Jacob 4: Too Many Wives

This lesson is compatible with the "Jacob" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 29:28-35; 30:1-24

Jacob was married to two sisters.  He had been tricked by his new father-in-law, who was also his Uncle!  He wanted very much to marry Rachel, but Laban had tricked him into marrying Leah first.  Jacob was very upset, but spent the week owed to the bride with her, then married Rachel straight away with the promise that he would work for Laban for 7 more years.

Jacob would end up working 14 years for Rachel, who he loved very much.  He followed his heart in marrying her, even though he was already married to Leah.  As we see in the Bible, the heart is not a very good guide.  It’s much better to follow God than our hearts.  Jacob was going to have many years of trouble because he listened to his heart instead of God.

Jacob moved into a new tent with Rachel as soon as he married her.  He spent his time there every day.  He just loved the butterflies he got looking into Rachel’s beautiful eyes.

Leah was all alone in her tent.  I imagine she cried often when talking to Zilpah, her maid.  “I don’t understand why he doesn’t love me.  I cook his favorite foods every day, hoping he will come home to me.  But each evening when he comes in from the fields he goes straight to Rachel’s tent.  He won’t even look at me.”  I’m sure Leah did some praying, also.  “God, please let my husband love me.”

What a sad thing for a wife to have to pray.  This is another reason God wants marriage to be between only one man and one woman.  A husband is supposed to love his wife as much as he loves himself.  Can a man love two women that much?  No.  He will love one and neglect the other.  Jacob didn’t completely neglect Leah, though.  He would visit Leah every once in a while, just so that he would be seen as a good husband. 

The Bible tells us that God was paying attention to Leah.  He knew she had a broken heart, and He cared about her.  So, he allowed her to get pregnant with a boy.  She was so excited!  In that place and time, a woman who had children was viewed as more important than a woman without children.  Now, she was going to be more important than Rachel!  Rachel didn’t have any children, even though she was the favorite wife of Jacob.  Leah planned and prepared for the special treasure God had given her.  When she gave birth, she was ecstatic to see it was a boy.  It was very important in those days to have a boy.  A boy would make sure the family name and inheritance continued on.  So, Leah named her son Reuben.  The name Reuben means “Look, a son!”  Leah said, “God has seen my sorrow, and now my husband will love me.”  She was hoping that since she was the wife with a child, she would earn her husband’s love.

But even though Jacob loved Reuben, and was so proud to have a son, he continued to spend almost all of his time with Rachel.  I imagine the disappointment was great when Leah realized the baby had not made a difference in her marriage.  Her heart was still broken. 

But God was still listening to her prayers and seeing her heart.  God was still caring.  So, He gave her another baby.  Leah was amazed when she found out she was pregnant again.  Two children!  Jacob will definitely spend more time with me after the baby is born.  I will have TWO children, and Rachel has NONE!

When Leah gave birth to baby number two, she was overjoyed that it was ANOTHER boy!  “Two boys!!!  I will call his name Simeon, which means “God is listening.”  God has heard that I am unloved and has given me another son.” 

Imagine her disappointment when she saw that Rachel was still the favorite wife, even after she had TWO boys, and Rachel didn’t have even one child.

“Zilpah, I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong?  Am I so terrible to be around?  Why doesn’t my husband love me?”  Leah cried to her maid, and to God in prayer.  And God still cared.

He gave her another baby.  And this time Leah KNEW with all her heart Jacob would love her and stay with her.  Three children were a great thing!  So, Leah planned and got everything ready for baby number 3.  She gave birth to one more son. “I will name him Levi, which means “He will join together.” This time my husband will love me and be joined to me because I have given birth to 3 sons.” 

Do you think Jacob changed because of the new baby?  No.  Even though it was very important for a man to have sons, Jacob still loved Rachel more.  He loved his sons, but he still wanted to spend his time with Rachel.  And Leah suffered the heartbreak.  So, God decided to bless Leah once more.  She was pregnant with baby number 4.  When she gave birth, it was one more son.  “4 SONS!  I will call him Judah, which means “Praise” Now I will praise the Lord.  He has given me 4 beautiful blessings.  God truly loves me.” 

Instead of hoping her husband would love her more, Leah was realizing that God truly loved her.  The love of God is far more important and satisfying than the love of anyone else.  People will always disappoint us.  Many people will hurt our feelings.  Some people will make us feel outright unloved and unlovable.  But we can be sure of one thing.  GOD LOVES US!  There is no greater love than the love of God.  The Bible says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”  God gave His only Son to die a horrible death on the cross for all our wicked actions, words, and thoughts.  And Jesus died willingly, because He loves us.  He loves us more than anyone else ever could.  We can find our happiness in God, remembering that HE loves us.  When you are tempted to feel like no one loves you, and you are just unlovable, remember what Jesus did for you.  That is proof that you are lovable and loved.

God cares about us and our hurts, just like He cared about Leah’s broken heart.

And if we have accepted Jesus as the Son of God who died for our sins and rose again, the Bible says in Romans 8:38-39 that not one thing can separate us from God’s love.  “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Not even sin can separate us from God’s love.  We will still have consequences for sin, but we will always have God’s love, in spite of our sins.

Let’s pray and thank God for His love and care for Leah, and for us.  If you have never accepted the love of God through Jesus, you can do it today.  Talk to me after class and I will help you.