be a coincidence!  Then Joseph began to serve his guests.  He gave each man a plate full of delicious food.  When he got to the last seat, Benjamin’s seat, the brothers stared down the table at Benjamin’s plate.  It had FIVE TIMES as much food as the rest of them!  First, the governor blessed Benjamin alone, and now he got the most food!  What was going on?

Come back next week to find out!

Let’s pray and thank God for the good things that come from hard times.  He is always with us!

Joseph 13: We Can’t Hide Sin

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 43:32-34; 44:1-34

Zaphnath-Paaneah began to serve his guests lunch one by one.  He gave each man a plate full of delicious food, going by order of birth, as the brothers had been seated in order of oldest to youngest.  The brothers couldn’t understand how the Egyptians knew their birth order.  When Zaphnath-Paaneah got to the last seat, Benjamin’s seat, the brothers stared down the table at Benjamin’s plate.  It had FIVE TIMES as much food as the rest of them!  First, the governor blessed Benjamin alone, and now he got the most food!  What was going on?  They decided to not worry too much about it, as the food was delicious, and they were very hungry after their long journey back to Egypt.  They all had a great time during lunch at the governor’s house.

After lunch, Zaphnath-Paaneah told his steward “Fill each man’s sack with as much food as you can fit inside.  And put my personal silver cup in the youngest brother’s sack.  Put it at the top of the sack, and add his food money to the sack, also.  The steward obeyed his master and did just as he commanded.  Just as God had a plan for Joseph, Joseph had a plan for his brothers, so they could all finally be together and have true love and forgiveness among each other, and with God. 

The brothers stayed the night, and in the morning the governor sent them on their way back to Canaan with their donkeys loaded with the food sacks.  The brothers still didn’t know who Zaphnath-Paaneah really was.  The brothers didn’t really understand what all had happened, and why they hadn’t been arrested, but they sure were happy to be getting back home with food, and with ALL the brothers together again.  They knew their father Jacob would be very relieved.

The brothers had traveled out of the city and were heading toward the long country roads.  About that same time, Zaphnath-Paaneah told his steward “Go and follow the 11 men.  When you catch up to them say my cup was stolen.”

The brothers had been traveling for a little bit that morning, and then they heard horses coming behind them.  When they turned around the saw the head servant of the governor!

When the steward caught up to them, he said just what his master had told him to say:  “Why have you repaid the kindness of my master with evil?  Someone took the governor’s personal silver cup.  He was drinking from it at the feast yesterday and now it’s gone!  You have really done my master wrong!”

The brothers were shocked!  They said “We didn’t’ steal it!  We even brought back the money that was in our sacks from the first time!  We would never take anything from your master!  Look in our sacks if you must.  We are so sure that it isn’t here that if you DO find it, the person who has it will die.  And the rest of us will be the governor’s slaves!” 

The steward answered “Ok.  We will see.  The person who has it will be a slave, but the rest of you will be innocent and can go.  Open your sacks, and they will be searched!”

The brothers all got their sacks down from the donkey’s backs as quickly as they could.  They each opened them as the Egyptian began to look through them.  He started with the oldest and finished with the youngest brother.  As each one saw his sack being searched, they all became more and more confident that no one had it.  They all knew it was just a big mistake, and one of the governor’s servants took it.  The steward reached Benjamin’s sack, the last one, and opened it.  There was a loud gasp from all of the brothers as they saw something shiny fall out onto the ground.  A fancy, silver cup!  The sons of Jacob all tore their clothes as a sign of great sorrow.  Why had they promised that the one who had it would be a slave?  Why did it have to be BENJAMIN!  Their father would surely die of sorrow when he found out! 

They turned their donkeys around, and all followed the Egyptians back to the governor’s house. 

When they got there, Judah led the way into the house.  He had promised his father that he would protect Benjamin and bring him back to Canaan safely.  How would his father ever forgive him if he arrived back in Canaan without Benjamin?   

The brothers entered the room where Zaphnath-Paaneah was and fell to the ground before him, bowing as low as they could. 

Zaphnath-Paaneah said “What have you done?  Didn’t you know a man as powerful as I am would find out you stole from me?”

Judah said “What can we say, master?  How can we prove we are innocent?  We can’t.  God has found out our sin and we must pay.  We are your slaves.  All of us, including the one with the silver cup.”  Judah was finally confessing to God that the brothers had done wrong so long ago when they sold their brother as a slave.  He knew he could no longer run from his sin.  All of the brothers (minus Benjamin who was too young at the time) knew they couldn’t hide their sin from God anymore.

Zaphnath-Paaneah said “No.  I am not an unjust man.  The only one who will be my slave is the one who had my cup.  The rest of you go back to your father.  You don’t need to worry about me arresting you or coming after you.”

Judah knew he had to do everything possible to save Benjamin.  It had been his idea to sell  his brother Joseph so long ago, and he couldn’t let another brother become a slave!

My lord, please let me speak to you!  You are as powerful as Pharaoh.  You asked us if we had a father or brother in Canaan, and we told you we had a father, and a young brother whose other brother is dead.  He is the last one alive of his mother’s children.  You told us to bring him here, and we have done so.  Our father didn’t’ want to send him.  He told us “My other son was torn to pieces by a wild animal and I have not seen him since.  If you take Benjamin from me also, and something happens to him, I will die of sorrow.”  My lord, if I go back to my father without Benjamin, it will kill him!  He will die of sorrow.  I promised my father that I would bring him back safely or take the blame forever.  Please, let me be your slave, and set my brother Benjamin free.  I can’t return to my father without Benjamin.  I can’t see him die.  It will be all my fault!”

How will Zaphnath-Paaneah answer?  Will he let Judah stay in Benjamin’s place, to be his slave forever?  Come back next week to find out!

God knows all of our sins, just as he knew the sins of Judah and his brothers.  But Jesus died to pay for our sins, and we can have forgiveness through Him!  Talk to me after class if you want to know how to have forgiveness of your sins.

Joseph 14: The Glory is God’s

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 45:1-28

After hearing that Zaphnath-Paaneah wanted to keep Benjamin as a slave for stealing his cup Judah knew he had to do everything possible to save Benjamin.  It had been his idea to sell his brother Joseph so long ago.

“My lord, if I go back to my father without Benjamin, it will kill him!  He will die of sorrow.  I promised my father that I would bring him back safely or take the blame forever.  Please, let me be your slave, and set my brother Benjamin free.  I can’t return to my father without Benjamin.  I can’t see him die.  It will be all my fault!”

Finally, the brothers had all recognized their sin against Joseph so long ago when they threw him in a pit and sold him as a slave.

Seeing Judah, his brother who hated him so much all those years ago, now willing to give his life for his brother Benjamin was too much for Zaphnath-Paaneah to handle.

He shouted, “Make everyone leave me, except these 11 men!”  Hearing the second ruler of Egypt shout in Egyptian must have made the brothers VERY afraid!  Seeing the servants rush out of the room must have made their fear even stronger! 

Then something happened that really confused them!

Zaphnath-Paaneah started weeping!  He cried so loud that all of his Egyptian servants heard him through the halls.  They heard him start to speak a strange language that no many in the house knew.  He started speaking Hebrew!

“It’s me!” He cried.  “I’m Joseph!  I’m your brother!  Does my father still live?”  I imagine that the whole house heard the gasps of the 11 men standing in the room with Joseph.  Their faces must have gone pale, especially Judah’s.  Surely his brother was about to get even with him, and everyone but Benjamin!  They knew it must be true, though.  It all began to make sense as they stood there while Joseph wept.  They remembered the food at the feast.  Benjamin got five times as much!  And they thought of how they had been seated in birth order, even though they didn’t tell anyone who was older or younger.  What must have seemed like hours passed, as they waited to hear what Joseph their brother was going to do to them.  When Joseph could speak a little more, he said “Please come near me” to his brothers.  They slowly, nervously stepped towards Joseph.

He said “I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold as a slave.  But don’t be sad, or angry with yourselves because you sold me.  God sent me to save your lives.  For two years there has been a terrible famine, but there are still five more years of famine to come.  There won’t be any food growing in the fields for those years.  God sent me before you to save you and your children, and your grandchildren.  It wasn’t you who sent me here.  It was God!  God has made me second in command to Pharaoh himself.  As ruler of all of Egypt I have been in charge of the food.”

I can just see the faces of the brothers change from fear into disbelief, then into wonder at what God had done!  Here their prideful, spoiled little brother was, but he wasn’t prideful anymore!  He was giving God all the credit for putting him in charge.  Joseph’s father or mother had nothing to do with his important position.  He had been a slave and a prisoner!  The lowest of the low positions!  Joseph knew only God could have put him in power.

Joseph continued speaking with his brothers.  “Hurry and go back to my father.  Tell him “Your son Joseph says “God has made me ruler of all of Egypt.  Come to Egypt, and don’t delay!  You will live in the land of Goshen.  You will be near me.  Our family will all be together, fathers, mothers, children, and grandchildren.  Bring your herds and your possessions.  I will provide food and protection for you here.  There are still five years of famine, but you will survive here.”  Joseph then wrapped his arms around Benjamin and wept on his neck.  And Benjamin wept with him.  They were overjoyed to be reunited again!  Then, one by one, Joseph hugged and cried with all of his brothers.  I imagine they all began talking at once!  They had so much to share with each other!  They used to be enemies, but now they were true brothers.  God had healed their family.  Just like any other family, they still weren’t perfect, but now they had real fellowship.  They told each other about their wives, children and grandchildren.  They listened closely as Joseph told about all he had been through, and how God blessed and helped him through it all.  God was truly glorified.

Word got back to Pharaoh of what was going on at Joseph’s house.  He sent for Joseph and said “I am so happy for you!  We all are here in my house!  You are finally together with your family!  Tell your brothers to bring your father and all their households to Egypt.  I will give you all the best that Egypt has to offer.  Take carts with you for the children and women to ride in.  Don’t worry about your possessions, because the best Egypt has to offer is yours!”

So, Joseph sent the brothers away with carts and food for the trip to Canaan, and the return trip to Egypt.  He said “Make sure you don’t get sidetracked along the way.  Come straight back!”  He remembered his brothers had a tendency to go places they should not go.  He reminded them it was important to hurry.  When the brothers arrived, I imagine one of the brothers rushed in to their fathers tent and blurted out “Joseph is alive!  He is governor of all of Egypt!”  Jacob’s heart sank into his stomach.  He thought his sons were playing a mean trick on him.  The brothers all came in and told him all about Joseph being Zaphnath-Paaneah.  Even Benjamin said it was so.  Then Jacob’s heart must have felt like it was flying out of his chest!  His son was alive!  He said “I am satisfied!  My son is still alive, and I will go and see him before I die.

Isn’t God good?  He saved a whole family through a prideful, selfish son.  God had to change that son and teach him how to be a leader.  But if it wasn’t for God using Joseph, his whole family would have died of hunger in the famine.  And that would have been the end of the promised Savior to come!  But God is faithful to keep his promises.  He saved Jacob and Joseph’s family from death, and used that family to bring us Jesus, the Son of God, who was born into that family so many years later.  If you put your faith in Jesus, he will save you!  If you have any questions about how to be saved, speak to me after the lesson.

Let’s pray and thank God for His goodness!

Joseph 15: Jacob Goes to Egypt

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 46

Jacob’s heart lept for joy when he finally understood that Joseph was really alive.  And he was governor over all of Egypt!  He was determined to go to Egypt and see Joseph before he died.

He stepped outside of his tent and looked at all of the carts Pharaoh had sent.  And food!  He didn’t waste any time.  “Sons pack up your families!  Let’s get going!  Jacob packed up his wives and they formed a long procession as they headed out for Egypt.  When they got to Beersheba, they stopped for a rest.  It was a special place for him.  His grandfather lived there for a while. His own father, Isaac had lived there, and it was where he grew up until he left to live with his uncle Laban.  Jacob offered a sacrifice to God there.  He worshiped God, and I’m sure he thanked him for keeping his son Joseph alive and blessing him in Egypt.  I imagine he was also wondering if it was right to go to Egypt.  Jacob knew God had promised the land of Canaan to Abraham, his grandfather.  Jacob also knew that Abraham had gotten into trouble in Egypt.  It was with these worries that he went to sleep that night.  But God spoke to Jacob.  He said “Jacob, Jacob!”

Jacob answered God “Here I am.”  God replied “I am God, the God of your father Isaac.  Don’t be afraid to go to Egypt.  I will make of you a great nation there.  I will go with you to Egypt, and I will bring you out again.”  God was reminding Jacob that He was not a powerful God just in Canaan.  He was powerful everywhere!  And He is with us!

What a comfort and peace Jacob must have felt in the morning when he got up!

The family continued on with their journey to Egypt.  They were a big family!  70 people!  They must have looked strange to the people they passed on their journey.  But they kept going day after day.  As they got near Egypt, Jacob said to Judah “Son, we are a big family.  It would be best if we all didn’t wander into the city, blocking the roads trying to find out where to go!  I want you to go ahead of us and find out from Joseph where Goshen is.  You can come back and take us there.”  When Judah arrived at Joseph’s house, he found out where to go, and showed the family.  Joseph was waiting anxiously to see his father.  When he knew they must have arrived in Goshen, he got his chariot ready and rode out to see them.  He got out of the chariot and spotted his father.  He must have wanted to run into his father’s arms!  But he wanted to show respect to his father, and he didn’t know if his father was strong, as he was quite old now.  He walked up to his father and said “Father, it’s me.  Joseph.  Your son.”  Then he hugged his father and wept for quite a while!  His father must have cried as well.  He said “Now I can die, since I have seen your face.  You are alive!” 

Joseph said to his family “I will go and tell Pharaoh you are here.  I will tell him you are shepherds by trade, and that you have brought your herds with you.  When Pharaoh calls for you to meet you, and he asks what your job is, tell him “Your servants’ jobs have been with cattle from your youths until now, both we and our fathers.”

  You will be able to live in Goshen as cattle herders, because the Egyptians don’t like sheep and goat shepherds.”  Joseph knew how the Egyptians hated sheep and goat farmers.  Even though his family where shepherds of all kinds of animals, he was sure to teach his brothers what to say to Pharaoh so as not to offend him.  Then, he brought 5 of his brothers with him to meet Pharaoh.  When Pharaoh asked what their jobs were, they were careful in answering him that they worked with cattle.  Pharaoh kept his promise to Joseph and gave them land in Goshen.  And then he gave them a new job!  He made them the official herdsmen over Pharaoh’s livestock! 

Joseph then brought his father Jacob in to meet Pharaoh.  Jacob blessed Pharaoh, as I’m sure he was grateful for making his son a governor.  I’m sure he wanted him to know the true God, as well.

Pharaoh asked Jacob “How old are you?”  Jacob replied “I am 130.  My days have been few, and difficult.  They are short compared to my grandfather and father.”  Jacob then blessed Pharaoh again and went back home to Goshen.  Joseph helped his family get settled into their new lives in Goshen.  He made sure they always had enough food to eat in that terrible famine.  He had to work very hard to make sure everyone in Egypt was fed. 

Jacob lived anther 17 years in Egypt before he died.  I think they must have been happy years, with his family all close by.  He knew he was going to die soon, as he was 147 years old.  He called Joseph to him and made him promise not to bury him in Egypt.  He wanted to be buried with his fathers in Canaan.  Joseph promised his father he would bury him with his fathers.  Later, he took his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim to see their grandfather.  Jacob blessed both of the sons of Joseph.  He then adopted them as his own, so they could have the blessing of Jacob’s sons.  He told them about God’s promises to make their family a great nation and bless the world.  He wanted them to have part of the inheritance of God’s promise in Canaan.  So, he adopted them to give them some of the land.  He wanted them to be a part of the promise of God, even though they were born in Egypt.  Then Jacob blessed all of his sons, reminding them of the promises of God.  And that God would send a Savior to die for their sins!  Then Jacob died.  The brothers took their father to be buried with his wife, Leah, and his father, mother, grandfather and grandmother.  Then they returned to Egypt.  But the brothers were nervous now.  They thought maybe Joseph had only been kind to them for their father’s sake.  Now that their father was dead, how was he going to treat them.  They decided to go to Joseph and asked him to forgive them for their treatment of him.  But Joseph reassured them.  “Don’t be afraid!  You meant evil against me long ago, but God meant it for good!  He used it to save many people from death.  Don’t be afraid.  I will take care of you and your families.”

What a beautiful picture of what Jesus did for us!  We all have sinned.  We do things that displease God.  Jesus didn’t deserve to be punished for sin, because He is perfect!  But Jesus was punished for sins so that we can be forgiven.  Jesus suffered for us, so we don’t have to suffer the punishment for sin!  When we put our faith in Jesus, and ask God to forgive us, he will forgive us!  We can rest in God’s peace.  He will take care of us.  Have you put your faith in Jesus?  You can today!