Isaac 7: Escape!

This lesson is compatible with the "Abraham & Isaac" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 27:41-28:9

Esau was fuming as he went to his own tent.  “ My father is very sick, and probably won’t live much longer.  As soon as he is dead and buried, I will take my revenge on Jacob.  I’m going to KILL  him!”

One of the servants probably overheard Esau in his tent making his plans to kill his brother Esau.  Perhaps he was talking to one of his two wives when the servant overheard him.  Esau had married TWO women.  What’s more, Esau married them against his parent’s wishes because both women worshipped false gods.  They also knew he should only marry one woman.  But Esau didn’t care what they thought.  This is another example of how he was only interested in his own pleasure, and not God’s plans.

The servant must have run to Rebekah’s tent to warn her.  Rebekah called Jacob to her tent.  [Visual 1.5]  “Jacob, your brother is so mad that he plans to kill you!  You must go away from here.  Go to my family in Padan Aram.  You can live with my brother until Esau cools off and forgets he is angry with you.”

Then, Rebekah went to speak with her husband, Isaac.  “Isaac,  I am worried Jacob will marry one of the women in this land.  They don’t worship the one, True God.  I might die of sorrow if he marries one of the wicked women.”

[Visual 2.1]  Isaac knew it would be bad for Jacob to marry a woman who had a false God.  God had plans for their family, and it was important for Jacob’s wife to know who God was.  So Isaac called for Jacob.   “Jacob, my son, it’s important for you not to marry one of the women here.  Go to Padan Aran, to Laban, your uncle’s house.  Find a wife from one of those women.”  Then Isaac blessed Jacob one more time, this time willingly.  “May God bless you and give you many children.  May God give you the blessing of Abraham, and your children with you.  May you inherit all the land God promised Abraham, even though you are a stranger in it right now.”  Isaac finally obeyed God and His plans for Jacob!  Isaac finally acknowledged that Jacob was the one God would use to continue to keep His promise to bless the world.

Jacob packed up his things and headed for the land of his uncle Laban.

Back at home, Esau heard how Isaac had blessed Jacob again.  He heard how his parents warned Jacob not to marry a woman from the land they were living in.  Esau probably wanted a second blessing from his father, just as Jacob had received one.  He thought maybe he could do something to please his father, and get a better blessing, since he wasn’t so pleased with his first one.  Since Isaac told Jacob to marry a cousin, he thought he would marry a cousin and make his parents happy with him.  He went to the family of Ishmael, Isaac’s half-brother.  He married his cousin Mahalath and brought her home, hoping to see smiles on his parent’s faces. 

Now Esau had THREE wives!  Do you think Isaac and Rebekah were happy when Esau arrived back home and introduced his third wife to them?  I don’t think so.  Esau was trying in his own strength to please his parents.  When we do things in our own strength, we will always fail at some point.  Esau should have prayed to God, asking forgiveness for his sins, and asking for God’s help and wisdom in his life.  I’m sure that is what would have pleased his parents the most, because that is what would have pleased God the most.  It seems that everyone in the family had tried to do things in their own strength, instead of with God’s help and wisdom.  What do you think would have happened if Rebekah had trusted God instead of trying to trick her husband?  What do you think would have happened if Jacob had trusted God instead of listening to his mother’s plan to trick his father?  What do you think would have happened if Isaac had listened to God’s plan to bless the younger son in the first place?  What do you think would have happened if Esau had trusted God to take care of him, even if he didn’t get the biggest part of the inheritance?

I think this story would have a lot less sadness in it.  Isaac and Rebekah were sad because they had to send a son away.  Esau was sad because he wanted a bigger blessing for selfish reasons.  Isaac and Rebekah were also sad because Esau now had 3 wives.  I think the 3 wives were sad that they had to share a husband.  No woman wants that, deep in her heart!  Jacob was sad because he didn’t know when he would see his family again (especially his sick father), or if his brother would one day catch up to him and kill him.

The good thing in all of this sadness…

God STILL loved them and wanted a relationship with each one of them!  God was still willing to forgive them and help each one of them.  He didn’t say “That’s it!  I’m done with this family who keeps messing things up.  I’m done with these liars and tricksters.  I’m done with them, and I don’t have to keep my promise.  I’m God and I can do what I want!”

I’m so glad God didn’t say that.  He kept his promise to bless the world through this family, even though they were not perfect.  The stories in the bible show us that NO ONE is perfect, but God still wants a relationship with us.  If we accept his Son, Jesus who died for our sins and rose again, we can have a relationship with God.  Even when we mess up.  God is willing to forgive us.  We only need to ask Him for forgiveness and help.  He wants to help us.  Isn’t God good? Let’s pray and ask Him for help to accept His plans for our lives, and live in GOD’S strength, not our own.