Joseph 14: The Glory is God’s

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 45:1-28

After hearing that Zaphnath-Paaneah wanted to keep Benjamin as a slave for stealing his cup Judah knew he had to do everything possible to save Benjamin.  It had been his idea to sell his brother Joseph so long ago.

“My lord, if I go back to my father without Benjamin, it will kill him!  He will die of sorrow.  I promised my father that I would bring him back safely or take the blame forever.  Please, let me be your slave, and set my brother Benjamin free.  I can’t return to my father without Benjamin.  I can’t see him die.  It will be all my fault!”

Finally, the brothers had all recognized their sin against Joseph so long ago when they threw him in a pit and sold him as a slave.

Seeing Judah, his brother who hated him so much all those years ago, now willing to give his life for his brother Benjamin was too much for Zaphnath-Paaneah to handle.

He shouted, “Make everyone leave me, except these 11 men!”  Hearing the second ruler of Egypt shout in Egyptian must have made the brothers VERY afraid!  Seeing the servants rush out of the room must have made their fear even stronger! 

Then something happened that really confused them!

Zaphnath-Paaneah started weeping!  He cried so loud that all of his Egyptian servants heard him through the halls.  They heard him start to speak a strange language that no many in the house knew.  He started speaking Hebrew!

“It’s me!” He cried.  “I’m Joseph!  I’m your brother!  Does my father still live?”  I imagine that the whole house heard the gasps of the 11 men standing in the room with Joseph.  Their faces must have gone pale, especially Judah’s.  Surely his brother was about to get even with him, and everyone but Benjamin!  They knew it must be true, though.  It all began to make sense as they stood there while Joseph wept.  They remembered the food at the feast.  Benjamin got five times as much!  And they thought of how they had been seated in birth order, even though they didn’t tell anyone who was older or younger.  What must have seemed like hours passed, as they waited to hear what Joseph their brother was going to do to them.  When Joseph could speak a little more, he said “Please come near me” to his brothers.  They slowly, nervously stepped towards Joseph.

He said “I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold as a slave.  But don’t be sad, or angry with yourselves because you sold me.  God sent me to save your lives.  For two years there has been a terrible famine, but there are still five more years of famine to come.  There won’t be any food growing in the fields for those years.  God sent me before you to save you and your children, and your grandchildren.  It wasn’t you who sent me here.  It was God!  God has made me second in command to Pharaoh himself.  As ruler of all of Egypt I have been in charge of the food.”

I can just see the faces of the brothers change from fear into disbelief, then into wonder at what God had done!  Here their prideful, spoiled little brother was, but he wasn’t prideful anymore!  He was giving God all the credit for putting him in charge.  Joseph’s father or mother had nothing to do with his important position.  He had been a slave and a prisoner!  The lowest of the low positions!  Joseph knew only God could have put him in power.

Joseph continued speaking with his brothers.  “Hurry and go back to my father.  Tell him “Your son Joseph says “God has made me ruler of all of Egypt.  Come to Egypt, and don’t delay!  You will live in the land of Goshen.  You will be near me.  Our family will all be together, fathers, mothers, children, and grandchildren.  Bring your herds and your possessions.  I will provide food and protection for you here.  There are still five years of famine, but you will survive here.”  Joseph then wrapped his arms around Benjamin and wept on his neck.  And Benjamin wept with him.  They were overjoyed to be reunited again!  Then, one by one, Joseph hugged and cried with all of his brothers.  I imagine they all began talking at once!  They had so much to share with each other!  They used to be enemies, but now they were true brothers.  God had healed their family.  Just like any other family, they still weren’t perfect, but now they had real fellowship.  They told each other about their wives, children and grandchildren.  They listened closely as Joseph told about all he had been through, and how God blessed and helped him through it all.  God was truly glorified.

Word got back to Pharaoh of what was going on at Joseph’s house.  He sent for Joseph and said “I am so happy for you!  We all are here in my house!  You are finally together with your family!  Tell your brothers to bring your father and all their households to Egypt.  I will give you all the best that Egypt has to offer.  Take carts with you for the children and women to ride in.  Don’t worry about your possessions, because the best Egypt has to offer is yours!”

So, Joseph sent the brothers away with carts and food for the trip to Canaan, and the return trip to Egypt.  He said “Make sure you don’t get sidetracked along the way.  Come straight back!”  He remembered his brothers had a tendency to go places they should not go.  He reminded them it was important to hurry.  When the brothers arrived, I imagine one of the brothers rushed in to their fathers tent and blurted out “Joseph is alive!  He is governor of all of Egypt!”  Jacob’s heart sank into his stomach.  He thought his sons were playing a mean trick on him.  The brothers all came in and told him all about Joseph being Zaphnath-Paaneah.  Even Benjamin said it was so.  Then Jacob’s heart must have felt like it was flying out of his chest!  His son was alive!  He said “I am satisfied!  My son is still alive, and I will go and see him before I die.

Isn’t God good?  He saved a whole family through a prideful, selfish son.  God had to change that son and teach him how to be a leader.  But if it wasn’t for God using Joseph, his whole family would have died of hunger in the famine.  And that would have been the end of the promised Savior to come!  But God is faithful to keep his promises.  He saved Jacob and Joseph’s family from death, and used that family to bring us Jesus, the Son of God, who was born into that family so many years later.  If you put your faith in Jesus, he will save you!  If you have any questions about how to be saved, speak to me after the lesson.

Let’s pray and thank God for His goodness!