Joseph 5: The Slave is Tempted

This lesson is compatible with the "Joseph" Flash-A-Cards from Abeka Books.  

Scripture References: Genesis 39:1-23

“Joseph, go out to the fields and work in the crops of wheat.  If you don’t work quickly, you will be beaten!  If the wheat dies, you will also be beaten!”

I imagine Potiphar gave Joseph a job in the fields, as he was new to his house.  He would have a difficult job, first, as he was a young slave, and stronger than the older slaves.  He would also be the least important slave as the newcomer.  No one would care much if he got hurt or sick.  They wouldn’t worry if he got a bad sunburn, or if he was dehydrated being in the hot Egyptian sun all day.  No one knew him, anyway.  He wasn’t from around there.  He grew up in a different country and culture.  The other slaves probably thought he was strange and didn’t want to be friendly to him at first.  I am POSITIVE that Joseph had a lot to complain about in his new home.  But he didn’t complain.  He didn’t go around with his head hanging down.  He didn’t sigh with annoyance every time Potiphar or his servants told him what to do.  He worked hard.  And he trusted God.  He kept reminding himself of how God promised to use his family to bless the whole world.  He kept thinking about the one God promised to send to pay for all the sins of the world.  What would he be like?  When would he come?  Would he ever get to meet him?

While he thought about these good things, he worked.  And the bible tells us that God blessed his work!  The other slaves began to notice that Joseph was different.  He seemed to be successful in every work he was given!  First, the wheat grew the best it had ever grown in Potiphar’s fields!  Then, the head servant probably gave Joseph a new job.  “Joseph, you are in charge of the cleaning crew.  Make sure the laundry is all done by the end of the day, or you will be beaten!”  There was a LOT of laundry!  The Egyptians practiced very good hygiene, and they washed themselves often.  They also put on clean clothes after they bathed.  Not only did Potiphar and his wife live in that big house, but the cooks, maids, house servants, field slaves, and the keepers of the animals lived there.  Also, there was a prison for the political prisoners of the Pharaoh!  That was a LOT of laundry to do!  I imagine Joseph prayed for God’s help every day since arriving.  And now, even more as each new task was given him.  God helped Joseph and the other laundry workers finish the laundry!  The head servant was amazed! 

“Master, oh wise Potiphar, there is a new slave who is doing a very good job.  Maybe he would be a good one to put in charge of a more important task in your vast household.” He told his master.

“Show me this slave and tell me about what he has done in my house.” Said Potiphar.

When he found out about Joseph’s hard work, he decided to give him another job, and he would personally pay attention to how well Joseph was working.

“Joseph, the master wants you to be in charge of the horses, camels, and donkeys.  Make sure the slaves are caring for them and giving them enough to eat.  If something happens to the animals, you will be held responsible!” said the head servant.

Joseph prayed for God to help him again.  And God helped him!  Under Joseph’s care the animals were the healthiest they had ever been.  The camels could carry more, and donkeys could pull more carts, and the horses could run faster.  Even more, Joseph had a way of working with the other slaves and servants.  They used to fight amongst themselves all the time, arguing like brothers and sisters argue.  But Joseph could calm them down faster than anyone else!  He had such a nice way of speaking to everyone.  They all respected him and obeyed him.

Potiphar was impressed!  He moved Joseph to another area.  Joseph improved the new area, getting people to work harder and faster, and calming the fighting and arguing.

Potiphar noticed that Joseph worshiped a different God than the many Egyptian gods.  He probably heard Joseph praying to God now and then, as well.  He began to notice that  God was actually blessing his whole house because of Joseph.  Potiphar had an idea!  “If Joseph does such a good job in one area at a time, what will happen if I put him in charge of my whole house?!” he thought. 

“Joseph!  I have seen your hard work.  I know you serve your God well, and God blesses you.  Now, you will be in charge of my house.  I will trust you with everything.  No one will be more important in this house, except me.  You will be in charge of the fields, the animals, the kitchen, the housekeeping, and the money.  I don’t want to have to worry about anything, so you will run everything.  Do what you want, just make sure I have good food to eat at mealtimes.”

Wow!  Joseph began as a spoiled child, then he became a lowly slave, the lowest in the house.  Now he was the second most important person in the large household!  He was the slave master now!  Potiphar trusted him so much, the bible says he didn’t even know how much food was in the barn, how much money was in the safe, or how many animals he had!  All he knew was that at the end of a long day working for Pharaoh, he could come home and have a nice meal, a hot bath, and a comfortable bed. 

Joseph was happy with no problems any more…

That is what you would think!  But he had a BIG problem!

Joseph was a very handsome young man now.  Remember his mother Rachel?  She was a very beautiful woman.  Joseph inherited his mother’s good looks!  And someone in Potiphar’s house noticed.  It was Potiphar’s wife!  She would have been a beautiful woman, as well.  A man like Potiphar was rich and powerful.  He could have married any woman he wanted, so I am sure he chose the most beautiful woman he could find.  She was home all day while her husband was working for Pharaoh.  And she had noticed the young slave long ago. 

“Who is that slave?  Tell me about him.” She asked her maid.  “Oh, that is Joseph.  He from Canaan.  He is a very hard worker.  He keeps getting promotions in the house for his hard work.” The maid replied.

Potiphar’s wife was smitten with Joseph.  One day, when no one was nearby to hear, she stepped up to Joseph and whispered in his ear “Joseph, come with me to my room.  I want you to lie in bed with me.”

Joseph was shocked!  “Oh, no!  I can’t do that.  You are Potiphar’s wife.  He trusts me with everything he has.  I can’t betray him.  And even worse, I cannot sin against God in this way.  It is wrong, and I won’t do it.” 

She walked away very disappointed.  But the next day, she tried again. 

Joseph’s reply was the same.  She was determined, though.  Every day she found Joseph alone and told him to lie in bed with her.  Every day Joseph said it was a sin against God, and he couldn’t do it. 

Don’t think this was easy for Joseph.  Potiphar’s wife was very beautiful.  She wore beautiful clothes.  She put on the best perfumes and smelled very sweet.  She whispered in his ear how handsome and wonderful he was.  It was a temptation for Joseph.  I imagine there was a part of him that wanted to lie in bed with her.  But he prayed for help, and reminded himself that it was sin, and he didn’t want to disobey God in this.  He reminded himself that God loved him and was going to send someone to die for his sins someday.  God helped him resist the temptation every day.

Potiphar’s wife was more and more frustrated she wasn’t’ getting her way.  She was used to getting whatever she wanted.  She was rich and beautiful!  She more than likely had already convinced other slave men to lie in her bed.  But this Joseph was stubborn!

She made a plan and thought “Joseph will do what I say, or he will be sorry!”

The next day she waited until all the men were working outside.  She quickly put on her prettiest dress, sprayed her nicest perfume, and put on her prettiest shade of lipstick.  She found Joseph alone in the house and grabbed his shirt.  “Joseph, lie in bed with me!” 

Joseph knew he was in trouble!  She looked nicer than he had ever seen her.  She smelled so sweet.  But he didn’t want to sin.  So, Joseph ran away from her as fast as he could!  He ran straight outside the house.  He didn’t even want to be anywhere near her!

She was furious!  How dare he run away from her!  She looked down and noticed that she was still holding on to his shirt!  She yelled as loud as she could “HEEEEEELP!  HELP ME!”

The men who were working outside came running in.  “What happened ma’am?”

Potiphar’s wife began to cry fake tears.  “Look!  My husband has brought in a horrible Hebrew slave to ruin our lives!  Joseph came into the room and grabbed me.  He tried to lie in bed with me, but when I began to scream for help, he ran away.  Look!  I have his shirt right here to prove it!”

The men were confused!  It sure didn’t sound like Joseph.  And since he was in charge, there was nothing they could do. 

Potiphar’s wife held onto the shirt until her husband came home, so she could tell the story to him.  I am sure by that time she was able to think of more to add to her story of lies.

Potiphar was furious!  “Bring me Joseph!  RIGHT NOW!” he yelled.

Will God help Joseph out of this mess?  Come back next week to find out!

Let’s ask God to help us when we are tempted.  God can help us say “NO” to sin, just as He helped Joseph.