Joseph 2: The Supervisor

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 37: 12-24

“Joseph!  Come here!” said Jacob.

“What is it, Father?” asked Joseph.

“Your brothers are all in the fields near Shechem feeding the flocks.  Go and make sure everything is all right.  Tell me if they are keeping out of trouble.” Jacob commanded.

“I’ll go right away, Father.” And so, Joseph prepared himself for a long walk.  Shechem was about 50 miles away!  He had better take something to eat and drink with him.  If he walked quickly, it might take him 16 hours to get there. 

Joseph set out on his walk, probably feeling very proud of himself. [Visual 1.1]  First, his father had given him a special coat with beautiful colors and decorations.  Now his father was trusting him to be the supervisor to his 10 older brothers!  He was a very important person, indeed.  He had lots of time to think on his walk, and I’m sure he thought about the two dreams he had.  [Visual 1.2] “Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have everyone bow down to ME?!  Even my father and stepmother Bilhah.  (Bilhah probably took care of Joseph and Benjamin after their mother Rachel died.)  I will surely be the most important person ever!”  I imagine some of his thoughts sounded like this.

Joseph finally arrived at the fields of Shechem, where his brothers had gone to feed and water the herds of their father.  He looked for them but didn’t see anybody.  There were no large flocks around, either.  He looked, and looked, but couldn’t find his brothers. 

“Hey!  Young man, what are you looking for?  Did you lose something out here?”

There was a man who probably lived in Shechem who was walking by when he saw the teenager.  It was obvious he was looking for something or someone.

Joseph replied “I’m looking for my brothers, the sons of Israel, also known as Jacob.  They have a large flock with them.  Have you seen them?”

“Oh!  Yes!  There were out in these fields the other day, but I heard one of them say that they should go to the fields of Dothan.  They were headed that way last time I saw them.” Said the man.

Joseph must have been annoyed.  He had walked all day, and now he had to walk another 15 miles!  That would take about another 5 hours!  I’m sure he began thinking things like “I’m going to give those guys a piece of my mind!  They were supposed to be in Shechem, but instead they decided to move to other fields.  They didn’t ask me, or my father if they could move.  I’m going to chew them out good when I see them!”

I am sure Joseph had to stop and rest for the night, and then set out again the next morning.  As he came over the top of a hill, he saw a very large flock, with several men looking after them.  He couldn’t see their faces yet, but he knew it was his 10 older brothers.  He waved to let them know he was coming to them.  [Visual 2.1]

“Look!  It looks like our little brother.  The “lord of the dreams”.” Sneered Simeon.

“Ugh.  What is HE doing here?  We were having such a nice morning until he came along…” said Levi.

“I can’t STAND that little brat!” said Issachar.

“Let’s kill him!” shouted Judah.  “No one is around.  We can do what we want, and no one will know!”

“YEAH!” cried Zebulun.  “Let’s do it!” said Dan.  “I’M IN!” shouted Naphtali.

“We can kill him and dump his body in this empty well.  That will teach that little “lord of the dreams”.  We can say a wild animal killed him and ate him!” Naphtali finished.

Judah chimed in “Ha!  Let’s see what happens to his precious dreams after he is dead!”

They all agreed, except one brother.  Reuben said “Nooo…let’s not kill him.  That wouldn’t do us any good.  Look, we will take him and put him in the well for now, while we figure out what to do with him.”  Reuben was the oldest and felt responsible for protecting all of his brothers.  Even Joseph.  Reuben’s secret plan was to go back and get Joseph out of the well and take him back home to his father.  He finally convinced them not to kill Joseph, just in time for Joseph to arrive at the flocks.  As Joseph began to greet his brothers, they surrounded him.  “Get him, boys!” said Judah.  They grabbed Joseph and tore his beautiful coat off of him.  “Hey!  Let that go!  It’s the coat father gave me!” cried Joseph.  “What’s going on?  Let me go!”

“Shut up, kid!” said Levi.  “You’re going in this well to think about your precious dreams.  Let’s see them help you now!  If you think I’m bowing down to you, you’ve been greatly mistaken!”  [Visual 2.2]

Joseph cried out in pain as he hit the floor of the dry well pit.  He pleaded for his brothers to let him out.  “I’m sorry!  I’ll do whatever you want!  Just get me out of here!”  The light was quickly leaving the small well pit, as his brothers covered it with the large covering.  Soon it was dark and quiet.  Joseph screamed and cried.  He began to sob in freight.  What was going to happen to him?  How was he going to get out of this?  He knew his brothers didn’t like him, but did they hate him enough to kill him?!

I can only imagine that Joseph began to pray to God when he realized his brothers were ignoring his pleas.  Would God help him? 

Come back next week to find out!

When we go through scary situations, the first person we should cry out to is God.  Not Dad, Mom, or teachers.  Not brothers or sisters.  Not even best friends.  God is the One who can help us.  He can give us peace.  Let’s pray and ask God to help us remember to always talk to HIM first in our troubles.