How do I use a Bible review game?

Any game that incorporates points can be used as a Bible review game.
The class is split into two teams (boys vs. girls, right side vs. left side) and given team names. The team names are not vital to playing the game, but I find the kids enjoy hearing funny new team names that go with each different game.
Explain that the children must wait for the question to be asked with their arms crossed in front of their chests (or folded in their laps) and their backs against the chair. 
When they hear the noise (can be a bike horn, bell, or even the teacher saying “Go!” or any other specified word, etc.) they can raise their hands without yelling out the answer. The first child to raise their hands gets a chance to answer.  If they answer correctly they get a chance to come to the front to play for their team. [Most classes have one or two really fast/smart children.  Don’t continually choose them even if they are always the first to raise their hands. This discourages the other children. Allow them to play a couple of times, but let the other children have a chance as well.   If there is any complaining just mention that you are the teacher and you have the ultimate say!  Also, if there is a large age range you can make a couple of questions for only the younger children.]