Joseph 10: The Brothers Suffer

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 42:1-28

Joseph the second highest ruler of Egypt, was in charge of all of the food during the famine that covered the whole country.  The famine was so bad that it even affected all of the countries around the area.  One day, Joseph was meeting with the people from foreign countries who needed food.  They all waited patiently by families, until it was time to go in and see Zaphnath-Paaneah (the Egyptian name of Joseph).  In walked a family of 10 men.  The servants who brought them in said “Bow before the high ruler, Zaphnath-Paaneah!  Show your respect to our revered governor!”

As the brothers bowed, and then stood up to speak to him, Joseph turned around and saw their faces.  He recognized them instantly!  HIS BROTHERS!  He hadn’t seen them in around 20 years, but he knew exactly who they were.  They were older, more tired, and probably a lot sadder, but it was them.  The men who ripped off his special coat of many colors and threw him in the pit.  The same men who made fun of him as he cried and pleaded for help.  The same men who sold their own brother as a slave!

Now, Joseph had all the power, and they had none.  In fact, they had to bow down before him, just as he dreamed would happen so many years before.

I think Joseph was curious to see if the brothers had changed at all.  They used to be hateful and jealous towards them.  He wondered if they had ever asked God to forgive them of their sins.  One thing is for sure.  Joseph wanted very much to see his father Jacob and his full brother Benjamin again!  And I’m sure he wanted to run up to his whole family and hug them and tell them how much he loved and missed them.  Joseph wanted a good relationship with his brothers.  But he knew that before that could happen, his brothers needed to feel sorry for their sin against him.  Otherwise, they would go back to their old ways of being jealous, and hating him, because he was now the second highest ruler in all the land! 

So, Joseph decided to be patient.  He knew his brothers needed to understand their sins before they could change.  Just as we cannot change our hearts until we understand we are sinners and we need Jesus, the One who died for our sins.  That is why Jesus came to earth!  To call us to repent (turn away) from our sins and turn to Him!  In Matthew 9:13 Jesus says, “for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” 

Joseph spoke to them in the Egyptian language, which they didn’t understand.  Someone had to interpret for them.  He said accusingly “Where are you from?”

The brothers were nervous.  They knew if one thing went wrong, they could all be arrested, since this wasn’t their country.  “We are from the land of Canaan, and we came to buy food.”

“No!  You are spies!  You came here to scout out the land and see how you can attack us!”

The 10 brothers must have begun to feel sick with fear!  The Egyptians thought they were spies?  They would surely die in prison! 

“No, master!” they said.  “We are your humble servants, and we came to buy food.  We are all the sons of one man.  We are not lying, and we are not spies!”

Joseph said again “No!  I know you are spies.  You have come to see our weaknesses, so you can attack us!”

By this time, the 10 of them must have been shaking from fear!  “We are just 12 brothers.  The sons of one man in Canaan.  Our youngest brother is with our father right now.  But one brother is no more.”  In that moment, I’m sure each one of them remembered the day they tossed their brother into that pit and listened as he pleaded for help. 

Joseph said to them “You ARE spies!  And if not, you have to pass a test.  You will not leave this place unless your youngest brothers comes here.  One of you can go back home to bring him here.  The rest of you will stay in prison until he gets here.  And to begin with, you will ALL be put in prison for 3 days!  Then we will see if you are lying or not.  Guards!  Arrest these men!”

With dismay, the 10 brothers were led away and put into custody in Egypt.  They had 3 long days to think about everything.  I imagine they must have been feeling very sad and worried.  They remembered seeing their dad after he though Joseph was dead.  And now he was about to lose ALL of his sons except Benjamin!  They couldn’t stand the thought of how this would hurt him!

On the third day, Joseph called for the 10 men to come before him again.  He said “I fear God, so if you do this, you will all live.  If you really are honest, let one of you stay behind in prison.  The rest can go home and take food for your families.  But bring the youngest brother back to me.  Then I will know you are not spies, and you will all live.”

The brothers began to discuss this among themselves, thinking that the Egyptian ruler didn’t understand them.  They said “We are truly guilty!  We listened as Joseph cried out for mercy in the pit, but we ignored him.  And now we are paying the price for our sins.”

Reuben said “Didn’t I tell you not to sin against our brother?  But you wouldn’t listen.  So now, his blood is on our hands, and we must pay.  God is punishing us for our great sin.”

For Joseph, all of the emotions of the past came flooding back at once.  He had understood every word, even though they didn’t realize he spoke their language.  Joseph rushed out of the room before anyone saw him crying.  As the second highest ruler, he couldn’t let others see him crying.  He found a private space and cried.  His brothers finally realized their sin, and they understood what a horrible thing they had done to him.  This was the beginning of understanding for his brothers that would help them have true family love for one another.  There was hope is Joseph’s heart!

After he composed himself, Joseph went back in to finish speaking to his brothers.  “One of you will stay here.  Guards, bind that man.” He pointed straight to Simeon.  The guards tied his hands in front of his brothers, and then led him back to prison.

Joseph then spoke to  his servants in Egyptian “fill their sacks with grain, put the money they brought to buy food back into their sacks, and give them enough food for their journey home.  The brothers didn’t understand what Joseph told his servants, but they saw their full sacks outside, so they loaded up their donkeys and headed back.  That day, after a few miles travel, they stopped to rest, and one of the brothers got out some grain to feed his donkey.  “Oh NO!” he shouted.  “Look!  My money to buy the food is still here!  They are going to think I stole the food!”  The other 9 brothers looked in their bags, hoping there was no money inside.  Their hearts dropped…ALL of their money was still in their bags!  “They are going to come after us and arrest us!  We are in BIG trouble!”  Do you think they will be accused of stealing food and arrested?  Come back next week to find out!